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Old 04-02-2016, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Too bad Obama's approval record is not indicative of his job performance. Because if someone like him worked for me, he would have been fired a long time ago. Before he could damage my business as much as he has done/or attempted to do to this country.
If Obama worked for you he would have your job by now.
Old 04-02-2016, 10:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If Obama worked for you he would have your job by now.
You are probably right. Isn't affirmative action a great thing?
Old 04-02-2016, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You are probably right. Isn't affirmative action a great thing?
You mean the dumbing down and lowering of the bar for the sake of equality and fair play?
Old 04-02-2016, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You mean the dumbing down and lowering of the bar for the sake of equality and fair play?
Affirmative Action Timeline
Old 04-02-2016, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Why? Because I like things the way they are? I don't like "diversity"? I don't like seeing my country overrun and turned 3rd world?

Actually, most people here in TV feel EXACTLY like I do. It's why they're here.
You sound as if you would like the USA to be 100 percent white - as well as having everyone have your political mindset.

Best solution for you is to move to an all white compound of survivalists in Idaho and spend your few remaining years there.
Old 04-02-2016, 10:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You are probably right. Isn't affirmative action a great thing?
Its an idea with good intentions but poor execution. And i mean poor.
Old 04-02-2016, 12:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You sound as if you would like the USA to be 100 percent white - as well as having everyone have your political mindset.

Best solution for you is to move to an all white compound of survivalists in Idaho and spend your few remaining years there.
Of course I would. If you were smart, you would too. You're trying to convert my political mindset right now to fit yours. Don't accuse others when you do the same thing!

It's too cold in Idaho. I'll stick with just pricing them out.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Its an idea with good intentions but poor execution. And i mean poor.
It's a waste of time, money, effort, and the intentions are bad too. Who would think it's good to deny someone deserving their rightfully earned spot? Lets take away your SS and give it to someone else who didn't work to earn it.

For EVERY affirmative action "student", someone MORE deserving lost out. That is NEVER the "right thing". You either qualify or you don't. Same with women, you qualify or you don't. There is no "good execution" of cheating one more deserving.

Like we don't have enough graduates. There are too many for too few jobs. Welcome to the "education industry"...where money and profits are king.
Old 04-02-2016, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Its an idea with good intentions but poor execution. And i mean poor.
the dumbing down and lowering of the bar = more success???

I don't think so.

Not a good idea if one is an over achiever.

Not a good idea if the overall capability of America is compromised as a result.

Not a good idea where those who can't get to share in the rewards earned by those who can not!!
Old 04-02-2016, 01:23 PM
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You angry old white men can rant and rave all you wish - but your time has come and gone. Move out of the way of progressive action or get swept off to the side of the road.
Old 04-02-2016, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Like we don't have enough graduates. There are too many for too few jobs. Welcome to the "education industry"...where money and profits are king.
I agree. I could save enough money over the summer wit 2 full time jobs to pay for an entire year at college.

Bernie wants the colleges to be free. I say only the public colleges and only the degrees where there are jobs. Just don't lower the bar.

If you need to understand calculus, physics and chemistry then students need to start young to explore math and science and parents need to be held accountable that homework and studying are going on at night. That maybe the most important part of the process. It education starts before they even get to school. Unfortunately this is where it breaks down all too often when both parents are working trying to make ends meets and the parenting suffers.

We need to try something new.
Old 04-02-2016, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I agree. I could save enough money over the summer witH 2 full time jobs to pay for an entire year at college.

Bernie wants the colleges to be free. I say only the public colleges and only the degrees where there are jobs. Just don't lower the bar.

If you need to understand calculus, physics and chemistry then students need to start young to explore math and science and parents need to be held accountable that homework and studying are going on at night. That may be the most important part of the LEARNING process. Education MUST start before they even get to school. Unfortunately this is where it breaks down all too often when both parents are working trying to make ends meets. THAT'S WHEN the parenting suffers.

We need to try something new.
[too many mistakes,,,sorry I fixed it above]
Old 04-03-2016, 06:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You angry old white men can rant and rave all you wish - but your time has come and gone. Move out of the way of progressive action or get swept off to the side of the road.
And when we've all been cast aside...or died off...the country will collapse because "old white men" created and built what you all enjoy today. These things didn't come from blacks in the inner city. They didn't come from women.

