More bad news for Clinton....

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Old 07-12-2016, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"Diluted their population"-- Heil Hitler!!!
There you go...typical ignorant post.

Hitler was Germany, we were discussing Rome and how their expansion let to a dilution of their population with conquered peoples who had no loyalty to Rome...

But you just keep repeating the 3 or 4 phrases you know how to type.

We're heading down the same path only we've invited in people who hate us and want "their" lands back.
Old 07-12-2016, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
There you go...typical ignorant post.

Hitler was Germany, we were discussing Rome and how their expansion let to a dilution of their population with conquered peoples who had no loyalty to Rome...

But you just keep repeating the 3 or 4 phrases you know how to type.

We're heading down the same path only we've invited in people who hate us and want "their" lands back.
Help me understand what your attempting to say because your about as clear as mud. All Muslim's are terriost's or just bad or what? Do you want to send them somewhere else? Where? Are you wanting to send all Mexicans back to Mexico or just build a wall. How about all the rest of the Lantinos? Let's look at history. Maybe the Native Americans would like to send all of us who are European American back to Europe where our anchestey came from----yes.
Oh, what are you going to do about all the African Americans---ship them back to Africa? Who is left after all this shipping? What a plan.......
Old 07-12-2016, 02:35 PM
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It seems we have been down this same road before. When President Obama was running all the republicans did was try to get people to believe he wasn't an American and therefore couldn't be President. Did that work? Now Hillary should be put in Prison because she is a liar and traitor. Do you actually believe that is going to work? The electorate is a lot smarter than you give them credit. The fact is unless you cut the nonsense and start coming up with a way to eliminate the deficit and balance the budget, create new jobs, and increase the middle class incomes the GOP will definitely get Hillary elected just like they got Obama elected. People are tired of negative rhetoric and want some real answers and a real specific plan. It's not enough to say "elect me because the other person is bad and shouldn't be President". That plan didn't work before and won't work now.
Old 07-12-2016, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It seems we have been down this same road before. When President Obama was running all the republicans did was try to get people to believe he wasn't an American and therefore couldn't be President. Did that work? Now Hillary should be put in Prison because she is a liar and traitor. Do you actually believe that is going to work? The electorate is a lot smarter than you give them credit. The fact is unless you cut the nonsense and start coming up with a way to eliminate the deficit and balance the budget, create new jobs, and increase the middle class incomes the GOP will definitely get Hillary elected just like they got Obama elected. People are tired of negative rhetoric and want some real answers and a real specific plan. It's not enough to say "elect me because the other person is bad and shouldn't be President". That plan didn't work before and won't work now.
The Republican party is out of touch with the American voters and will lose another Presidency.
Old 07-12-2016, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The Republican party is out of touch with the American voters and will lose ano

ther Presidency.
If you represent the interest of the wealthy and that's only 1% and you represent some of the middle class and that's very small then who's left? What's left is finding out what people are afraid of and reminding them as often as possible and hope for the best. That doesn't always work. So the big spenders spend on getting congressman elected.

The other branch is congress. The leadership figured out a way to draw the lines in voting districts so minorities are grouped together and not more spread out as it was before.

Understanding Congressional Gerrymandering: 'It's Moneyball Applied To Politics'

Understanding Congressional Gerrymandering: 'It's Moneyball Applied To Politics' : NPR

David Daily wrote a book entitle Ratf**ked,
The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America's Democracy

The link takes you to an interview with the author. It's bad news for democrats.
Old 07-12-2016, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It seems we have been down this same road before. When President Obama was running all the republicans did was try to get people to believe he wasn't an American and therefore couldn't be President. Did that work? Now Hillary should be put in Prison because she is a liar and traitor. Do you actually believe that is going to work? The electorate is a lot smarter than you give them credit. The fact is unless you cut the nonsense and start coming up with a way to eliminate the deficit and balance the budget, create new jobs, and increase the middle class incomes the GOP will definitely get Hillary elected just like they got Obama elected. People are tired of negative rhetoric and want some real answers and a real specific plan. It's not enough to say "elect me because the other person is bad and shouldn't be President". That plan didn't work before and won't work now.
It you really believe that Hillary is innocent then you are retarded. Ask ANYONE that has worked for the gov, and especially anyone that has worked for the Dept of State in the last ten years and they will 100% agree that she broke the law, not once but multiple times. So, if you are the electorate, then you need to get your head out of the sand, because you are about as smart as a box of hair.
Old 07-12-2016, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It you really believe that Hillary is innocent then you are retarded. Ask ANYONE
At least that's a little funny and more interesting to read.
Old 07-12-2016, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
At least that's a little funny and more interesting to read.
De nada
Old 07-12-2016, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
NO, actually he did not do his job. As a former member of law enforcement, I could list a multitude of mistakes he made or deliberate miscarriage of justice he perpetrated by his lazy lack of investigation. There was enough information, just in his testimony to justify/mandate her indictment. I find it incredible that he proved that they had gotten to him, because he was not this corrupt in his past.

