Obama stabs Israel in the back

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Old 12-26-2016, 05:21 PM
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2017 and going forward are going to be productive constructive and prosperous years but unfortunately they are going to chaotic because the militant progressives are never going to let up. You can feel it in everything you come in contact with that is labeled progressives.
Old 12-26-2016, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
2017 and going forward are going to be productive constructive and prosperous years but unfortunately they are going to chaotic because the militant progressives are never going to let up. You can feel it in everything you come in contact with that is labeled progressives.
I don't even want to eat Progresso soup anymore.

It leaves a bad taste.
Old 12-26-2016, 07:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
2017 and going forward are going to be productive constructive and prosperous years but unfortunately they are going to chaotic because the militant progressives are never going to let up. You can feel it in everything you come in contact with that is labeled progressives.
NO...actually, we'll continue the slide into a 3rd world Mexico II as the Hispanic population becomes the majority. We've slipped from #1 to #25 under the "progressives", we'll continue the slide. They're ALREADY the majority below age 6.
Old 12-27-2016, 07:17 AM
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Is there anyone more liberal than Alan Dershowitz? Yet he has castigated Obama's orchestration of the UN council's vote against Israel. when your most ardent supporter calls you out its clear the foul has been most grievous. shame on you Obama your nature is surely showing

Personal Best Regards:
Old 12-27-2016, 07:24 AM
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Just forget about or ignore the libtards. We don't have time to listen to their crying about losing and making up stupid ideas about Trump. They have to live with a total Republican run gov for at least two years, if not more. Let them ruin their chance by crying the blues, while America is rebuilt to it's former greatness. If Trump fails, someone else will take over in four years. Time to move on and leave the crying liberals behind.

I see no reason why liberals cannot get behind any of Trump's following ideas:

Rebuild/improve infrastructure
Improve law enforcement
Update our military
Improve and protect our immigration law enforcement
Waste less money
Lower the unemployment rate for minorities

Of the above that are not all inclusive of what he wants, but are some of his agenda what can't the left support?
Old 12-27-2016, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Just forget about or ignore the libtards. We don't have time to listen to their crying about losing and making up stupid ideas about Trump. They have to live with a total Republican run gov for at least two years, if not more. Let them ruin their chance by crying the blues, while America is rebuilt to it's former greatness. If Trump fails, someone else will take over in four years. Time to move on and leave the crying liberals behind.

I see no reason why liberals cannot get behind any of Trump's following ideas:

Rebuild/improve infrastructure
Improve law enforcement
Update our military
Improve and protect our immigration law enforcement
Waste less money
Lower the unemployment rate for minorities

Of the above that are not all inclusive of what he wants, but are some of his agenda what can't the left support?

Ending Medicare
Privatizing social security
Privatizing the VA
Repealing Obamacare
Old 12-27-2016, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Ending Medicare
Privatizing social security
Privatizing the VA
Repealing Obamacare
Still on that? Going to start calling you Chicken Little. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling."

Good, privatize Social Security and no one will need another retirement plan. If all the money I put into SS had been invested, I would be living like Trump.

If they privatized the VA, it would be run better. It's obvious that you have never dealt with the VA before. Perhaps before you go throwing stones, you should try volunteering up there and seeing first hand how the VA is run, day to day. It has improved but not like it would have been if privatized.

Repealing Obamacare? That would be the greatest news America could have. Then maybe they could get these medial costs under control. Obamacare is a thief of American tax dollars as well as causing all of us to pay much more because we have to support the ones that do not want insurance. As far as an adult 26 years old getting insurance, unless he is handicapped he/she should have a job and paying for his own insurance. We have medicaid for those that cannot afford to pay for health care.

So, now that we took care of that, I guess we won't have to worry about hearing from you again until you get a update on your liberal talking points.
Old 12-27-2016, 06:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
2017 and going forward are going to be productive constructive and prosperous years but unfortunately they are going to chaotic because the militant progressives are never going to let up. You can feel it in everything you come in contact with that is labeled progressives.
With all due respect I believe you are delusional. We are going to keep stock market going (unearned income) with continued deficiet spending. The balance of unearned income to earned income is out of balance in this country and Trump is promising tax breaks for unearned income? Shipping jobs to China and Mexico increases unearned income. Am I missing something here?
Old 12-28-2016, 06:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
With all due respect I believe you are delusional. We are going to keep stock market going (unearned income) with continued deficiet spending. The balance of unearned income to earned income is out of balance in this country and Trump is promising tax breaks for unearned income? Shipping jobs to China and Mexico increases unearned income. Am I missing something here?
Unearned income???
Old 12-28-2016, 08:11 AM
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To get back to the subject, it seems that Obama may be the one that initiated the UN action that he had the U.S. abstain from voting upon. What gives with all the subterfuge? Does Obie think that America wouldn't find out about his complicity in stabbing our Israel family in the back? Does he care more about the PLO terrorists than the Approx. 150,000 Americans living in Israel? I guess Obie's Muslim heritage is surfacing more blatantly.
Old 12-28-2016, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
To get back to the subject, it seems that Obama may be the one that initiated the UN action that he had the U.S. abstain from voting upon. What gives with all the subterfuge? Does Obie think that America wouldn't find out about his complicity in stabbing our Israel family in the back? Does he care more about the PLO terrorists than the Approx. 150,000 Americans living in Israel? I guess Obie's Muslim heritage is surfacing more blatantly.

Another well substantiated post. Watch Sec of State John Kerry's speech today at 11:00am from the state department.

Netanyahu did admit he appreciates the 38 billion over ten years of defense funds that Pres Obama signed.
Old 12-28-2016, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by janmcn View Post
Another well substantiated post. Watch Sec of State John Kerry's speech today at 11:00am from the state department.

Netanyahu did admit he appreciates the 38 billion over ten years of defense funds that Pres Obama signed.
John Kerry's stupid remarks opened the door to Russia and untold additional pain and suffering in Syria.

He is the definition of baboon, if he only had Barry's big ears to complete the picture.

In all honesty he is not the worst SOC ever, everyone 100% know it was criminal killary.

Russia Seizes on Kerry Comment on Syria Giving Up Weapons - Bloomberg

back, israel, stabs, obama

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