You're all just like kids "living at home with mom and dad taking care of everything" and you want to be free, independent. You'll be in for a big surprise when it all falls apart because you're incapable of taking care of things on your own.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I agree. I could save enough money over the summer wit 2 full time jobs to pay for an entire year at college.

Bernie wants the colleges to be free. I say only the public colleges and only the degrees where there are jobs. Just don't lower the bar.

If you need to understand calculus, physics and chemistry then students need to start young to explore math and science and parents need to be held accountable that homework and studying are going on at night. That maybe the most important part of the process. It education starts before they even get to school. Unfortunately this is where it breaks down all too often when both parents are working trying to make ends meets and the parenting suffers.

We need to try something new.
You think the inner city minorities think about ANY of this? Their "lack of thinking about things" is WHY they're where they are, WHY they're not successful. They're not like us, that's the first thing you need to realize. That's why after a million years, they're not "equal".

The something new we need to try is stopping wasting out time, money, and effort on a cause that's not going to lead to anything positive. It's genetics, you have to have something to start with. When will we finally admit it?
Old 04-03-2016, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You angry old white men can rant and rave all you wish - but your time has come and gone. Move out of the way of progressive action or get swept off to the side of the road.
Yeah it is too bad we still own and control most things!
Old 04-03-2016, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Its an idea with good intentions but poor execution. And i mean poor.
Chi, another comment that I agree with. Are you moving toward a conservative outlook? Affirmative action was not thought out. It meant well, by the do-gooders, but it was sloppy and did not consider merit. If merit was considered, it might have been accepted more easily.

In the 70's I tested for a job. I was the top score and had the highest qualifications. During the screening process, the final board interview, I was told that even though I was the top qualifier, I was passed over because of affirmative action. They had a quota of minorities that they HAD to fill or lose gov subsidy. I went back every year for five years, even after then lowered the testing to qualify minorities for the job. I finally got hired. Most of those that had been hired previous to me, had been fired or quit by then. Just one example.

My cousin had a local gov job and tested for a promotion. Even though he passed the exam along with seven others, they promoted minorities with lower scores due to affirmative action. Along with the other guys, he sued and after several years, won the case of reverse discrimination. Not only did he get his promotion, but another additional promotion as well as all his back pay. Some of the guys had already retired by then.

Affirmative action without merit is wrong. In my opinion as a victim of affirmative action, I believe the concept is totally wrong. It IS a form of reverse discrimination. And ALL forms of discrimination is wrong.
Old 04-03-2016, 09:34 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Chi, another comment that I agree with. Are you moving toward a conservative outlook? Affirmative action was not thought out. It meant well, by the do-gooders, but it was sloppy and did not consider merit. If merit was considered, it might have been accepted more easily.

In the 70's I tested for a job. I was the top score and had the highest qualifications. During the screening process, the final board interview, I was told that even though I was the top qualifier, I was passed over because of affirmative action. They had a quota of minorities that they HAD to fill or lose gov subsidy. I went back every year for five years, even after then lowered the testing to qualify minorities for the job. I finally got hired. Most of those that had been hired previous to me, had been fired or quit by then. Just one example.

My cousin had a local gov job and tested for a promotion. Even though he passed the exam along with seven others, they promoted minorities with lower scores due to affirmative action. Along with the other guys, he sued and after several years, won the case of reverse discrimination. Not only did he get his promotion, but another additional promotion as well as all his back pay. Some of the guys had already retired by then.

Affirmative action without merit is wrong. In my opinion as a victim of affirmative action, I believe the concept is totally wrong. It IS a form of reverse discrimination. And ALL forms of discrimination is wrong.

Add to the above highlighted attributes the dumbing down, the lowering of the bar, nobody fails and any and all forms of advancement that have as the main requirement....a heart beat and non- white.

rating, approval, obama, party, president, reached, obama’s, radical, repubs, downgrading, exist, points, 15%, minority, hillary, elected, repub, politics, support, strongest, he’s, years, 53%, weekend, gallup’s

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