I also find you to be impossibly naive to accept a blatantly corrupt Hillary Clinton as your champion. It shows your total lack of integrity.

Democrats use the black issue for political gain only. Everyone knows that they could care less about any injustice, when they have a perfect example of corruption running for president from their party. If you wish to prove to the blacks that there is equal justice, then Hillary should be made to pay for her criminal activity. Of course, coming from the party of slavery, what could one expect.
I lack integrity. Now, that is funny. You are a former law enforcement officer, and you used your background to come to the conclusion that I lack integrity. You based your conclusion on what? I defended Comey's decision not to charge her. He lacks integrity in the eye's of people who think that only their views are correct.

That is what the Republicans at the hearing tried to jam down his throat. He would have none of it, and they all backed off. Have no fear, Fox News, the fair and balanced news organization, would do what they do best promote one side of an argument, and repeat it over and over like it was fact. Everyone that doesn't agree with them is either stupid, or mindless. They are lap dogs following their leader, where ever he/she takes them. Are you going to try to sell that Fox News is "fair and balanced"? Fox News has no idea what the word integrity means.

Hillary is my champion. Since everyone posts as guests, you have no idea, what my past posts were. I am a registered Republican, and Kasich was my man. As far as Hillary was concerned, I hope that charges were brought against her, but after the Democratic convention. I didn't want Bernie either. Hopefully, Hillary VP pick would be elevated to the Democratic presidential candidate. There was no way that Hillary was not going to get the nomination, if charges weren't brought against her.

On the Republican side, I hope that delegates become unbound. Trump is a complete and utter *******. He acts like a child with his name calling. He isn't fit to be president. He is out there being all things to all people. Again, he is a con man. I know I am hoping against hope, but I want Kasich to be the Republican nominee.

One more time, if it is Hillary against Trump, I will not be voting for president. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils, because an evil person is the last thing that we need as president.
Old 07-12-2016, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I lack integrity. Now, that is funny. You are a former law enforcement officer, and you used your background to come to the conclusion that I lack integrity. You based your conclusion on what? I defended Comey's decision not to charge her. He lacks integrity in the eye's of people who think that only their views are correct.

That is what the Republicans at the hearing tried to jam down his throat. He would have none of it, and they all backed off. Have no fear, Fox News, the fair and balanced news organization, would do what they do best promote one side of an argument, and repeat it over and over like it was fact. Everyone that doesn't agree with them is either stupid, or mindless. They are lap dogs following their leader, where ever he/she takes them. Are you going to try to sell that Fox News is "fair and balanced"? Fox News has no idea what the word integrity means.

Hillary is my champion. Since everyone posts as guests, you have no idea, what my past posts were. I am a registered Republican, and Kasich was my man. As far as Hillary was concerned, I hope that charges were brought against her, but after the Democratic convention. I didn't want Bernie either. Hopefully, Hillary VP pick would be elevated to the Democratic presidential candidate. There was no way that Hillary was not going to get the nomination, if charges weren't brought against her.

On the Republican side, I hope that delegates become unbound. Trump is a complete and utter *******. He acts like a child with his name calling. He isn't fit to be president. He is out there being all things to all people. Again, he is a con man. I know I am hoping against hope, but I want Kasich to be the Republican nominee.

