Obama thumbing his nose at the wishes of the American people...AGAIN

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Old 11-18-2015, 07:27 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Obama thumbing his nose at the wishes of the American people...AGAIN

Yup, threatening us again:

White House says Obama would veto proposal for more scrutiny of refugees - Yahoo News

Obviously one of his agenda items before leaving office is to help as many muslims as possible get into the USA.

He is a dedicated muslim sympethizer....no doubt about it!!
Old 11-18-2015, 08:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Sickening. This President is gambling with our security. Whether republicans or Democratic, you better be worried. We are in danger. Call your Representatives. Tell them to close the borders and no refugees. This is serious. Isis Is coming!!
Old 11-18-2015, 08:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sickening. This President is gambling with our security. Whether republicans or Democratic, you better be worried. We are in danger. Call your Representatives. Tell them to close the borders and no refugees. This is serious. Isis Is coming!!
ISIS is already here.
Old 11-18-2015, 10:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
ISIS is already here.
And more arriving daily through the Obama open border program:

EXCLUSIVE -- REPORT: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo

What do you think the comment at the end means due to circumstances?
Old 11-19-2015, 06:09 AM
Posts: n/a

It is indeed a puzzlement that so many Americans can either be so oblivious to the obvious or so disengaged to the world except for their string of selfies.
Birds of a feather do flock together. Where there smoke there is fire. if it walk talks like....its a duck. if you spit at the heavens they will spit back. that dog won't hunt.....................

Europe and especially some countries such as France Belgium and Holland ignored the obvious becoming self indulgent secular nations and allowing such lax immigration laws and even Belgium allowing non-citizens to vote. It is obvious whom they were allowing in were not assimilating and in fact making demands for sharia Law, etc

We have an Administration bent on transforming this nation to the European model. We have the same modus operandi working here its called make them feel guilty. Europe especially Germany feeling guilty about the atrocities of WWII now trying to make amends in all the wrong ways.
We here in America are doing the same thing both domestically as well as foreign.

America should stop, regroup, rethink and provide a sound immigration plan that benefits America. The immigrants at the turn of the century came to these shores to assimilate and take advantage of opportunities. Today's immigrants for the most part seek the same but many come illegally not properly vetted , for free stuff , do not want to assimilate and some to do great harm to us. The left seem to treat immigration as if it were a kumbaya moment. It is not It is serious business because it changes the nation's dynamic good or bad

Governor Martinez spoke to the illegal manipulation going on in New Mexico were they were issuing driver licenses to illegal and that's what we know. We all know the dangers of an underground but it seems when it comes to immigration or even voter fraud we stick our heads in the sand......

We are becoming a nation without borders and if this continues to occur then soon you have a nation no longer.

We need to enforce the rule of law. We need to continue to protect our Articles of Freedom and we need to ignore those who try and manipulate with guilt .

I am not a racist, a homophobic an Islamic-phobic or anything other canard the opposition throws at me. I am a concerned citizen that values the traditions that made this the greatest nation since the beginning of time.

I opine others can decide.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 11-19-2015, 06:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Even the liberal media is turning on Obama. It stands to reason that if its not solely the conservatives that are beating up on him, then there is something seriously wrong with this person.
Old 11-19-2015, 08:10 AM
Posts: n/a

Remember next year he's a democrat. They are all alike.
Old 11-19-2015, 08:16 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It is indeed a puzzlement that so many Americans can either be so oblivious to the obvious or so disengaged to the world except for their string of selfies.
Birds of a feather do flock together. Where there smoke there is fire. if it walk talks like....its a duck. if you spit at the heavens they will spit back. that dog won't hunt.....................

Europe and especially some countries such as France Belgium and Holland ignored the obvious becoming self indulgent secular nations and allowing such lax immigration laws and even Belgium allowing non-citizens to vote. It is obvious whom they were allowing in were not assimilating and in fact making demands for sharia Law, etc

We have an Administration bent on transforming this nation to the European model. We have the same modus operandi working here its called make them feel guilty. Europe especially Germany feeling guilty about the atrocities of WWII now trying to make amends in all the wrong ways.
We here in America are doing the same thing both domestically as well as foreign.

