Obama destroying more coal jobs

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Old 12-23-2016, 01:58 PM
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Default Obama destroying more coal jobs

Obama rushes out 11th-hour regulations targeting coal mining - Washington Times

“The Obama administration is fighting its war on coal to the bitter end. This one rule could have crushing consequences for coal miners, their families and many communities,” Mr. Ryan said in a statement. “If we are going to get America back on track, job-crushing regulations like this must stop. Our unified Republican government will act to provide coal country with relief.”

Score another one for the tree huggers. Obama just doing his part as George Soros puppet, in attempt to destroy our country.
Old 12-23-2016, 03:24 PM
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Default Sadly i've begun to believe obama's goal was to destroy america

Originally Posted by Guest
Obama rushes out 11th-hour regulations targeting coal mining - Washington Times

“The Obama administration is fighting its war on coal to the bitter end. This one rule could have crushing consequences for coal miners, their families and many communities,” Mr. Ryan said in a statement. “If we are going to get America back on track, job-crushing regulations like this must stop. Our unified Republican government will act to provide coal country with relief.”

Score another one for the tree huggers. Obama just doing his part as George Soros puppet, in attempt to destroy our country.
Trump has used the term DRAIN THE SWAMP. Typical in real life-NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH OBAMALAND-when you drain a swamp you find a lot of ugliness you did not know was there.

Obama, signed an EXECUTIVE ORDER-translation he went around our CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT-and guaranteed the value of the dollar relative to a basket of currencies with in INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND. DA DEAL-Obama pledged 20 BILLION to guarantee the value of the dollar with the IMF-International Monetary Fund.
RUSSIA got the same deal for 5 BILLION. With this act, Obama, after he leaves office will prevent the next president and any after him for devaluing the dollar AS OBAMA DID. NOT ONLY HAS OBAMA SCREWED AMERICA BUT HE HAS CONVINCED THE LIBERALS THAT HE IS A HERO.
Old 12-23-2016, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump has used the term DRAIN THE SWAMP. Typical in real life-NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH OBAMALAND-when you drain a swamp you find a lot of ugliness you did not know was there.

Obama, signed an EXECUTIVE ORDER-translation he went around our CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT-and guaranteed the value of the dollar relative to a basket of currencies with in INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND. DA DEAL-Obama pledged 20 BILLION to guarantee the value of the dollar with the IMF-International Monetary Fund.
RUSSIA got the same deal for 5 BILLION. With this act, Obama, after he leaves office will prevent the next president and any after him for devaluing the dollar AS OBAMA DID. NOT ONLY HAS OBAMA SCREWED AMERICA BUT HE HAS CONVINCED THE LIBERALS THAT HE IS A HERO.
Old 12-23-2016, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump has used the term DRAIN THE SWAMP. Typical in real life-NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH OBAMALAND-when you drain a swamp you find a lot of ugliness you did not know was there.

Obama, signed an EXECUTIVE ORDER-translation he went around our CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT-and guaranteed the value of the dollar relative to a basket of currencies with in INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND. DA DEAL-Obama pledged 20 BILLION to guarantee the value of the dollar with the IMF-International Monetary Fund.
RUSSIA got the same deal for 5 BILLION. With this act, Obama, after he leaves office will prevent the next president and any after him for devaluing the dollar AS OBAMA DID. NOT ONLY HAS OBAMA SCREWED AMERICA BUT HE HAS CONVINCED THE LIBERALS THAT HE IS A HERO.

Obama has been so busy even while on vacation. Yesterday he got rid of the Muslim registry, and the day before he banned drilling in the artic and Atlantic oceans.
Old 12-23-2016, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Obama has been so busy even while on vacation. Yesterday he got rid of the Muslim ban, and the day before he banned drilling in the artic and Atlantic oceans.
Obie is so petulant that he must do as much damage on the way out, possible. How many criminals has he pardoned already, with more still to come?
Old 12-23-2016, 07:55 PM
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Notice how the very angry Lefties on this site always completely ignore any facts that might defy their preconceived World-view ?
Old 12-23-2016, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump has used the term DRAIN THE SWAMP. Typical in real life-NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH OBAMALAND-when you drain a swamp you find a lot of ugliness you did not know was there.

