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Old 10-05-2017, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Obviously Lazy / Stupid Obamma did not get the job done...his party lost control of congress due to non performance...maybe Obamma should have shut off their internet.

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And in the last 9 months, what has YOUR party accomplished? Are you tired of all that winning?
Old 10-05-2017, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And in the last 9 months, what has YOUR party accomplished? Are you tired of all that winning?
Not to butt into your discussion, but I guess this is an open forum. What has the new majority accomplished, you ask? I recently saw a pretty extensive list of accomplishments, most of them being to undo a lot of the last administrations restrictions. But, you do make a good point. In my opinion, when congress does nothing, it is better than producing a lot of hindering regulations and restricting laws. I would have to say that we are better off when congress does NOTHING.

We could also ask what was so great about what was done in the last 8 years? A lot of scandals that we do not need to rehash. I have to admit that it was good of Obama to continue Bush's drone program. It did rid the world of some high ranking terrorists. I just wish that Obama would have restrained himself from interfering in local incidents. Bush stayed out of most of the petty stuff, and I wish Obama would have. But, because of his lack of understanding and his seeming racial bias, he did cause a lot of racial divide, whether he meant it or not. As a matter of fact, this NFL thing started from actions in the last administration. I am sure that it was not intentional and that the divisiveness is due to President Obama's lack of experience. He probably should have spent some time in D.C. in the Senate before running for the top position in the country. At least more than the couple years he spent making "no votes" or "present" during votes on bills.
Old 10-05-2017, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Not to butt into your discussion, but I guess this is an open forum. What has the new majority accomplished, you ask? I recently saw a pretty extensive list of accomplishments, most of them being to undo a lot of the last administrations restrictions. But, you do make a good point. In my opinion, when congress does nothing, it is better than producing a lot of hindering regulations and restricting laws. I would have to say that we are better off when congress does NOTHING.

We could also ask what was so great about what was done in the last 8 years? A lot of scandals that we do not need to rehash. I have to admit that it was good of Obama to continue Bush's drone program. It did rid the world of some high ranking terrorists. I just wish that Obama would have restrained himself from interfering in local incidents. Bush stayed out of most of the petty stuff, and I wish Obama would have. But, because of his lack of understanding and his seeming racial bias, he did cause a lot of racial divide, whether he meant it or not. As a matter of fact, this NFL thing started from actions in the last administration. I am sure that it was not intentional and that the divisiveness is due to President Obama's lack of experience. He probably should have spent some time in D.C. in the Senate before running for the top position in the country. At least more than the couple years he spent making "no votes" or "present" during votes on bills.
You refer to Executive Orders...period. All will be reversed as soon as a Democrat is in office. They require nothing but someone to type them up.

Let's discuss the health care fiasco. He likes to blame McCain (while mimicking and mocking his POW injury) but facts is thevPresident was absent in this fight. After all the years of GOP insistence and his promises, you might think an incoming President would stay in Washington and WORK instead of hitting the road to campaign as he did a number of times. Election is over...time to govern and he is campaigning.

He has done nothing and actually has set us back. Foreign relations are a mess as he PUBLICLY differs with the Secy of state, and defense Secy. He has embarrassed us by attacking the mayor of LONDON, PUBLICALLY WHILE THAT CITY WAS UNDER TERRORIST ATTACK, and of course did the same thing in Puerto Rico (not withstanding the paper towel act he put on). He has tweeted to divide, not bring together.

I could go on, but the damage to our nations credibility is sufficient for concern.

And ignoring is all that can be done with your comments on OBama...standard defense for Trump is mention OBama or Clinton or blame the press. Prefictable
Old 10-05-2017, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockface View Post

And ignoring is all that can be done with your comments on OBama...standard defense for Trump is mention OBama or Clinton or blame the press. Prefictable
Standard attack for Trump is whine about all the crap the media has presented an opinion of. No they have no facts, just hearsay that is published like it is fact and drama queen liberals like you eat it up.

You said nothing the last 8 years while this country was being divided, most likely you were too stupid to notice. Now you expect all to be fixed - yesterday.

You voted Dopey Smurf for stupid is that.

Where is spelling police Chi?? Rockface spelled "predictable" incorrectly, he needs to be told he was recipient of a poor education.

