Obama continues to defy the law to gain democratic votes!!

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Old 11-03-2015, 09:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You either had a traumatic brain injury or you just like to be contrary for the sake of being argumentative.
With all due respect, will you please stop modifying my posts when you copy them, by adding those little icons.

It is devious, as they never appeared in my post.

You revise everything it appears, but personally would ask that you do not revise my posts.

Thank you.
Old 11-04-2015, 05:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Laughing at you. Compromise. You only need one word. Obamacare. The problem with your statement is that it makes the case that Republicans don't want to compromise. Obamacare was modeled after a Heritage Foundation plan. Heritage Foundation is a Republican think tank. Romney used this plan in Mass. Obama copied both. Republicans ran away from their plan as fast as they could given who proposed it. Wake up!

If there was no need for immigration reform, why did the Senate pass a bipartisan bill? You haven't heard anything, because you aren't listening.

"W" did nothing wrong. Wars, recession, they are the normal course of things,. Republicans weren't obstructionist. Mitch McConnell holds the record for filibusters. Racism! give us our country back. No. The only thing that the Republicans excel at is "the blame game". Of this, they have no equal. Their major argument is since we don't do anything, we can't get blamed for anything.
More liberal lies. You are a very confused person that is easily led by any liberal radical that you deem knows more than you (almost anyone). You really should do some research before making a fool of yourself on here. I bet you are relieved that you are anonymous every time you embarrass yourself. Do you really think that no one will call you out on your liberal lies?

You don't know anything about Obamacare, or you would know that it is NOT modeled after any conservative idea. You don't even know who wrote it. If you did, you would know that it would not have anything to do with anything conservative.

You are like a child that strikes out and then accuses the victim of being at fault because they looked at you, or didn't agree with you.
Wow, you really are naive.
Old 11-04-2015, 09:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Hey, on immigration, our President promised and said that he would pass immigration reform during his first year in office

He had the WH, the Senate and the House but never even tried to do that.

Wonder why. Everyone knows why he stalled for two years when he could have had what he wanted.
How about scoring another one of his promises while we are at it:

The Obama Administration Conducts Closed-Door Meetings | The Daily Caller

I have continued to remain amazed at how such a liar and incompetent has been able to maintain any supporters.

And a clone or worse coming up behind him (Clinton)....I think the party loyalty has been sufficiently tested and many democrats are done with it...they will prove that in the voting booth only.
Old 11-04-2015, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The one thing I will always remember when someone brings up the comparison between Affordable Care act and the Mass law which is utterly ridiculous by the way, is someone doing a point by point showing the similarities and the differences.......and this single thing stuck with me...

OBAMACARE = $ 500 Billion in new or increased taxes
MASS PLAN = NO new taxes

OBAMACARE =$ 500 Billion in medicaire cuts
MASS PLAN = NO cuts for seniors.

I suppose anyone can believe anything, even that MASS is just like the US government !
All of you keep telling me, what I don't know. The Heritage Foundation disowns its baby | MSNBC

Gov. Dukakis of Mass. never issued any new taxes, or increased taxes. According to him, he only enhanced the ones that were already there. If you want to play with the English language, go right ahead. If you didn't have health insurance in Mass, you got fined. Money came out of your pocket. Do you think people care, if it was called a tax or a fine?

What actual programs makes up the 500 billion in Medicare cuts?

The 500 billion in tax increases sounds like a made up number, or again are we playing with numbers? Is this an increase over a ten year period?

What I do know, is Republicans have no idea how to deal with the number of uninsured people in the US, nor do they care about these people, most of which live in states that they control.
Old 11-04-2015, 10:58 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
All of you keep telling me, what I don't know. The Heritage Foundation disowns its baby | MSNBC

Gov. Dukakis of Mass. never issued any new taxes, or increased taxes. According to him, he only enhanced the ones that were already there. If you want to play with the English language, go right ahead. If you didn't have health insurance in Mass, you got fined. Money came out of your pocket. Do you think people care, if it was called a tax or a fine?

What actual programs makes up the 500 billion in Medicare cuts?

The 500 billion in tax increases sounds like a made up number, or again are we playing with numbers? Is this an increase over a ten year period?

What I do know, is Republicans have no idea how to deal with the number of uninsured people in the US, nor do they care about these people, most of which live in states that they control.
The medicare cuts and the tax increases are equally verbal BS from Obama to sell his program. There never was and never in any follow up to what he states. Then when down the road someone want to know what happened to this or that it is evident long forgotten by most.

What we do know is the NOBODY has any idea how to deal with the unisured people in the USA......forget the throw away snide remarks about not caring and subsequent BS.

First to be identified would be, are you ready for this, those who do not want insurance. There are very many people who would rather roll the dice on health care and keep the money for other wants.

Maybe next would be the homeless. How would they be identified? How would they pay? When they do not have a card board box to sleep in does anybody think they are worried about health care?