Obama, signed an EXECUTIVE ORDER-translation he went around our CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT- and guaranteed the value of the dollar relative to a basket of currencies with in INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND. DA DEAL-Obama pledged 20 BILLION to guarantee the value of the dollar with the IMF-International Monetary Fund.
RUSSIA got the same deal for 5 BILLION. With this act, Obama, after he leaves office will prevent the next president and any after him for devaluing the dollar AS OBAMA DID. NOT ONLY HAS OBAMA SCREWED AMERICA BUT HE HAS CONVINCED THE LIBERALS THAT HE IS A HERO. .
Wow, you can actually see the spittle spraying from Susie's lips as she was hammering at her keyboard!
Old 12-23-2016, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well if this idiot agrees it must be true then.
Old 12-23-2016, 10:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well if this idiot agrees it must be true then.
Are you still looking for the moderator?
Old 12-24-2016, 08:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump has used the term DRAIN THE SWAMP. Typical in real life-NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH OBAMALAND-when you drain a swamp you find a lot of ugliness you did not know was there.

Obama, signed an EXECUTIVE ORDER-translation he went around our CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT-and guaranteed the value of the dollar relative to a basket of currencies with in INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND. DA DEAL-Obama pledged 20 BILLION to guarantee the value of the dollar with the IMF-International Monetary Fund.
RUSSIA got the same deal for 5 BILLION. With this act, Obama, after he leaves office will prevent the next president and any after him for devaluing the dollar AS OBAMA DID. NOT ONLY HAS OBAMA SCREWED AMERICA BUT HE HAS CONVINCED THE LIBERALS THAT HE IS A HERO.
So, you're saying executive orders are unconstitutional? Would you have the same reaction if a white republican president used them?
Old 12-24-2016, 08:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So, you're saying executive orders are unconstitutional? Would you have the same reaction if a white republican president used them?
Depends...is he using it to rid the nation of minorities?

Then h3ll yes!
Old 12-24-2016, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So, you're saying executive orders are unconstitutional? Would you have the same reaction if a white republican president used them?
What does "white" have to do with it? Are you a racist?

E.O.'s were not meant to circumvent the legislative process of congress. The president has NO authority to write law. E.O.s have been abused for many presidential cycles and should have some form of governor installed into the process, limiting the extent of their use and power. Obama is probably the worst violator of E.O.s of any previous president.

But, the left has been determined to destroy the Constitution and the Republic for some time. They have been brainwashed by their puppet master, George Soros the Nazi war criminal and destroyer of whole countries.
Old 12-24-2016, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What does "white" have to do with it? Are you a racist?

E.O.'s were not meant to circumvent the legislative process of congress. The president has NO authority to write law. E.O.s have been abused for many presidential cycles and should have some form of governor installed into the process, limiting the extent of their use and power. Obama is probably the worst violator of E.O.s of any previous president.

But, the left has been determined to destroy the Constitution and the Republic for some time. They have been brainwashed by their puppet master, George Soros the Nazi war criminal and destroyer of whole countries.
Nothing will be done...because "in turn", they all end up benefiting. That's why nothing was done about the illegals...EVERY "major" business owner benefited from the lower wage illegals. Now, with all their anchor babies, they'll be the majority within 30 years.
Old 12-24-2016, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What does "white" have to do with it? Are you a racist? (Einstein, read the comment a few above you and tell me what "white" as to do with it.)

E.O.'s were not meant to circumvent the legislative process of congress. The president has NO authority to write law. E.O.s have been abused for many presidential cycles and should have some form of governor installed into the process, limiting the extent of their use and power. Obama is probably the worst violator of E.O.s of any previous president. (Wrong Einstein, maybe you want to do some research before spewing Fox News. Every President’s Executive Orders In One Chart | FiveThirtyEight )

But, the left has been determined to destroy the Constitution and the Republic for some time. They have been brainwashed by their puppet master, George Soros the Nazi war criminal and destroyer of whole countries. Where do you come up with this crap?

How foolish
Old 12-24-2016, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

How foolish
Get your dictionary out and read the definitions of "user" and "abuser" dumb@ss. Then read what I said over again. Next time I will type real slow so that you can read it. Wow, you come on here acting like you are a newbie and then start running amok. I guess you had to change your moniker, huh?

coal, obama, country, government, act

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