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Old 10-06-2017, 08:15 PM
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Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigators met this past summer with the former British spy whose dossier on alleged Russian efforts to aid the Trump campaign spawned months of investigations that have hobbled the Trump administration. Information from Christopher Steele, a former MI-6 officer, could help investigators determine whether contacts between people associated with the Trump campaign and suspected Russian operatives broke any laws. The FBI and the US intelligence community last year took the Steele dossier more seriously than the agencies have publicly acknowledged. This contrasts with attempts by President Donald Trump and some lawmakers to discredit Steele and the memos he produced. US investigators have corroborated some aspects of the dossier, specifically that some of the communications among foreign nationals mentioned in the memos did actually take place. Steele was hired in the summer of 2016 by a Washington firm that was already collecting opposition research about Trump. The project was initially funded during the GOP primaries by anti-Trump Republicans, but Democrats started picking up the tab once Trump became the presumptive nominee in the spring. Intelligence agencies fear that if the dossier allegations were made public, the intelligence community would have to say which parts it had corroborated and how. That would compromise sources and methods, including information shared by foreign intelligence services, intelligence officials believe. Since the dossier surfaced, nine Russians believed to be sources have "mysteriously" died in Russia. Nine months, nine prominent Russians dead - CNN
Old 10-06-2017, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by mellincf View Post
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigators met this past summer with the former British spy whose dossier on alleged Russian efforts to aid the Trump campaign spawned months of investigations that have hobbled the Trump administration. Information from Christopher Steele, a former MI-6 officer, could help investigators determine whether contacts between people associated with the Trump campaign and suspected Russian operatives broke any laws. The FBI and the US intelligence community last year took the Steele dossier more seriously than the agencies have publicly acknowledged. This contrasts with attempts by President Donald Trump and some lawmakers to discredit Steele and the memos he produced. US investigators have corroborated some aspects of the dossier, specifically that some of the communications among foreign nationals mentioned in the memos did actually take place. Steele was hired in the summer of 2016 by a Washington firm that was already collecting opposition research about Trump. The project was initially funded during the GOP primaries by anti-Trump Republicans, but Democrats started picking up the tab once Trump became the presumptive nominee in the spring. Intelligence agencies fear that if the dossier allegations were made public, the intelligence community would have to say which parts it had corroborated and how. That would compromise sources and methods, including information shared by foreign intelligence services, intelligence officials believe. Since the dossier surfaced, nine Russians believed to be sources have "mysteriously" died in Russia. Nine months, nine prominent Russians dead - CNN
If you break up your thoughts with proper paragraph spacing it might at least appear to be coherent.
Old 10-07-2017, 01:42 PM
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Default 7 Oct Email from Senator Burr

"Senate Intelligence Committee Update on Russian Inquiry

This week, I provided an update on the status of the Senate Intelligence Committee's inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections. To date, the committee has spent more than 250 hours interviewing more than 100 individuals (which generated 4,000 transcript pages), with plans to speak with 25 more individuals by the end of October. Our staff has reviewed over 100,000 pages of documents, which equates to 80 plus copies of Tolstoy’s War and Peace. The Committee has also held 11 public hearings that addressed the Russia threat.

While we have learned that the election systems of 21 states were subject to cyber-attacks, the Committee can say with certainty that the vote counts were in no way affected.

The investigation is still ongoing, and the Committee looks forward to completing its work in a timely fashion. While we cannot precisely or responsibly set a specific date, the Vice Chairman of the Committee and I agree that we need to complete our work before the 2018 election cycle gets under way. Until that time, we will refrain from coming to any conclusions prematurely. The Vice Chairman and I are committed to conducting this investigation in a professional and bipartisan manner and are willing to listen to anyone who has information to offer. Rest assured, the American people will have answers when our work here is done."
Old 10-07-2017, 02:20 PM
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Nobody is really saying vote counts were physically affected. The question is, how much did Russian propaganda convince people that Hillary was "crooked" or that her emails were nefarious? Little has been made of the fact that Trump had a server directly connected to a Russian bank, but a lot was made of Hillary's server in her basement. I notice also that little is said about emails since Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have recently been caught using their private email servers for government business.
The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email - The Atlantic

FBI Investigation of Russian Bank's Link With Trump Organization's Server Ongoing: Report
Old 10-07-2017, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Nobody is really saying vote counts were physically affected. The question is, how much did Russian propaganda convince people that Hillary was "crooked" or that her emails were nefarious? Little has been made of the fact that Trump had a server directly connected to a Russian bank, but a lot was made of Hillary's server in her basement. I notice also that little is said about emails since Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have recently been caught using their private email servers for government business.
The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email - The Atlantic

FBI Investigation of Russian Bank's Link With Trump Organization's Server Ongoing: Report
I have never ever heard that even alleged. That statement about no votes being changed has been a normal part of all releases to the press, and it has never been challanged.

The report is, according to my reading, speculate they were trying and that is the next step if we do not stop
Old 10-07-2017, 03:16 PM
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Old 10-07-2017, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Nobody is really saying vote counts were physically affected. The question is, how much did Russian propaganda convince people that Hillary was "crooked" or that her emails were nefarious? Little has been made of the fact that Trump had a server directly connected to a Russian bank, but a lot was made of Hillary's server in her basement. I notice also that little is said about emails since Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have recently been caught using their private email servers for government business.
The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email - The Atlantic

FBI Investigation of Russian Bank's Link With Trump Organization's Server Ongoing: Report
Meanwhile, I am not sure if you have reported on the "Trump dossier" but it appears to be staying alive.