If there is any hope of even coming close to solving these two there are a few more to address.

Don't hold your breathe. The government cannot find it's own a$$ with a map and some would expect them to implement any part of this program.

Just another legacy joke. If they didn't read it to pass it, who is going to read it to see what the hell should be happening?

Old 11-04-2015, 01:05 PM
Posts: n/a

Actually, it comes out to approx. $716 billion cut from medicare.

From Forbes:

2.3% Tax on Medical Device Manufacturers (this doesn’t hit you directly, but indirectly it sure can).

3.8% Net Investment Income Tax. This one is a big one. Depending on your income, it adds a 3.8% tax on top of your interest, dividends and capital gains.
Employer Mandate on business with over 50 full-time equivalent employees to provide health insurance to full-time employees. $2000 per employee $3000 if employee uses tax credits to buy insurance on the exchange.
40% Excise Tax on high-end (Cadillac) Health Insurance Plans (40% excise tax on the portion of employer-sponsored health coverage that exceeds $10,200 a year and $27,500 for families).
Medical Deduction Threshold tax increase (threshold to deduct medical expenses as an itemized deduction increases to 10% from 7.5%).
Individual Mandate (a tax for not purchasing insurance, though the tax penalty is called a Shared Responsibility Payment, the greater of 1% of your income above the filing threshold of $10,150 for singles and $20,300 for married couples filing jointly or $95 per adult ($47.50 per child), with a maximum of $285 for a family, whichever is higher. It goes up in 2015.
Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals which fail to comply with the requirements of ObamaCare.
Elimination of tax deduction for employer-provided retirement Rx drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D.
Medicare Part A Tax increase of .9% over $200k/$250k.
An annual $63 fee levied by ObamaCare on all plans (decreased each year until 2017 when pre-existing conditions are eliminated) to help pay for insurance companies covering the costs of high-risk pools.
Medicine Cabinet Tax (over the counter medicines no longer qualify as medical expenses for flexible spending accounts (FSAs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), health savings accounts (HSAs), and Archer Medical Saving accounts (MSAs).
Additional Tax on HSA/MSA Distributions
Health savings accounts or Archer medical savings accounts, penalties for non-qualified medical expenses of 10% to 20% in the case of a HSA and from 15% to 20% for an MSA.

I guess we just lost our pet liberal. I'm sure his head exploded.
Old 11-04-2015, 01:06 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
With all due respect, will you please stop modifying my posts when you copy them, by adding those little icons.

It is devious, as they never appeared in my post.

You revise everything it appears, but personally would ask that you do not revise my posts.

Thank you.
They are called "emoticons" which stands for icons showing emotion of some kind.

Since you asked very politely, I will comply with your request.
Old 11-04-2015, 01:16 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
All of you keep telling me, what I don't know. The Heritage Foundation disowns its baby | MSNBC

Gov. Dukakis of Mass. never issued any new taxes, or increased taxes. According to him, he only enhanced the ones that were already there. If you want to play with the English language, go right ahead. If you didn't have health insurance in Mass, you got fined. Money came out of your pocket. Do you think people care, if it was called a tax or a fine?

What actual programs makes up the 500 billion in Medicare cuts?

The 500 billion in tax increases sounds like a made up number, or again are we playing with numbers? Is this an increase over a ten year period?

What I do know, is Republicans have no idea how to deal with the number of uninsured people in the US, nor do they care about these people, most of which live in states that they control.
First, this from MICHAEL MOORE...

"What we now call Obamacare was conceived at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, and birthed in Massachusetts by Mitt Romney, then the governor. The president took Romneycare, a program designed to keep the private insurance industry intact, and just improved some of its provisions. In effect, the president was simply trying to put lipstick on the dog in the carrier on top of Mitt Romney’s car. And we knew it."

Now that is what you are professing. Not surprised you would pick up on a Michael Moore thought.

This quote comes from THE AMERICAN PROSPECT.


"The American Prospect is a bi-monthly American political magazine dedicated to American liberalism"


THE VERY same liberal website in the same article where Moore is Quoted says this...this is from the same liberal author on the same liberal website

"When I actually took the time to read the Heritage plan, what I found was a proposal that was radically dissimilar to the Affordable Care Act. Had Obama proposed anything like the Heritage Plan, Moore would have been leading daily marches against it in front of the White House—and I would have been right there with him.

This is not an article intended to make the Republican party look good but he refers to your premise as you stated it as..."dishonest spin..."

He also debunks the notion of Mass being a model and of course as a good liberal bashes both Romney and the Republicans.

THUS.....a good discussion on health care is needed, since our President decided against that route, skipped the discussion and went the route of manipulating the Senate rules, making closed door deals with the insurance industry and finally because he still didn'

make, politics, system, test, gain, democratic, law, votes, continues, defy, obama

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