"New Normal"??? Messages from WH trying to re-set

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Old 05-07-2010, 08:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Default "New Normal"??? Messages from WH trying to re-set

expectations? Back away from creating new jobs as a prime priority?


What do you think? Please address the issue presented and not do a romp on the messenger, or their intent. Just play the what if game keeping partisanship out of it.
Like health care reform, like it or not....support it or not....you as an individual will be affected. The same goes for the reduced expectation attempt on the creating jobs commitment made by Obama.

Old 05-07-2010, 08:21 AM
Posts: n/a

It seems like a deliberate attempt to send us back to the stone age. Didn't they ditch the wind mills a couple hundred years ago when modern creativity produced the combustible engine? Maybe we should go back to living in caves, after all they are well insulated.
What is driving this incompetence? I remember 7 or 8 years ago the press was hammering about a jobless economy and the White House didn't complain and eventually alot of the jobs came back. But they did not LOWER the expectations. Imagine the outrage if the white house lowered expectations 7 years ago?

That's what happens when the white house is in cahoots with the media. The media will not even ask tough questions and the headlines are slanted to hide all bad news.
We are in big trouble. Our only hope is in November.
Old 05-07-2010, 12:06 PM
Posts: n/a

Is there absolutely no end to this administration's stupidity? Every day I tell myself "Nothing will surprise me anymore" and everyday, I have to eat my words. It is a sideshow and it will destroy us all if we do not change it in November!

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