Michelle Obama violated election laws?

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Old 10-18-2010, 05:53 AM
Posts: n/a

Oh, gee, some truth might be coming out:


Although the story quickly became the headline on the Drudge Report and received significant attention in the media, the Illinois Board of Election told the Daily Caller Friday that, more than 24 hours after the event, there had been no official complaint.

Jim Allen, public information officer at CBE, noted that Fox News and other media outlets had taped Obama’s visit to the polling place and “nothing could be heard.”

He stated that it was Mr. Campbell who “initiated contact with Mrs. Obama not the other way around,” and added, “Electioneering is only punishable if someone is approaching voters, warned to move out of the election zone, and then persists.”

Therefore, if anybody violated the law, it would have been Campbell, the voter who approached the first lady, Allen suggested.
Though they DO mention there still COULD be a violation of a much broader law concerning *any* political discussion.
Old 10-18-2010, 08:49 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Whether true or false matters not. What matters is,

if it were true she violated the rules and is subject to the results.
As the First Lady, she and her staff are obligated to be informed of the rules of each state or country she visits.

Some things are truly black and white (no pun intended) which far too many people these days have a problem with, hence operating in way too many shades of gray which only benefit the offender.

If it is not true then it is a media whim, only because it is the media and Obama (either one).

Old 10-18-2010, 09:50 AM
Posts: n/a

My point is, technically true or not, that if this had been a prominent Republican it would have caused an uproar of indignation from the left with front page placement of stories by the like of Maureen Dowd and others of her ilk, and in fact, this story about the First Lady only received a bit of coverage by Drudge and virtually no "significant coverage", as alleged, in any major media. With the Libs and the Obama/Democrat shielding major media it's always "the seriousness of the charge" and not the evidence that push a story, except when it comes to one of "their own".

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