Obama wants you to report anything "fishy"

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Old 08-05-2009, 06:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Obama wants you to report anything "fishy"

I cannot believe this. I have been outside most of the day today so I'm a little behind. Seems the White House want people to report anything "fishy" that is against the Health Care Debacle. Yes, if you see a video in your e-mail that is "fishy" send it to the white House.
Now, is this paranoid or what? Imagine if Bush asked the public to rat out your friends?

Old 08-05-2009, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Keedy View Post
I cannot believe this. I have been outside most of the day today so I'm a little behind. Seems the White House want people to report anything "fishy" that is against the Health Care Debacle. Yes, if you see a video in your e-mail that is "fishy" send it to the white House.
Now, is this paranoid or what? Imagine if Bush asked the public to rat out your friends?

Something fishy,eh? Well, I guess we're supposed to accept HR 3200 just "for the halibut!"
Old 08-05-2009, 07:53 PM
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Am going to sleep tonite with visions of Eugene McCarthy and George Orwell in my head!

Guess the Prez wants to try and shut down email noise since he can't stop the "manufactured" raucus at local town hall meetings.

How come community organizer was a career to be aspired to when he got out of college and now the community organizers are evil because they are organizing the community to attend the town hall meetings?!

Does this guy think that only Republicans are against his healthcare program? Do ya think that the folks who run Ebony and Black Entertainment Television are enthusiastic about the impact this policy has on their business?

What will happen to me if I choose not to attend my "end of life counseling"?
Old 08-05-2009, 08:28 PM
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Default Hey There!!

Wouldn't we all be better off spending our time trying to understand what those folks who were elected are planning to do re: healthcare than crafting zingers against some of the "electeds" as well as ourselves?

The 435 are there and they're going to do what they're going to do, at least until January, 2011. Wouldn't we all be better off trying to figure out what they're doing and why? Then, instead of zinging one another, send a communication to a few of the 435.

Just a thought...

The Villages Florida
Old 08-05-2009, 09:12 PM
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I am really concerned about the mindset in the whitehouse....It doesn't seem to be normal.
Old 08-05-2009, 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Keedy View Post
I cannot believe this. I have been outside most of the day today so I'm a little behind. Seems the White House want people to report anything "fishy" that is against the Health Care Debacle. Yes, if you see a video in your e-mail that is "fishy" send it to the white House.
Now, is this paranoid or what? Imagine if Bush asked the public to rat out your friends?

Next, school kids will be told to rat on their parents.


A member of the loyal opposition
Old 08-05-2009, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
Next, school kids will be told to rat on their parents.


A member of the loyal opposition
Health Care Snitch Line....Sounds rather Orwellian, huh?
First they dismiss the Tea Parties and try to make fun of them.
Now they are calling the citizens "mobs"
Funny thing is that the biggest voices at the protests are democrats.
Will there be a backlash from the citizens? Is it wise to attack the American people?
With more people every day unemployed...the ranks of protesters could swell.
Old 08-06-2009, 06:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post
Wouldn't we all be better off spending our time trying to understand what those folks who were elected are planning to do re: healthcare than crafting zingers against some of the "electeds" as well as ourselves?

The 435 are there and they're going to do what they're going to do, at least until January, 2011. Wouldn't we all be better off trying to figure out what they're doing and why? Then, instead of zinging one another, send a communication to a few of the 435.

Just a thought...

The Villages Florida
You may be very well correct VK, but in my opinion, this country is scared....terrified even of what is happening in Washington and there is nothing we can do until November 2010 ! That is reflected in the TOTV !
Old 08-06-2009, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post
Wouldn't we all be better off spending our time trying to understand what those folks who were elected are planning to do re: healthcare than crafting zingers against some of the "electeds" as well as ourselves?
Old 08-06-2009, 07:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post
Wouldn't we all be better off spending our time trying to understand what those folks who were elected are planning to do re: health care than crafting zingers against some of the "electeds" as well as ourselves?
No. unfortunately, I've no problem at all handling both, especially since I sincerely fear they are interrelated. I am quite concerned about what the administration plans to do with the databases they will build from the Fishy Hotline at flag@whitehouse.gov. It's rather ingenious in that they'll collect info on the reporter (as a definite potential donor and possible ACORN recruit) as well as the sender/instigator and any other addressee (as potential troublemakers). Will the Administration automatically monitor electronic communications of these people?

I've never been a believer in great conspiracies, but when something looks like a duck, smells like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, even I eventually believe it may really be a duck. I don't know if Obama is the leader of this movement or just a figurehead/tool, but something is going on. And the aspect of this movement that scares me most is the instigators seem to feel no need to be subtle. In several instances, their strong-arm tactics have been overly blatant. Be it abrogating legal contracts to appease the public or to expedite corporate takeovers or threatening business execs that their lives would be destroyed unless they played along. it has made me more and more queasy. And woe be anyone who disagrees with this movement. With the able support of the MSM, the gov't in power did everything possible to denigrate those who unfortunately have become known as "tea *******" and are now viciously attacking anyone who dares to question the efficacy of the proposed health care bill.

