Obama's National Police

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Old 10-02-2008, 08:06 AM
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Default Obama's National Police

The scariest thing I have heard from Obama's lips are his call for a civilian National Police Force. He included it in a recent speech but you won't find it in the transcript of that speech. No wonder. National Police? Be afraid, very afraid.

I spent many years in law enforcement. I served for a decade as an associate professor of criminal justice. The prospect of a national police force should be frightening to anyone who values freedom, liberty and democracy. One of the tenants of oppressive ideologies is to seize law enforcement powers through a national police force or by nationalizing the police. George Orwell's Big Brother is late but he has arrived.

The part of the speech that has been edited out of the transcript is at about the 16:45 minute on the bar at the bottom. Slide the button to that mark unless you want to hear the whole speech.


This link will soon be disappearing when the Obama legal team gets it.
Old 10-02-2008, 08:13 AM
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Cabo, did you read my thread titled "comment, please?" I am curious about your take on that article.
I know regular army/marine troops were used to quell the 1968 riots.
Old 10-02-2008, 08:48 AM
Posts: n/a

Yes...isn't this what Bush is doing right now...perhaps he stole Obama's idea?

Go ahead Cabo....yell....get it out...it's ok....I can take it!

Sorry...Cassie is being a little Sassy today....

Old 10-02-2008, 08:58 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
The scariest thing I have heard from Obama's lips are his call for a civilian National Police Force. He included it in a recent speech but you won't find it in the transcript of that speech. No wonder. National Police? Be afraid, very afraid.

I spent many years in law enforcement. I served for a decade as an associate professor of criminal justice. The prospect of a national police force should be frightening to anyone who values freedom, liberty and democracy. One of the tenants of oppressive ideologies is to seize law enforcement powers through a national police force or by nationalizing the police. George Orwell's Big Brother is late but he has arrived.

The part of the speech that has been edited out of the transcript is at about the 16:45 minute on the bar at the bottom. Slide the button to that mark unless you want to hear the whole speech.


This link will soon be disappearing when the Obama legal team gets it.
We already have on the federal side as sworn law enforcement:

Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
Customs and Border Protection
Elements of the Coast Guard
Secret Service
TSA Federal Air Marshalls
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Drug Enforcement Administration
U.S. Marshalls
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
US Park Police
and I'm sure I just forgot a few more during this "senior moment."

We need another layer to these ? ? ?

Sen. Obama spent years as a Constitutional Law professor. I would love to hear how he plans to get around 10th Amendment issues to accomplish this.
Old 10-02-2008, 09:04 AM
Posts: n/a

and I'm sure I just forgot a few more during this "senior moment." QUOTE]

A VILLAGE moment Steve....sounds more fun doesn't it? Sorry about the highjack....
Old 10-02-2008, 09:39 AM
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Hi Sam, I have been trying to scale back my occasional long winded posts... then you go ahead and ask me a question I could write a book on. I will try to be mercifully brief.

I believe it is dangerous under any circumstance to use the military in a law enforcement capacity. I oppose the concept on the same basis I oppose Obama's national police force. The history of Posse Comitatus and its slow metamorphosis into Section 1076 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization could fill a book.

Personally, I am a states rights advocate. Accordingly, I believe that the emergent contingencies that would require extraordinary means should be done through the National Guard and/or State Police. Presently, I do not believe they have the resources of our military. I would like to see a transition that would involve developing the potential of these agencies through the allocation of more resources and training.

I understand the deployment of that Brigade to homeland defense efforts. The author of the article you posted said,

"There's no need to start manufacturing all sorts of scare scenarios about Bush canceling elections or the imminent declaration of martial law or anything of that sort. None of that is going to happen with a single brigade and it's unlikely in the extreme that they'd be announcing these deployments if they had activated any such plans."

That being said, I believe it is a bad precedent to use military forces for domestic law enforcement. Obama's National Police are equally threatening to democracy as we know it.

p.s. Sam, I was in the middle of the 1968 riots and attended a nationwide critique in San Luis Obispo, California afterward. I have no recollection of the Army or Marines being active. The National Guard was heavily deployed. If I'm misinformed, please let me know.
Old 10-02-2008, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
Hi Sam, I have been trying to scale back my occasional long winded posts... then you go ahead and ask me a question I could write a book on. I will try to be mercifully brief.

I believe it is dangerous under any circumstance to use the military in a law enforcement capacity. I oppose the concept on the same basis I oppose Obama's national police force. The history of Posse Comitatus and its slow metamorphosis into Section 1076 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization could fill a book.

Personally, I am a states rights advocate. Accordingly, I believe that the emergent contingencies that would require extraordinary means should be done through the National Guard and/or State Police. Presently, I do not believe they have the resources of our military. I would like to see a transition that would involve developing the potential of these agencies through the allocation of more resources and training.

