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Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Ah, back to Bush again. I knew that was coming even a year later.
Obama's speech was one big LIE after LIE. The comment he made about the SC decision was a huge lie and everyone knows it.... except a few. His speech wasn't embarrassing, it's was just plain incompetent, misinformed, and full of lies. Obama is nothing short of delusional and way over his head. Everything he's done is one big mess. Let's restate one FACT overlooked by the libs. THE DEMOCRATS HAVE A SUPER MAJORITY. THEY DON'T NEED ANY REPUBLICANS. THEY CAN PASS ANYTHING THEY WANT ANYTIME THEY WANT. And they still can't get anything done right. Why? Because they are crooks and even some in their own party won't go along with them. The biggest crook of them all is Obama and even the democrats run from his radicle ways... well some do. Here's just one example. "With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests –- including foreign corporations –- to spend without limit in our elections." Can anyone tell me what century of law that was? Doesn't the anointed one know that the decision reversed part of a law that was passed in 2002? Doesn't the anointed one know that the same laws that apply to foreign corporations are still there just like they have been for a century? Isn't that way one of the justices mouthed "that's not true." I'll tell you what the problem is. The Democrats only want THEIR special interest spending money on campaigns, no one else. |
I miss George Bush. He may not talk very well to his teleprompter but he was sincere and I felt his heart was in the right place. I feel this new guy is lying to everybody.
He has already lied numerous times ! I think he is a smart man....but so badly advised by nothing but pure political hacks ! |
Thank you ... thank you ..... thank you. You proved my point.
Surely you have forgotten a certain President SOTU campaign speech prior to the Iraq war. You know the one when he lied about the "Yellow Cake". I can still see him. And my family is still feeling the effects of that SOTU. |
Read please!
DK, it appears you skim read. I did say I was happy he took the Dems to task also for not using THE MAJORITY THEY STILL HAVE!!!
Donna, bless your heart, I'm sure you do miss George Bush. Hey, maybe Jeb will run. |
And now will begin a string of messages on how it isn't the same because .......fill in the blanks. This makes 2 in a row. So predictable |
Thats a good one.. LOL |
BECAUSE THEY ARE BAD BILLS and they know it. |
Do you think he will? He would return the honor that was once the presidency.
He kept referring to his "taking responsibility" and would turn right around and blame the "past administration". How is that taking responsibility? When does he actually plan to start? The last administration has not been there for the last year. In all fairness, he did refer to past administrations decades back. Wonder which ones those were?
And how is it the honor of the presidency has to be returned? Has this president had an affair? Taken a bribe? Lied? What?
My favorite memory on the state of the union speech comes from the woman in the Frank Luntz focus group featured after the speech who expressed the thought that the President is the best recycler in America...because his address did nothing more than raise the points he made in his inaugural address! I agree that the address did nothing to clue me in on what the state of this union is! But of course, I don't need Obama to tell me what it is because I live it every day! The only difference I saw between the inaugural address and the state of the union address was a shift in emphasis from fixing health care to fixing the state of unemployment. There was no pivot as political commentators predicted - it was the same old same old campaigner standing in front of us telling us it is going to cost us more buckets of money to get out of this hole that George Bush '43' got us into. Same old blame game is really getting on my nerves.
When is the the POTUS going to get it!?! He wasted one full year trying to ram an unwanted reform bill down our throats. He demonized the efforts of the apolitical tea party to make him see by allowing princess Pelosi to call the folks astro-turf - she wouldn't know grass roots from the roots of a bad hair dye. He mocked the people who turned out in droves at town meetings to protest rather than recognize them as the protestors he used to rally as a social organizer. He wants me to believe that he is sincere in reaching across the aisle now - I want to know where this sincerity was before the Massachussetts special election! He is not asking for participation - he is daring Republicans to participate! He meets with the Republicans at their retreat in Baltimore and takes blame for the last days of reconciling a health care bill being "messy" - big deal! Does he really want me to buy this? Rather, I have become more cynical than I ever thought I could be! I believe that the last days of the health care meetings were deliberately scattered hither, thither and yon - just to insure that there could be no transparency! He must have wanted to choke when he had to admit that some of the recommendations/proposed legislative amendments made by the Republicans have been accepted and incorporated into the health care reform bill and other legislation of his administration - thus refuting the name tag of "the party of no". Now I am convinced that the true direction of this administration will only be seen in the moves orchestrated by princess Nancy and lord Harry. Obama has set himself up to be the good guy in the white hat riding in to save sweet Nell (us) while he has directed the House and Senate leadership to do the dirty deeds. I need to be saved from being saved by this administration! The President has neither done nor said anything new that can convince me that he is anything more that a social reformer. Sure, he knows a lot of stuff and he is good at delivering it with or without a teleprompter - but I cannot believe that he believes what he is saying. I believe he is saying what he thinks we want to hear because of the MA special election. He lost his party's filibuster majority and does not want to flaunt that he knows he still has the majority. He can let Nancy and Harry spout the hard to hear stuff so that he can still look like the good guy making the honest effort. I can no longer trust or hope to trust whatever this President says. Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians
Bribes? Well, I'm sure he hasn't taken any but he sure hands them out like candy. |
He was a part of the Daly machine and you ask THIS question? Accepting bribes and doing 'favors' is a long standing practice in Chicago politics. I hope you jest.