Manipulating selfish-greed into Patriotism

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Old 10-04-2009, 09:42 PM
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Default Manipulating selfish-greed into Patriotism

Only a short look at the great PBS series "National Parks" explains decades of self-serving individuals attempting to wrap themselves in the American flag. Rather than look to the national legacy of those who follow after them, hyper-greedy Capitalism-is God types- just like the tea-******* and me-first
thugs of today felt the Federal Government's intrusion into protecting what would become our great national parks was an "affront" to their "American"
way of life.

Sound familiar? It should:

These me first anti-Americans didn't get angry mad when the Supreme
Court made an unprecendented intrusion in to the electoral practices of our nation to stop a legal recount, and then appointed a President by political means. In fact, they cheered the right-wing's bussed-in Blue-shirts who stormed the board of elections, frightening honest American citizens whose only purpose being there was to insure our constitutional legacy.

These me-first anti-Americans didn't get enraged, or even make a peep, when the Haliburton Chief exec not only refused to excuse himself for conflict-of-interest in our energy policy, they actually cheered that U.S. energy policy would be determined by executives who cared for not for their nation, but rather only by those who stood to gain unchecked profits.

These me-first Anti Americans are not angry that the (4-time Supreme Court ruled) un-Constitutional policies of secret surveillance and wiretaps didn't stop when legally ordered to do so. In fact they cheered when Gonsalez, Miers and others sworn to uphold the constitutional threw dung at those charged with upholding the laws of this Land.

Yes these same traitorous people said not a peep when top government officials released the name of a covert CIA operative was revealed in punishment for a politically embarrassing report that showed the President of the United States lied to the American People.

These "fiscally-responsible" treasonous individuals didn't get upset when we spend over nearly 1 trillion dollars (and counting) on Iraq War, but then criticized as "traitorous", Defense and government officials who openly challenged the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld claim that Iraq would last only weeks and cost no more than 125 million dollars.

These "right"-minded individuals seemed unfazed when tens-of-billions of taxpayer dollars were embezzled or mispent, or actually caused the death of hundreds of American soldiers channeled through Halliburton, KBR, Blackstone and others, but seem rabid over far lesser amounts being embezzled and mis-spent over ACORN's lawbreaking. I'm not defending ACORN, but how many of your sons & daughters killed by faulty body-armor, sub-par tank-armament, bad electrical wiring, etc. were killed by ACORN?

These treason-minded Americans seem happy to allow the Saudi government and the Bin Laden family to get a pass rather than to offend the Bush Administration. Never mind that the Bush family PERSONALLY received tens of milllions of dollars from the House of Saud and the Bin Ladens. God bless American Capitalism. eh boys?

These "me-first" anti-Americans didn't make much noise when the horrible
conditions at Walter Reed were exposed. In fact, rather than honestly acknowledge that Walter Reed is run by THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, not the VA. "Becker's-Peckers" use the scandal to blame the inefficiency of the (ahem) GOVERMENT RUN (SOCIALIST) VA.

Barely a peep from the "me-first" Americans the "heck of a job Bushie" government let New Orleans drown despite many years of warnings about the levee systems. Oh, let's just blame that on Clinton and Obama, Shall we? It's more a case of dittoheads inability to see the difference between black & white--or is it only seeing white & black?

Ah, but the me-first, "keep government out of my life and pocketbook" anti-Americans are the first to get angry when America FINALLY tries to care for its people 's health not based on their material wealth or "pre-existing" health issues. Pregnancy is a "pre-existing condition;" your mother's diabetes is YOUR "pre-existing condition;" your (maximium) six month self-employed health insurance policy does not recognize "pre-existing" conditions- in other words, if you were sick prior to the six months of your policy with, say, cancer, or thyroid, or lung disease,or say breathing, your pre-existing condition is not covered by your new policy.

So now we have Becker's-peckers calling out for, or threatening, "violent revolution" or coup d'etats- both things that characterize self-serving interests of the few versus the overwhelming benefits of the majority- and the wishes of the electorate.

Citing "Town Hall Meeting" thuggery PLEASE! I could get six people to stand up at Mass and scream that the Pope is a drag-queen- it doesn't make it so, and it certainly doesn't mean that "vast majorities" of people believe it either.

Tonight's moment of Zen: DKLCLAUSSEN "9/11 occurred on the Clinton Watch ...and Pearl Harbor occurred while Lincoln was at the theater."
Old 10-04-2009, 10:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Default speechless...

i am not trying to be nasty but your ideas boggle my mind....
Old 10-04-2009, 10:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Do I hear the sounds of a trolling motor!!!!

Or could it be chumming the forum?

Old 10-04-2009, 11:35 PM
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Old 10-05-2009, 01:04 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
stuff deleted
You must wake up in a very sad world every morning. Hate begets hate and is very unhealthy. You have my sympathies.