One more time, if it is Hillary against Trump, I will not be voting for president. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils, because an evil person is the last thing that we need as president.
thank-you,,,I don't agree with everything you say but I think that you are an honorable man who has given a lot of thought in forming an opinion. I agree there is something about Kasich that makes me feel comfortable that he will think things out, listen to advisement and may be more centered. He is the most presidential candidate I have seen in a republican debate.
Old 07-13-2016, 02:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I lack integrity. Now, that is funny. You are a former law enforcement officer, and you used your background to come to the conclusion that I lack integrity. You based your conclusion on what? I defended Comey's decision not to charge her. He lacks integrity in the eye's of people who think that only their views are correct.

That is what the Republicans at the hearing tried to jam down his throat. He would have none of it, and they all backed off. Have no fear, Fox News, the fair and balanced news organization, would do what they do best promote one side of an argument, and repeat it over and over like it was fact. Everyone that doesn't agree with them is either stupid, or mindless. They are lap dogs following their leader, where ever he/she takes them. Are you going to try to sell that Fox News is "fair and balanced"? Fox News has no idea what the word integrity means.

Hillary is my champion. Since everyone posts as guests, you have no idea, what my past posts were. I am a registered Republican, and Kasich was my man. As far as Hillary was concerned, I hope that charges were brought against her, but after the Democratic convention. I didn't want Bernie either. Hopefully, Hillary VP pick would be elevated to the Democratic presidential candidate. There was no way that Hillary was not going to get the nomination, if charges weren't brought against her.

On the Republican side, I hope that delegates become unbound. Trump is a complete and utter *******. He acts like a child with his name calling. He isn't fit to be president. He is out there being all things to all people. Again, he is a con man. I know I am hoping against hope, but I want Kasich to be the Republican nominee.

One more time, if it is Hillary against Trump, I will not be voting for president. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils, because an evil person is the last thing that we need as president.
Sure, you're a "Republican." That is about as truthful as some of the garbage that comes out of Hillary's mouth. You have said this before, but NO Republican would vote for Hillary as corrupt as she is. I could go on but you are useless, if you really believe the cr@p you write. You aren't fooling anyone except maybe one liberal on here that will encourage you to vote libtard in Nov. At least be truthful to yourself.
Old 07-13-2016, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sure, you're a "Republican." That is about as truthful as some of the garbage that comes out of Hillary's mouth. You have said this before, but NO Republican would vote for Hillary as corrupt as she is. I could go on but you are useless, if you really believe the cr@p you write. You aren't fooling anyone except maybe one liberal on here that will encourage you to vote libtard in Nov. At least be truthful to yourself.
You win the prize for stupidity. Why would I try to fool you? You are complete an utter moron. No Republican would vote for Hillary! Have you checked the list of Republican senators, and representatives that have stated that they would for her. Why would you do that? Just because you live in a bubble doesn't mean everyone else does.

I am not voting for Hillary, and believe it or not I don't give a damn what you believe. You know what the truth is you are operating without a clue. You can't find your ass with both your hands. So, your opinions are worthless, and should be keep to yourself.
Old 07-13-2016, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You win the prize for stupidity. Why would I try to fool you? You are complete an utter moron. No Republican would vote for Hillary! Have you checked the list of Republican senators, and representatives that have stated that they would for her. Why would you do that? Just because you live in a bubble doesn't mean everyone else does.

I am not voting for Hillary, and believe it or not I don't give a damn what you believe. You know what the truth is you are operating without a clue. You can't find your ass with both your hands. So, your opinions are worthless, and should be keep to yourself.
And you are a contradiction to your own mind. Perhaps it is better that you remain silent and make people wonder, rather than speak out and leave no doubt.
Old 07-13-2016, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And you are a contradiction to your own mind. Perhaps it is better that you remain silent and make people wonder, rather than speak out and leave no doubt.
You sure embarrassed that anonymous guest by writing an anonymous put-down.
Old 07-13-2016, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And you are a contradiction to your own mind. Perhaps it is better that you remain silent and make people wonder, rather than speak out and leave no doubt.

This is suppose to be a put down? This post makes absolutely no sense at all. Leave no doubt about what? I can't even begin to imagine where I contradicted anything.

What is the contradiction? I am a Republican, but don't agree with everything the party nominee, Trump, is putting forward. All Republicans must walk lock step with the nominee or they are not a true Republicans. Then, half the Republican party are not true Republicans. They are all contradictions in their own minds, and should shut up. If that is the case, I am in good company.

bad, make, clinton, news

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