I understand the deployment of that Brigade to homeland defense efforts. The author of the article you posted said,

"There's no need to start manufacturing all sorts of scare scenarios about Bush canceling elections or the imminent declaration of martial law or anything of that sort. None of that is going to happen with a single brigade and it's unlikely in the extreme that they'd be announcing these deployments if they had activated any such plans."

That being said, I believe it is a bad precedent to use military forces for domestic law enforcement. Obama's National Police are equally threatening to democracy as we know it.

p.s. Sam, I was in the middle of the 1968 riots and attended a nationwide critique in San Luis Obispo, California afterward. I have no recollection of the Army or Marines being active. The National Guard was heavily deployed. If I'm misinformed, please let me know.
Great post Cabo and your thread sent me to do some reading. I have been saying all along that a Sen Obama presidency is the last link to socialism in this country and you said it well......."That being said, I believe it is a bad precedent to use military forces for domestic law enforcement. Obama's National Police are equally threatening to democracy as we know it." Armed National Police is just a scary thought.

But in addition in doing some reading on Sen Obama's own website I note that he wants this national police FUNDED as well as our own military. Now, more socialist ideas.......we are going to protect our selves from our selves and cut the spending on protecting us from outsiders ? That, of course, is a short sighted and black and white version, but where is all this money coming from that he wants the federal government to take care of ?

Thanks for the thread.....not something I was eventhat aware of but National police is just another way of enforcing socialism !
Old 10-02-2008, 09:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
Great post Cabo and your thread sent me to do some reading. I have been saying all along that a Sen Obama presidency is the last link to socialism in this country and you said it well......."That being said, I believe it is a bad precedent to use military forces for domestic law enforcement. Obama's National Police are equally threatening to democracy as we know it." Armed National Police is just a scary thought.

But in addition in doing some reading on Sen Obama's own website I note that he wants this national police FUNDED as well as our own military. Now, more socialist ideas.......we are going to protect our selves from our selves and cut the spending on protecting us from outsiders ? That, of course, is a short sighted and black and white version, but where is all this money coming from that he wants the federal government to take care of ?

Thanks for the thread.....not something I was eventhat aware of but National police is just another way of enforcing socialism !
I whole heartily agree with the posts that I've read so far on this thread
Old 10-02-2008, 10:07 PM
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Cabo, I will have to do some research. If memory serves, the military was used in Washington DC.
Old 10-02-2008, 10:14 PM
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Cabo, I just googled 1968 Washington riots and believe that not only were regular army used, but US Marines were also called in.
Old 10-02-2008, 10:38 PM
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In his speech, he called it a "civilian national security force" that "needs to be just as just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded" as our military because we cannot rely on our military alone to achieve national security objectives.

Wow! Why hasn't this made the news? I haven't even heard this on FOX.
Old 10-02-2008, 10:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Question Bush's National Police.

Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
The scariest thing I have heard from Obama's lips are his call for a civilian National Police Force. He included it in a recent speech but you won't find it in the transcript of that speech. No wonder. National Police? Be afraid, very afraid.

I spent many years in law enforcement. I served for a decade as an associate professor of criminal justice. The prospect of a national police force should be frightening to anyone who values freedom, liberty and democracy. One of the tenants of oppressive ideologies is to seize law enforcement powers through a national police force or by nationalizing the police. George Orwell's Big Brother is late but he has arrived.

The part of the speech that has been edited out of the transcript is at about the 16:45 minute on the bar at the bottom. Slide the button to that mark unless you want to hear the whole speech.


This link will soon be disappearing when the Obama legal team gets it.
Sorry, I'm confused. Isn't this the same bill George W. Bush signed in 2006, that was revised in 2008? Why is the called Obama's National Police? Why isn't this called Bush's National Police?
Old 10-03-2008, 07:19 AM
Posts: n/a

Sorry, I'm confused. Isn't this the same bill George W. Bush signed in 2006, that was revised in 2008? Why is the called Obama's National Police? Why isn't this called Bush's National Police?
__________________________________________________ ___________-

Hoping you can supply some more information on this 2006 bill that you say is already law (signed by Bush in 2006)...link or something ?

Old 10-03-2008, 07:48 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Bush's National Police.

Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
Sorry, I'm confused. Isn't this the same bill George W. Bush signed in 2006, that was revised in 2008? Why is the called Obama's National Police? Why isn't this called Bush's National Police?
__________________________________________________ ___________-

Hoping you can supply some more information on this 2006 bill that you say is already law (signed by Bush in 2006)...link or something ?

Samhass posted in "Comments, please.


Old 10-03-2008, 08:04 AM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post

Not sure but this is, I believe, an addition to the Patriot act as a result of the fiasco in Katrina for one. Not sure I support it anyway,but this is nothing like Sen Obama has proposed...this is a quote of his from July of this year...

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Now....what bothers me personallly is ....."just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Imagine he has proposed CUTTING the military but then proposes this.

I may have it misunderstood but this is what he said....a force "just as poweful, just as strong, just as well-funded" in comparing to our military !

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