Obama and One World Govenment

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Old 06-19-2009, 01:09 PM
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Default Obama and One World Govenment

My rant of the day....

Is anyone else suspicious of the Obama administration's tilt and movement toward George Soro's advocacy of One World government. The One World government that would raid and plunder our national treasure, natural resources and tax dollars?

Is there a macro or big picture view that we are missing because of the management by crisis on a daily basis we are being subjected to by Washington?

The Global Tax that Obama has already initiated action on has been a real sleeper in the media but you can bet your --- its for real.

Obama's appointment of judges who are advocates of "International Law" over the Constitution. Why do we have to defer to International Law on domestic matters when we have our own Constitution?

Is the global warming hysteria designed to take the wheels from under industries that made this country great? Is global warning rhetoric designed to bring us down to third world status by obstructing growth and progress in some of our most important industries? If the playing field is even, then China, Russia and other industrial nations are abiding by global warming standards that are being crammed down our throats aided and abetted by the EPA...right?

Is it only me that sees my president playing the world stage in self interest, the campaign speech in Germany comes to mind among others, while perpetuating his world "rock star" image. Does he envision himself next to George Soros at the reigns (intentionally misspelled) of One World government? Could his narcissistic ego have been underestimated?

The takeover of our biggest businesses and industries and putting into play restraints and controls that debilitate initiative, creativity and free enterprise comes to mind. Is the new "American Dream" working for the government, third world nations and everyone else who hates America?

Do all these things and others you may wish to add form a part of a bigger picture or is it just conspiracy-itis.

Is it just me?
Old 06-19-2009, 02:02 PM
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No..your not the only one with these thoughts. Conspiracy theories usually fall into the category of George Bush (whom the left calls dumb) planning the terror attacks in 2001 and the "fake" moon landing (which every body knows was filmed in the desert near area 51) of 1969. Or the theory that Elvis faked his own death so he could travel the world incognito and take part-time jobs in hamburger joints.(Hmmmm..free food).

First..it takes money to take over the world and only people with Billions (Soros) of bucks could attempt it. The Billions he has contributed to left-leaning organizations is documented. They say the internet really played a part in the election and the biggest left-wing site is Moveon.org which is controlled by Soros.
Another point...I have never in my lifetime seen so many things being thrown at the public at one time as I have seen the last few months. Bail-outs, government ownership of major company (GM) Socialized medicine bills, global warming hysteria, world apologizing tour, bowing to Kings, massive borrowing and printing of money to put us in debt forever, etc. etc.
In closing...we are living in scary times, indeed.
Old 06-19-2009, 03:34 PM
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Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
My rant of the day....

Is anyone else suspicious of the Obama administration's tilt and movement toward George Soro's advocacy of One World government. The One World government that would raid and plunder our national treasure, natural resources and tax dollars?

Is there a macro or big picture view that we are missing because of the management by crisis on a daily basis we are being subjected to by Washington?

The Global Tax that Obama has already initiated action on has been a real sleeper in the media but you can bet your --- its for real.

Obama's appointment of judges who are advocates of "International Law" over the Constitution. Why do we have to defer to International Law on domestic matters when we have our own Constitution?

Is the global warming hysteria designed to take the wheels from under industries that made this country great? Is global warning designed to bring us down to third world status by obstructing growth and progress in some of our most important industries? If the playing field is even, then China, Russia and other industrial nations are abiding by global warming standards that are being crammed down our throats aided and abetted by the EPA...right?

Is it only me that sees my president playing the world stage in self interest, the campaign speech in Germany comes to mind among others, while perpetuating his world "rock star" image. Does he envision himself next to George Soros at the reigns (intentionally misspelled) of One World government? Could his narcissistic ego have been underestimated?

The takeover of our biggest businesses and industries and putting into play restraints and controls that debilitate initiative, creativity and free enterprise comes to mind. Is the new "American Dream" working for the government, third world nations and everyone else who hates America?

Do all these things and others you may wish to add form a part of a bigger picture or is it just conspiracy-itis.

Is it just me?
NOT "conspiracy-itis" at all !

I keep mentioning the campaigns and my reading on then Sen Obama and after researching him, his associates, his idealogy and his actions there was NEVER a doubt in my mind that this scenario would play out as it is doing.

I realize that folks get tired of hearing it, but I ask them to take a minute and compare what I have been saying to what is happening and then try to tell me my predictions were not right on the mark.

CABO is concerned and rightfully so. He sees what is happening and soon this is all going to crumble. I might add that as difficult as it is to say...it almost seems like some in congress are recognizing what is happening. Folks who were adoring servants a few months ago are not anti YET,but are stepping back and saying...wait a minute...I am speaking of the Democratic party, NOT the Republican party.

If you do some research and follow Soros's money over the last 7/8 years you will see the trend...you will see the game plan and how President Obama fits in !

I know I bore many with the Alinsky quotes but think about it....

"first to bring folks to the realization that they are miserable, their misery is a result of greedy corporations, help bond them together and demand what they deserve from said greedy corporations".


"we have a war on our hands... a war between those with the money and those with the people... if we can convince the people they are miserable, then we can gather the people"


"Lie, dissemble, ridicule and deride your opponents... do what you need to do to get ahead. Listen to and learn their needs and take advantage - do not care. Manipulate the morals. Lying is never wrong as long as it leads you to a position of power. Say what you need to say to get ahead. The ends justify the means."