Is it Obama? I don't know. Other than that he is a pretty good speaker with exceptional charisma, I really don't know much about him, what he believes, what he wants. As we've seen, he is remarkable with a prepared text, but tends to wander in free form discussion if forced off talking points. Is he a product of his handlers or is he genuine? I don't know.

Is it 1984 (or some would say 1933)? Hopefully not yet, but I am identifying more closely with Winston Smith, albeit sans Julia.

Hopefully I am overreacting. Little if any of this stuff will affect me, but if it does come to the fruition I fear, it could well destroy the America of mt great nephews and nieces.

Old 08-06-2009, 07:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
Next, school kids will be told to rat on their parents.


A member of the loyal opposition
Didn't something like go on in Europe about 70 years ago? Can't wait to get rid of these bums.
Old 08-06-2009, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by JUREK View Post
Didn't something like go on in Europe about 70 years ago? Can't wait to get rid of these bums.
The parallels are down right spooky, to say the least. This administration knows that their window of opportunity is getting smaller every day as more and more people are starting to come out of that weird spell they succumbed to last year. The antidote to this aberration will be the truth.
Old 08-06-2009, 08:13 AM
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Good morning, Munc, when you said the following, just now, you pushed my Orwell button and I have a little something to say at the bottom of this.

(Munc said this)..........

No. unfortunately, I've no problem at all handling both, especially since I sincerely fear they are interrelated. I am quite concerned about what the administration plans to do with the databases they will build from the Fishy Hotline at flag@whitehouse.gov. It's rather ingenious in that they'll collect info on the reporter (as a definite potential donor and possible ACORN recruit) as well as the sender/instigator and any other addressee (as potential troublemakers). Will the Administration automatically monitor electronic communications of these people?

I've never been a believer in great conspiracies, but when something looks like a duck, smells like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, even I eventually believe it may really be a duck. I don't know if Obama is the leader of this movement or just a figurehead/tool, but something is going on. And the aspect of this movement that scares me most is the instigators seem to feel no need to be subtle. In several instances, their strong-arm tactics have been overly blatant. Be it abrogating legal contracts to appease the public or to expedite corporate takeovers or threatening business execs that their lives would be destroyed unless they played along. it has made me more and more queasy. And woe be anyone who disagrees with this movement. With the able support of the MSM, the gov't in power did everything possible to denigrate those who unfortunately have become known as "tea *******" and are now viciously attacking anyone who dares to question the efficacy of the proposed health care bill.

Is it Obama? I don't know. Other than that he is a pretty good speaker with exceptional charisma, I really don't know much about him, what he believes, what he wants. As we've seen, he is remarkable with a prepared text, but tends to wander in free form discussion if forced off talking points. Is he a product of his handlers or is he genuine? I don't know.

Is it 1984 (or some would say 1933)? Hopefully not yet, but I am identifying more closely with Winston Smith, albeit sans Julia.

Hopefully I am overreacting. Little if any of this stuff will affect me, but if it does come to the fruition I fear, it could well destroy the America of mt great nephews and nieces.

(That was Munc's quote. I forgot to grab it the other way.)

Hey Munc,

You pushed my Orwell button and you said so many things that I agree with. You know I never hold up those little "I agree" signs though. I have to use my own words.

Moderate me is scared, too.

And I think that 1984 book clubs need to be everywhere. Before they have to meet underground.

Where are America's leaders? Leaders with common sense and a commitment and the ability to solve our nation's problems?

We could have great discussion about Orwell. But where is Thomas Paine when we need him?

Oh Munc, do you think we are trapped in Room 101?

Old 08-06-2009, 08:14 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post

Wouldn't we all be better off spending our time trying to understand what those folks who were elected are planning to do re: healthcare than crafting zingers against some of the "electeds" as well as ourselves?

The 435 are there and they're going to do what they're going to do, at least until January, 2011. Wouldn't we all be better off trying to figure out what they're doing and why? Then, instead of zinging one another, send a communication to a few of the 435.

Just a thought...

"Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future." Saul Alinsky
Old 08-06-2009, 08:53 AM
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Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
"Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future." Saul Alinsky
Cabo, you just awakened something that I have been pondering for awhile. Your quote about letting go of the past is very interesting. It probably starts in our school system as they are teaching the young a version of history that is quite different then we were taught.
The culture of today is vastly different. The difference from right and wrong is more blurry today. Political correctness has stiffled real thought in this country. People must think twice before offending anybody. The moral compass is tilted.
What do our children learn in school. What passes for entertainment on our televisions that children watch daily and whose parents are too busy to supervise. The moral code of ethics is practically non-existing as children can watch adult entertainment at will.
Think of the television fare that the boomers were subjected to. Wagon Train always had good drama about right and wrong. Westerns always taught us about respect and moral issues. Kids now watch shows about sex and depravity and the line between right and wrong is very blurred. Patriotism is viewed with a distant quaintness and not thought of as a good quality.
The thing is...if you forget where you came from...how are you going to not make mistakes. History repeats itself...if you don't learn from it you will be doomed. Patriotism, freedom, individual rights are the backbone of this country.....are we turning into a bunch of fools???

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