Most believe news media fabricates stories about President

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Old 10-20-2017, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
The person you quoted. (I have him on ignore) has the tendency only to register part of any post. His main obsession these days is lies told by Donald Trump. He would be more effective in debate, if he were less emotional, and less wordy. He is a very fragile person, and I wish that he would find something outside this forum to divert him and make him happy. He isn't very happy these days at all.

I used to admire him, and know that he still has many good qualities. Most of us have allowed ourselves to not trust the good instincts we have and to remember that this too will pass. We aren't alone in guarding the universe.
Have you met him which would somewhat qualify you to speak about his good qualities?

What are those qualities? So far all I see are bad anymore.
Old 10-20-2017, 09:28 AM
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Default Trump and Kafka Walk Into a Bar.

Originally Posted by Guest
"“Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication,” Bush warned in remarks at the Bush Institute’s Spirit of Liberty event in New York, Politico reported."

“And our young people need positive role models. Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone, provides permission for cruelty and bigotry, and compromises the moral education of children,” he added.

“The only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them.”

Bush takes veiled swipe at Trump: ‘Bigotry seems emboldened’ | New York Post

Those words from George Bush ring so true, and these people who falsely claim they love this land simply ignore and blame everyone else. They claim the media lies but cannot prove it....they lie and wont admit it.

Love of man over country
It is scary how decency, wisdom, and kindness seemed to have left the building in a matter of speaking with the rise of Donald John Trump. And remember that Hillary Clinton got almost three million votes more than Donald John Trump.
Old 10-20-2017, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Have you met him which would somewhat qualify you to speak about his good qualities?

What are those qualities? So far all I see are bad anymore.
I gave up on YOU yesterday. Hit the road, Jack.

Go Bucks.
Old 10-20-2017, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
I gave up on YOU yesterday. Hit the road, Jack.

Go Bucks.
So you never met the guy, know he is crazy, yet allow him on your Facebook.

Sorry if I made you go back and remove your bad use of anymore posts.
Old 10-20-2017, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The person you quoted. (I have him on ignore) has the tendency only to register part of any post. His main obsession these days is lies told by Donald Trump. He would be more effective in debate, if he were less emotional, and less wordy. He is a very fragile person, and I wish that he would find something outside this forum to divert him and make him happy. He isn't very happy these days at all.

I used to admire him, and know that he still has many good qualities. Most of us have allowed ourselves to not trust the good instincts we have and to remember that this too will pass. We aren't alone in guarding the universe.
Since I am on ignore this is sort of just a general response.

Yep, I often cut and paste part of an article, BUT ALWAYS AND EVERY TIME give a link for folks to read. IF they do not choose to read it, then the assumption must be they do not care about the subject.

I have been criticized by Gracie for cutting and pasting too much and now she is after me for not pasting enough. hmmmm

YES....any american should obsess on their President lying. How could any american not worry about lies from the White House.

I find it a knowing appears that what is wanted is stop telling me about the President lying...I do not want to hear that, so will put you on ignore and second hand in concert with Rubicon attack you personally.

DR. Gracie has done her psychoanalysis of me, which she seems to think she can do with anyone who might disagree with her.

She is wrong...I am simply worried about our country, and if Gracie and Rubicon cared any about our country, they would address his lies instead of running away from them and calling everyone else a liar and trying to somehow find an excuse for their apathy and not caring.

Stop with your psycho babble and get involved instead of allowing others to tell you how to think.

Fragile I am not....your friends have called me names some obscene, criticized me for doing what you want me to do.

Gracie, grow up.....if you want discussion, get involved, understand what is reality. If not, stop accusing people of things that you are doing.....calling people liars is not something to take lightly.

Ignoring lying from the White House should be an obsession of EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN and to actually criticize me for "obsessing" on the President lying DAILY is incredible to even hear or read. You suggest we just shouldn't care. I do, a lot.

What do you stand for Gracie ? Truth and honesty is out....what do you stand for. Is it to allow you to accuse anyone of anything with no recourse ?

PS....for Gracie should she ever see this. My personal life is none of your business. It wasn't when I served this country in the Navy, the Pentagon, the White House briefly and it still is none of your business. It was not while I worked and traveled on behalf of the Republican party for many years and it still is none of your business. It was not when worked with under privaleged kids in Pennsylvania and in Tampa, and it is till none of your business. Your obsession with what I do with my life INSTEAD of showing any concern for your country is noted. I would never have the nerve to question your personal life and object strongly to you questioning mine.
Old 10-20-2017, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So you never met the guy, know he is crazy, yet allow him on your Facebook.

Sorry if I made you go back and remove your bad use of anymore posts.
Ladybird Deeds? Never heard them described in those words. I don't think you need to continue with this line of disparagement, ANYMORE.
Old 10-20-2017, 06:16 PM
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[B]Did Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, really tell a reporter that it was wrong to question a general? That seems to be what happened at the White House press briefing Friday afternoon as she took questions about dramatic and controversial remarks by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on Thursday, when he lashed out at a Democratic congresswoman over the president’s call to an Army widow.

"If you want to go after General Kelly, that’s up to you. But I think that if you want to get into a debate with a four-star Marine general, then I think that’s something highly inappropriate," Huckabee Sanders said when asked about inaccuracies in Kelly’s statement. Kelly is in fact retired from the military and serves in a civilian capacity.


"Ironically, then-candidate Trump took a shot in 2016 at General John Allen, then a four-star general, for comments he had said were supportive of Hillary Clinton. “His record=BAD,” Trump tweeted at the time. Allen has since retired and been named the president of the Brookings Institution."

Don’t Question the Generals, White House Press Secretary Says
Old 10-20-2017, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Did Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, really tell a reporter that it was wrong to question a general? That seems to be what happened at the White House press briefing Friday afternoon as she took questions about dramatic and controversial remarks by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on Thursday, when he lashed out at a Democratic congresswoman over the president’s call to an Army widow.

"If you want to go after General Kelly, that’s up to you. But I think that if you want to get into a debate with a four-star Marine general, then I think that’s something highly inappropriate," Huckabee Sanders said when asked about inaccuracies in Kelly’s statement. Kelly is in fact retired from the military and serves in a civilian capacity.


"Ironically, then-candidate Trump took a shot in 2016 at General John Allen, then a four-star general, for comments he had said were supportive of Hillary Clinton. “His record=BAD,” Trump tweeted at the time. Allen has since retired and been named the president of the Brookings Institution."

Don’t Question the Generals, White House Press Secretary Says
Maybe, with her upbringing, she was told to also worship... military generals?
Old 10-20-2017, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Maybe, with her upbringing, she was told to also worship... military generals?
Who said that?


Like children are told that there's a God who watches over everything and everybody...who will one day judge you and determine if you go to Heaven, where you live in perpetual paradise forever...or Hell where you spend eternity being tortured. Worship or face the consequences...oh...and that'll be 10% please.

Told that the races are equal...the ONLY difference being skin color, hair texture, hair color, skeletal structure, musculature, physiology, disease susceptibility, intellect, reasoning, self control,ambition, and genetically being 1/20th different than EVERY other race.

Told boys and girls are the same...the ONLY difference being girls have babies and boys don't.

Right? You meant told stuff like that? Just do it...because it's the "right" thing to do.

Worship generals. Because the Army are our guys and we're ALWAYS on the side of right. Right?

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