Kim Strassel of the WSJ, a strong Trump advocate (she loved Sara Palin) keeps hinting that she thinks the FBI erred with this report for some unstated reason (ONLY thing I hear is it passed from UK).

Anyway, it keeps resurfacing and now is getting more and more attention by the committee....

"Nine months after the publication of an explosive and salacious dossier detailing allegations of collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia, its claims—though largely unverified and vehemently denied by those involved—are the subject of intense scrutiny. Indeed, the investigation into the document compiled by a former British intelligence operative, Christopher Steele, has only increased in scale.

According to reports in recent days, not only has the investigation of the document been turned over to the man leading the Trump-Russia probe, but Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team recently met with Steele. Trump may have called it “totally made-up facts by sleazebag political operatives,” but it is clear it is not going anywhere anytime soon, and continue to plays an important role in the wider investigation into allegations concerning Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. "

Here’s What the 'Golden Shower' Dossier Now Being Investigated by Mueller Claims About Trump and Russia
Old 10-08-2017, 04:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Meanwhile, I am not sure if you have reported on the "Trump dossier" but it appears to be staying alive.

Kim Strassel of the WSJ, a strong Trump advocate (she loved Sara Palin) keeps hinting that she thinks the FBI erred with this report for some unstated reason (ONLY thing I hear is it passed from UK).

Anyway, it keeps resurfacing and now is getting more and more attention by the committee....

"Nine months after the publication of an explosive and salacious dossier detailing allegations of collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia, its claims—though largely unverified and vehemently denied by those involved—are the subject of intense scrutiny. Indeed, the investigation into the document compiled by a former British intelligence operative, Christopher Steele, has only increased in scale.

According to reports in recent days, not only has the investigation of the document been turned over to the man leading the Trump-Russia probe, but Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team recently met with Steele. Trump may have called it “totally made-up facts by sleazebag political operatives,” but it is clear it is not going anywhere anytime soon, and continue to plays an important role in the wider investigation into allegations concerning Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. "

Here’s What the 'Golden Shower' Dossier Now Being Investigated by Mueller Claims About Trump and Russia

That dossier is about as relevant as Obama snorting a kilo of coke up his nose when he was in college. The difference is that Obama admits his felony in his book.
Old 10-08-2017, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That dossier is about as relevant as Obama snorting a kilo of coke up his nose when he was in college. The difference is that Obama admits his felony in his book.
They don't care...if someone is "one of them", they can do anything...and it doesn't matter.

How many liberals do you think read Obama's books BEFORE they voted for him?
Old 10-08-2017, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
They don't care...if someone is "one of them", they can do anything...and it doesn't matter.

How many liberals do you think read Obama's books BEFORE they voted for him?
That was a trick question, right? Everyone knows that Liberals only read the talking points that they are given. Well, I guess some of them "listen" to the liberal talking points, rather than reading. Liberals are inherently lazy. That's why so many of them are needy and require assistance from the rich, via income redistribution by the government.
Old 10-10-2017, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Meanwhile, I am not sure if you have reported on the "Trump dossier" but it appears to be staying alive.

Kim Strassel of the WSJ, a strong Trump advocate (she loved Sara Palin) keeps hinting that she thinks the FBI erred with this report for some unstated reason (ONLY thing I hear is it passed from UK).

Anyway, it keeps resurfacing and now is getting more and more attention by the committee....

"Nine months after the publication of an explosive and salacious dossier detailing allegations of collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia, its claims—though largely unverified and vehemently denied by those involved—are the subject of intense scrutiny. Indeed, the investigation into the document compiled by a former British intelligence operative, Christopher Steele, has only increased in scale.

According to reports in recent days, not only has the investigation of the document been turned over to the man leading the Trump-Russia probe, but Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team recently met with Steele. Trump may have called it “totally made-up facts by sleazebag political operatives,” but it is clear it is not going anywhere anytime soon, and continue to plays an important role in the wider investigation into allegations concerning Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. "

Here’s What the 'Golden Shower' Dossier Now Being Investigated by Mueller Claims About Trump and Russia
The chairman of the House intelligence committee has issued subpoenas to the partners who run Fusion GPS, the research firm that produced the dossier of memos on alleged Russian efforts to aid the Trump campaign, according to sources briefed on the matter.

The subpoenas -- signed by California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes -- were issued Oct. 4, demanding documents and testimony later this month and early November. Also interesting is the fact that nine Russians who contributed information to the dossier have already died "mysteriously" in Moscow. That's a lot for a "fake". Nine months, nine prominent Russians dead - CNN

trump, russian, emails, cohen, investigation

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