America should stop, regroup, rethink and provide a sound immigration plan that benefits America. The immigrants at the turn of the century came to these shores to assimilate and take advantage of opportunities. Today's immigrants for the most part seek the same but many come illegally not properly vetted , for free stuff , do not want to assimilate and some to do great harm to us. The left seem to treat immigration as if it were a kumbaya moment. It is not It is serious business because it changes the nation's dynamic good or bad

Governor Martinez spoke to the illegal manipulation going on in New Mexico were they were issuing driver licenses to illegal and that's what we know. We all know the dangers of an underground but it seems when it comes to immigration or even voter fraud we stick our heads in the sand......

We are becoming a nation without borders and if this continues to occur then soon you have a nation no longer.

We need to enforce the rule of law. We need to continue to protect our Articles of Freedom and we need to ignore those who try and manipulate with guilt .

I am not a racist, a homophobic an Islamic-phobic or anything other canard the opposition throws at me. I am a concerned citizen that values the traditions that made this the greatest nation since the beginning of time.

I opine others can decide.

Personal Best Regards:
To quote the Korean War hero - Dr. Sherman T. Potter - "Horse Hockey!"

Your posts continue to be devisive of America and yes, your posts are racist, homophobic, and xenophobic.

You and your neo-conservatives just want to belittle those who think different from you. If you believe in the freedoms in America, walk the walk.
Old 11-19-2015, 08:49 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
To quote the Korean War hero - Dr. Sherman T. Potter - "Horse Hockey!"

Your posts continue to be devisive of America and yes, your posts are racist, homophobic, and xenophobic.

You and your neo-conservatives just want to belittle those who think different from you. If you believe in the freedoms in America, walk the walk.
I have a solution to your problem that will get rid of that offensive poster. See that little button on your computer with the O and - ? Just push it and all those offensive posters will disappear off you screen.

Actually, we "conservatives" do not need to "belittle" those that think different. You liberals do it to yourselves. You have to be looking in the mirror when you accuse someone of disrespect. You are being led (and you do follow) the worst perpetrator of divisiveness in the country, Obama. You speak of "hate" and what do we hear from your liberal leaders but attacks on the Republicans, calling them "the enemy."

Quit complaining. This is a Free Speech forum, and you are just upset because this is one of the few that is not dominated by your fellow Demorals. If you liberals don't get your way, you always insist on banning it. If you don't like a conservative majority forum, feel free to log on to Huffington Post where you can feel more comfortable.
Old 11-19-2015, 09:09 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have a solution to your problem that will get rid of that offensive poster. See that little button on your computer with the O and - ? Just push it and all those offensive posters will disappear off you screen.

Actually, we "conservatives" do not need to "belittle" those that think different. You liberals do it to yourselves. You have to be looking in the mirror when you accuse someone of disrespect. You are being led (and you do follow) the worst perpetrator of divisiveness in the country, Obama. You speak of "hate" and what do we hear from your liberal leaders but attacks on the Republicans, calling them "the enemy."

Quit complaining. This is a Free Speech forum, and you are just upset because this is one of the few that is not dominated by your fellow Demorals. If you liberals don't get your way, you always insist on banning it. If you don't like a conservative majority forum, feel free to log on to Huffington Post where you can feel more comfortable.
Or here is an alternative...go to this website, WHERE MANY ALREADY DO POST under assumed names and enjoy...

"The "sick picture", is directly relative to the bigoted, racist, ********* posts on totv political forum. Directly responsible are the gang of three that post incessantly on that redneck board.

Btw personal best regards on your trip back to that crap filled venue my ********* friend.