Old 10-05-2009, 06:51 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Socialist

You may not realize it but you may very well be a Socialist. You may be more comfortable if you give all your hard earned money away to the poor unfortunates you espouse.
Old 10-05-2009, 07:13 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
Everyone is invited.

Feeling a bit lost in the Villages "mega-churches?" Are you looking for a small, welcoming parish where, "Everybody knows your name?" Come visit and worship with us! Eucharist on Sundays, 8 & 10 (choir). We have fellowship before, between and after services, and a sense of JOY permeates our congregation.

Our beautiful, historic chapel, c. 1888, brings you back to that little church you remember somewhere in your past, but our faith is grounded in The Episcopal Church and guided by the tolerance and search for truth in both tradition and in the present world. We use Rite II for both services.


We'd love to see you.
You attack those who embrace alternate ideologies with words and phrases like Un-American...Traitors... Treasonous... "Becker's-Peckers"...Thugs.... Why?..............because you disagree with conservative patriots including many on this board who have served their country when called?

Is the conservative belief in freedom and liberty a problem? ....Is the conservative belief in less government intrusion into our daily lives a problem? Is the conservative belief in a strong national defense an issue? Do you criticize us because we support adherence to the founding principles embodied in the Constitution and oppose legislating from the bench?

Are you the same ptownrob who posted the above cited warm, fuzzy invite to your church where joy permeates and where tolerance guides the search for truth?

Perhaps someone hijacked your screen name.

However, if your posts are intended to offend......mission accomplished....they do. The vitriol, hate, hostility, intolerance and contempt that permeate your latest posts seem inconsistent with the warm, tolerant tone you projected in your early posting entries.

I like the other guy better.
Old 10-05-2009, 08:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default On Missing the Point

CABO35 writes "Is the conservative belief in freedom and liberty a problem? ....Is the conservative belief in less government intrusion into our daily lives a problem? Is the conservative belief in a strong national defense an issue? Do you criticize us because we support adherence to the founding principles embodied in the Constitution and oppose legislating from the bench?"

Well, the problem is your belief in free and liberty is limited to those who think lie you or who are able to help you make as much profit off of others as possible. If they don't think like you, or look like you, or act like you, the implication and explication is "You're a traitor! you're anti-American! you're a socialist! you're anything I can throw on the wall and make stick!" Rush, Anne, Beckerhead, Angione and dear Ruthie Kelly would brag "damn straight!" about that- and they are your leaders until you say they aren't.

Conservatives don't belive in less government. Look at the movement to put the first NEGATIVE amendment into the Constitution since Prohibition was passed. pushed by the same type of self-named moralists as yourselves.

Was Terri Schiavo your idea of "less intrusive government"? How about the mis-named Patriot Act? Illegal Spying on U.S. citizens? The Bush signing statements and EO's to make FEMA the unchallengable and ultimate power under W. Himself whenever he chose to call a national emergency and create Martial Law?

Less intrusive? How about Cheney's declaration that he, as VP, is not subject to any article in the U.S. constitution. Or the shutting down of archiving under the FOIA bythe Executive. Is all this "less intrusive government?"

Perhaps the biggest lie of all is the crap you try to pass off as "strict constructionism" from the bench. Right-wing judges and the "four & half" majority of the Supreme Court has done nothing to keep their hands off of the established laws of this nation, or of 1000 years of jurisprudence under stare decisis. In fact Clarence Thomas and Anton Scalia have declared themselves as ideological conservatives who feel they can overturn any law that does not fit within their ideological framework.

CABO35, just because you claim the words of "freedom" "principles" "strong national (like 9/11 happening on the Bush-Bin Laden-Saud honeymoon-watch?) defense" doesn't mean the hundreds of millions of Americans who disgree with the Beckerhead mentality don't treasure those things legitimately, and even more strongly than you. And just because you guys somehow think a bald eagle wrapped in a flag gives you some magic patriotic power over everyone else's beliefs, doesn't mean it's true. All it means is you've mastered the ability to use Karl Rove's stated principle, founded on Goebbels and Orwell's genius: Turn your own biggest weakness into the fault of your enemy.
Old 10-05-2009, 09:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
You may not realize it but you may very well be a Socialist. You may be more comfortable if you give all your hard earned money away to the poor unfortunates you espouse.
I'd rather give money (and not involve our soldiers deaths) to the poor unfortunates in the good ol' USA rather than the Iraqis and other Arab nations that can't get their acts together. Talk about socialism, our government can't "social engineer" and solve the problems of these undemocratic countries in the Middle East. If it weren't for the oil we would never have set foot in this hell hole or considered them to be our allies.
Old 10-05-2009, 10:23 PM
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Default I wrap myself in the American Flag

Because I love the feeling of safety and security. What else is there to say?

