Obama's speech today at 1 PM...

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Old 11-03-2010, 01:31 PM
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Default Obama's speech today at 1 PM...

In my opinion his speech as well as the Q & A would suggest he either "does not get it" or is playing the same words game he has been for the past two years.

It was quite obvious he has not changed one iota his view of health care reform. He still is of the view he has done something good...but the American people just haven't felt it yet. He said the same thing today that he said while he was ram rodding the bill last year...if the Republicans have some good ideas we will listen to them.

His entire speech was one of letting us know he is willing to listen. He has said that before...many times.

And consistent with past speeches, there was no comment of direction or priority or of a plan on any subject. If there is no plan....there is no commitment...there can be no progress...there is nothing to measure to or be guided by!!

Lastly to recount he and the congress had to rush things through last year because we were in free fall....therefore all the pork and earmarks were still there...but we did "stabalize the free fall". The free fall concept is his and his administrations made up story and that where we landed was stability. That nebulous concept is about as valid as the jobs saved that used to be portrayed as an accomplishment.

I have said it before and I stand by my position that until such time he gives a direction on a given subject/issue ( _ _ X _ _ fill in your choice) there will be no plan, no time table, no accountability, no way to measure up, down or side ways. Washington business as usual.

I was hopeful he would do/say something different. Time will tell if he is able to make anything happen or not...like Clinton did.

There was just no .....here is what we are GOING to do!!!!!

What did you see/hear?

Old 11-03-2010, 01:52 PM
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Come on, give the bloke a chance. Ain't easy being a leader of 57 states.
Old 11-03-2010, 02:37 PM
Posts: n/a

off the top of my head, i think he got it...but like every other time he got it, he just refuses to accept it.

his indication that he is willing to listen just rings hollow. we have heard that over and over and over again.

sure he will listen to what the republicans have to say - but nothing will come of it - he only wants to hear that the republicans are going to do what he wants, how he wants and when he wants it done.

i fear we will spend the next two years at an impasse where nothing significant will be accomplished. but that might be the new definition of stability.

on the other side...i haven't heard john boehner say anything about negotitating outcomes that will be good for the country either.

i wish i could think of an appropriate sports metaphor but one escapes me right now. maybe something like it's half time and the coach is in the locker room checking the injury list - we'll have to see who comes out of the locker room ready to play.
Old 11-03-2010, 02:54 PM
Posts: n/a

After the election results were obvious last night, I heard Charles Krauthammer say that in his opinion, Obama would go along with the Republicans and the American majority in order to have a better chance at re-election.

But, Krauthammer warned, Obama would make dramatic changes through the EPA and other non-voting Congressional methods in order to appease the Progressives. His prediction was there will be non-legislative changes in cap and trade, immigration, LGBT agenda items and other things in order to keep in good graces with his Progressive Dems.
Old 11-03-2010, 03:06 PM
Posts: n/a

I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, although be warned he said all the same kind of things during the campaign and then ignored all he said. but with that in mind, his actions will sway me more than his words !
Old 11-03-2010, 05:10 PM
Posts: n/a

I am now already concerned. The President alluded to how the Republicans have got to come to discuss.

I just heard Harry Reid say that the Republicans have got to come to him and the President.

Did they not notice that the voters voted OUT those he wishes to stand still and wait for the other side ?

I agree that those newly elected folks now have to come up with ideas but I am getting the idea that Obama and Reid just dont get it at all !!!
Old 11-03-2010, 06:14 PM
Posts: n/a
Default He/they do not get it. Just listen to his waffle answer

regarding health care reform. According to Obama, it is STILL his greatest service that he has performed for we the people.
As the saying goes you can rearrange the spots on a leopard and when you get done you STILL have a leopard!!!

One of the news anchors in Nevada last night when asked what he thought about Reid winning. He said "...Mr. Reid, had better learn enough Spanish to say Muchas Gracias...".

The unions also made (another) major contribution to Reid's campaign.

Now don't we all want to know what Harry boy is beholding to those two specific groups?

How about amnesty with auto conversion to citizenship?
How about doing away with secret ballots in union elections?

Like some of the other surprise re-electeds, it was a huge disappointment that dirty HArry survived.

Old 11-04-2010, 05:11 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
In my opinion his speech as well as the Q & A would suggest he either "does not get it" or is playing the same words game he has been for the past two years.

It was quite obvious he has not changed one iota his view of health care reform. He still is of the view he has done something good...but the American people just haven't felt it yet. He said the same thing today that he said while he was ram rodding the bill last year...if the Republicans have some good ideas we will listen to them.

His entire speech was one of letting us know he is willing to listen. He has said that before...many times.

And consistent with past speeches, there was no comment of direction or priority or of a plan on any subject. If there is no plan....there is no commitment...there can be no progress...there is nothing to measure to or be guided by!!

Lastly to recount he and the congress had to rush things through last year because we were in free fall....therefore all the pork and earmarks were still there...but we did "stabalize the free fall". The free fall concept is his and his administrations made up story and that where we landed was stability. That nebulous concept is about as valid as the jobs saved that used to be portrayed as an accomplishment.

I have said it before and I stand by my position that until such time he gives a direction on a given subject/issue ( _ _ X _ _ fill in your choice) there will be no plan, no time table, no accountability, no way to measure up, down or side ways. Washington business as usual.

I was hopeful he would do/say something different. Time will tell if he is able to make anything happen or not...like Clinton did.

There was just no .....here is what we are GOING to do!!!!!

What did you see/hear?

Got to say this BTK.....you must keep in mind that this man has NEVER had a "real" job in his life. He has been lecturing, writing TWO books about himself, or campaigning and being an elected official. He has never had to make a payroll, and as unbelievable as it may sound, he has surrounded himself with people of the same ilk. NOT one of them has ever had to make a payroll.

This is much different than 1994 as some say it is equal to.....this was a very clear message on his policies. I have been reading exit polls and for what they might mean, this was a referendum on OBAMA ! He better understand that and do it quickly !

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