When you read about the Rezko's, the Farrakhan's, the Father Pfleger's, the Ayer's, the Rev Wright's and many others...the folks who influenced our current President and read about Soros's involvment with the ACORN's etc. you cannot help but to be scared as you watch it all unfold on our tv sets each day with very little said about it because he says it all so nice !

Add to the great points made by Cabo, the small print in the stimulus money bill....the fine print as pointed out on the board about "TROJAN HORSE" in a bill, and you will come to the same conclusion.

Actually CABO, I sometimes feel guilty feeling the way I do, but I have YET to find anyone to dispute any of it...only make a comparison between Obama and Bush based on public speaking actually. He lied to us all when he campaigned on so many issues.
Old 06-19-2009, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
NOT "conspiracy-itis" at all !

I keep mentioning the campaigns and my reading on then Sen Obama and after researching him, his associates, his idealogy and his actions there was NEVER a doubt in my mind that this scenario would play out as it is doing.

I realize that folks get tired of hearing it, but I ask them to take a minute and compare what I have been saying to what is happening and then try to tell me my predictions were not right on the mark.

CABO is concerned and rightfully so. He sees what is happening and soon this is all going to crumble. I might add that as difficult as it is to say...it almost seems like some in congress are recognizing what is happening. Folks who were adoring servants a few months ago are not anti YET,but are stepping back and saying...wait a minute...I am speaking of the Democratic party, NOT the Republican party.

If you do some research and follow Soros's money over the last 7/8 years you will see the trend...you will see the game plan and how President Obama fits in !

I know I bore many with the Alinsky quotes but think about it....

"first to bring folks to the realization that they are miserable, their misery is a result of greedy corporations, help bond them together and demand what they deserve from said greedy corporations".


"we have a war on our hands... a war between those with the money and those with the people... if we can convince the people they are miserable, then we can gather the people"


"Lie, dissemble, ridicule and deride your opponents... do what you need to do to get ahead. Listen to and learn their needs and take advantage - do not care. Manipulate the morals. Lying is never wrong as long as it leads you to a position of power. Say what you need to say to get ahead. The ends justify the means."

When you read about the Rezko's, the Farrakhan's, the Father Pfleger's, the Ayer's, the Rev Wright's and many others...the folks who influenced our current President and read about Soros's involvment with the ACORN's etc. you cannot help but to be scared as you watch it all unfold on our tv sets each day with very little said about it because he says it all so nice !

Add to the great points made by Cabo, the small print in the stimulus money bill....the fine print as pointed out on the board about "TROJAN HORSE" in a bill, and you will come to the same conclusion.

Actually CABO, I sometimes feel guilty feeling the way I do, but I have YET to find anyone to dispute any of it...only make a comparison between Obama and Bush based on public speaking actually. He lied to us all when he campaigned on so many issues.
To put a "check and balance" in place, it is imperative that the 2010 election provides at least either the House of Representatives or the Senate have a majority of Republicans and Independents caucasing with the Republicans. If that doesn't happen, then "the will of the people" is shown to eventually be ruled by the United Nations. Yes, this is a very important election in 2010!
Old 06-19-2009, 05:31 PM
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Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
To put a "check and balance" in place, it is imperative that the 2010 election provides at least either the House of Representatives or the Senate have a majority of Republicans and Independents caucasing with the Republicans. If that doesn't happen, then "the will of the people" is shown to eventually be ruled by the United Nations. Yes, this is a very important election in 2010!
You are so right Steve...VERY VERY important election !

However, it is so bad, that as I said there are now Democrats who are starting to roll their eyes and step back !
Old 06-19-2009, 05:46 PM
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Thanks Keedy, Bucco and Steve for the insights. Bucco, I'm glad you posted parts of Alinsky's rules for radicals. They are a boilerplate for what is happening now. I believe there is a slow awakening across the country. I hope and pray that enlightened people can connect the dots and turn the tables in the 2010 election.
Old 06-19-2009, 06:06 PM
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Ya'll are determined to give me sleepless nights...
Old 06-19-2009, 06:09 PM
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The reason BHO is throwing so much at us so quick is that he realizes that he has only 2 years to insure his control to continue thru 2012... and he has a lot to do before he loses his liberal congress in 2010. They too are also starting to wake up and see him for his true colors. This one world government sounds a lot like what some other guy attempted over in Germany in the early 1940's. People are slowly but surely realizing the direction this country is heading since the last election.
Old 06-19-2009, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by rshoffer View Post
Ya'll are determined to give me sleepless nights...

Truth is in all my years (and that takes in a lot of years) I have never lost sleep over who is in the White House.

I do today....with this President !
Old 06-19-2009, 07:57 PM
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Yep, but remember...Clinton was hankering to do alot of mischief too, until newt Gingrich and his gang had the Contract for America..Remember????
Who's gonna be our new Newt?????????
Old 06-19-2009, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Keedy View Post
Yep, but remember...Clinton was hankering to do alot of mischief too, until newt Gingrich and his gang had the Contract for America..Remember????
Who's gonna be our new Newt?????????
Clinton was never in Obama's league in terms of his agenda; in my opinion not even close.

NEVER has this country had a more radical and political President with so much money and action groups around him...NEVER !

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