Old 10-05-2009, 10:35 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
Well, the problem is your belief in free and liberty is limited to those who think lie you or who are able to help you make as much profit off of others as possible.
When you start your rant on a false premise as illustrated above, it cascades into meaningless drivel that only fills your need to stereotype individuals into your own perverted perceptions. Accordingly, your rush to judge others, jumping to false conclusions and engaging your keyboard before intelligent thought processes, excludes any contribution that is inconsistent with your own prejudices and mean spirited rhetoric.

In this case, your adamantly articulated presumption that I ever worked for profit is the false premise your bombastic response is based on. Ergo, the rest of your lengthy response is meaningless drivel. I never worked to "make as much profit off of others as possible" as you state. You said it with authority and conviction as if you know me, and you don't. I spent my entire working career (44 years) in military and government service. Sorry, no capitalistic profit motivation in the mix. In the interest of full disclosure, my mother was a Boston Democrat who worked on JFK's campaign and my father was a Goldwater Republican. It made for interesting table talk at family dinners and cultivated a tolerance of sorts, in my political metamorphosis. Although she was a Democrat, mom would have loved the irony of tea party protests.

You do have me pegged though. I am a proud, God fearing, flag waving, tea partying, troop supporting American.
Old 10-06-2009, 08:46 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
When you start your rant on a false premise as illustrated above, it cascades into meaningless drivel that only fills your need to stereotype individuals into your own perverted perceptions. Accordingly, your rush to judge others, jumping to false conclusions and engaging your keyboard before intelligent thought processes excludes any contribution that is inconsistent with your own prejudices and mean spirited rhetoric.

In this case, your adamantly articulated presumption that I ever worked for profit is the false premise your bombastic response is based on. Ergo, the rest of your lengthy response is meaningless drivel. I never worked to "make as much profit off of others as possible" as you state. You said it with authority and conviction as if you know me, and you don't. I spent my entire working career (44 years) in military and government service. Sorry, no capitalistic profit motivation in the mix. In the interest of full disclosure, my mother was a Boston Democrat who worked on JFK's campaign and my father was a Goldwater Republican. It made for interesting table talk at family dinners and cultivated a tolerance of sorts, in my political metamorphosis. Although she was a Democrat, mom would have loved the irony of tea party protests.

You do have me pegged though. I am a proud, God fearing, flag waving, tea partying, troop supporting American.
Here Here!
Old 10-06-2009, 05:03 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
When you start your rant on a false premise as illustrated above, it cascades into meaningless drivel that only fills your need to stereotype individuals into your own perverted perceptions. Accordingly, your rush to judge others, jumping to false conclusions and engaging your keyboard before intelligent thought processes, excludes any contribution that is inconsistent with your own prejudices and mean spirited rhetoric.

In this case, your adamantly articulated presumption that I ever worked for profit is the false premise your bombastic response is based on. Ergo, the rest of your lengthy response is meaningless drivel. I never worked to "make as much profit off of others as possible" as you state. You said it with authority and conviction as if you know me, and you don't. I spent my entire working career (44 years) in military and government service. Sorry, no capitalistic profit motivation in the mix. In the interest of full disclosure, my mother was a Boston Democrat who worked on JFK's campaign and my father was a Goldwater Republican. It made for interesting table talk at family dinners and cultivated a tolerance of sorts, in my political metamorphosis. Although she was a Democrat, mom would have loved the irony of tea party protests.

You do have me pegged though. I am a proud, God fearing, flag waving, tea partying, troop supporting American.
Bucco: You hit the nail on the head.
Btownrobjob, please check your medication.
Old 10-06-2009, 05:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Ah- A True Socialist

Gnu wrote: "I spent my entire working career (44 years) in military and government service."

Good to see that socialism is alive and well, because if I read this correctly, yoiu have depended on the government your entire working career to provide you with the comforts of life, and as you glide into retirement, my tax dollars will continue to provide for your retirement and health insurance.

Of course, I'm only exploiting the weakness of the "right's" circular logic here, gnu, because your work on the dole of uncle Sam was undoubtedly useful, as virtually all moderates and progressives would agree.

As has been said many times's only socialism when it doesn't provide a direct government benefit to me, me, me.
Old 10-06-2009, 06:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
Gnu wrote: "I spent my entire working career (44 years) in military and government service."

Good to see that socialism is alive and well, because if I read this correctly, yoiu have depended on the government your entire working career to provide you with the comforts of life, and as you glide into retirement, my tax dollars will continue to provide for your retirement and health insurance.

Of course, I'm only exploiting the weakness of the "right's" circular logic here, gnu, because your work on the dole of uncle Sam was undoubtedly useful, as virtually all moderates and progressives would agree.

As has been said many times's only socialism when it doesn't provide a direct government benefit to me, me, me.
I guess your medication isn't right as yet. I, GNU, didn't spend 44 years in govt. service. Try to figure out who your replying to, if you try hard you might get it right.

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