Now Sheriff Joe in AZ to be investigated

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Old 03-12-2009, 02:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Now Sheriff Joe in AZ to be investigated

for enforcing the law of the land. Special interest groups including ACORN demanding that the ILLEGAL ALIENS rights were being violated.

And Congress is going to launch an investigation!! A perfect example of the depths to which special interests groups continue to denigrate the laws of the land to their convenience...and backed by Congressional action.

We the people should get so much attention.

I am always taken back by how much protection being illegal affords one.
Anyway here's the article:

In most red white and blue America's polls....Sheriff Joe get near unanimous backing...why? Because he said he will uphold the law. Is it possible he is honest and does what is right....certainly would be swimming against the tide of most politicians....must be why the investigation.

Joe had my vote before and my backing now!

Old 03-12-2009, 03:07 PM
Posts: n/a

I have watched Sheriff Joes’ rise to power over the years. Having grown up in California over the last 55 years and been a police officer for 32 of those years, he has always been an interesting fellow. He has always looked out for his constituents. From cutting out expensive lunch meat, making inmates eat baloney sandwiches to making them wear pink underwear, he knows how to keep people from thinking that county jail is better than life on the outside. Something most people never think about. Joe has been a staunch supporter of making the Federal Government responsible for immigration. That’s an interesting topic in it’s self.
I remember as a young police officer calling INS (now ICE) and having them come and pick up a group of illegal aliens one night. They just took them back to the border and told them to go home. No big issues and everyone played the game. Then suddenly we could not call INS any more as they had left Northern California, home to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. Just moved their headquarters for the region and left about 20 agents to tend to the millions of people living here.
So now that I’m retired, a minority in my home state, who does not speak the prevailing language (Spanish), I’m moving to TV. Not that it’s much different in Florida, but at least it is not the left coast. I wish Joe all the luck in the world, as he will need it given the direction this country is going, I think he is fighting against the current, but I still would vote for the man in a second.
Old 03-13-2009, 08:43 PM
Posts: n/a

We need more like him, maybe a few in Congress.

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