Talk of the villages bigotry - Discussion on Topix

This from a man named John who talks about posters on here and others under all kinds of different names who rip apart posters from here and uses their screen names and personal information.

There are a few from here who we all KNOW have populated that forum and obviously still do.

That might serve your purpose...there, you obviously can attack PEOPLE without any fear of repercussion nor discussion of facts or issues.

Have a nice trip.
Old 11-19-2015, 09:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Or here is an alternative...go to this website, WHERE MANY ALREADY DO POST under assumed names and enjoy...

"The "sick picture", is directly relative to the bigoted, racist, ********* posts on totv political forum. Directly responsible are the gang of three that post incessantly on that redneck board.

Btw personal best regards on your trip back to that crap filled venue my ********* friend.

Talk of the villages bigotry - Discussion on Topix

This from a man named John who talks about posters on here and others under all kinds of different names who rip apart posters from here and uses their screen names and personal information.

There are a few from here who we all KNOW have populated that forum and obviously still do.

That might serve your purpose...there, you obviously can attack PEOPLE without any fear of repercussion nor discussion of facts or issues.

Have a nice trip.
I have seen some of the postings on Topix and they are disgusting. No way I am going to visit that hate on a regular basis.

It would be wonderful to be able to discuss issues on this forum - either side - without being belittled. Some of you conservatives claim to be wanting such an exchange of ideas. Let's try it. It just might work.
Old 11-19-2015, 09:59 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have seen some of the postings on Topix and they are disgusting. No way I am going to visit that hate on a regular basis.

It would be wonderful to be able to discuss issues on this forum - either side - without being belittled. Some of you conservatives claim to be wanting such an exchange of ideas. Let's try it. It just might work.
The belittlers are the same as the chickens--t kids that would taunt as they ran away. Only here they can't get pounded.
Old 11-19-2015, 10:02 AM
Posts: n/a

Anybody who spends more than 2 minutes visiting TOPIX could be questionable.

A site that allows a bigger soap box and higher tolerance for BS accomplishments and wholesale lying.

The participants do subscribe to the credo a lie told often enough and loud enough soon becomes the truth.......to an audience of dolts that is!!!
Old 11-19-2015, 10:15 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have seen some of the postings on Topix and they are disgusting. No way I am going to visit that hate on a regular basis.

It would be wonderful to be able to discuss issues on this forum - either side - without being belittled. Some of you conservatives claim to be wanting such an exchange of ideas. Let's try it. It just might work.
I, personally, have tried many many times.

I started threads on Syria years ago...I started threads on the refugee POSSIBLIITY years ago....I began threads on Iran years ago.

I have begun threads asking questions DIRECTLY of democrats to try and get some intelligent conversation.

In most cases if you start a thread on ISSUES, you get silence, a cute little icon, or some other smart crack.

I honestly and sincerely cannot recall even up to 3 informed to the point and on issue response from any liberal. The posters who represent them, frankly, are more like those on that commode site of Topix, and I suspect many of them are the same. Frankly, I KNOW that some of them used to be but not sure now.

Thus your post falls on deaf ears.....very.....I would love, have begged for reasonable discourse, not agreement but exchange of ideas. I have implored liberals to post on here in an intelligent manner and for the most part got mocked and made fun of.
Old 11-19-2015, 10:19 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The belittlers are the same as the chickens--t kids that would taunt as they ran away. Only here they can't get pounded.
A year ago it was without a doubt the same liberal posters from here that posted on Topix. I cannot make that claim for sure now, except to say those who post on Topix are here and I assume posting. They easy exchange of screen names makes it tough....used to be able to put the name there to the name on here but cannot any longer.

BUT, the point is...those "belittlers" on there ARE ALSO ON THIS FORUM.

Everyone thinks they are not here and do not post here but they do.

Heck a year ago, some from Topix posted on here daily and often. I suspect it is the same now but they are being careful in getting named but rest ASSURED, that crowd is no different than what is here.

items, people, american, wishes, obama, nose, thumbing

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