Oh no!!; another Obama lie?; when will it end?

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Old 07-31-2010, 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
Has a new batch of government retirees come to The Villages?

So what is the real question?

I am retired Army which is Government and I have came to The Villages.
Old 07-31-2010, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
So what is the real question?

I am retired Army which is Government and I have came to The Villages.
I was Air Force. My average pay was not nearly twice that of civilians, was yours? You know who I mean. The ones who made more money, never held a real profit producing job and retired with nearly full pay and benefits telling us all the time how hard it was.

Does that describe you?

Thank you for your service. BTW I never heard of a left wing Army retiree except John F. Kerry.

Old 07-31-2010, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
I was Air Force. My average pay was not nearly twice that of civilians, was yours? You know who I mean. The ones who made more money, never held a real profit producing job and retired with nearly full pay and benefits telling us all the time how hard it was.

Does that describe you?

Thank you for your service. BTW I never heard of a left wing Army retiree except John F. Kerry.

I was paid big bucks Yoda. As an enlisted retiree, I immediately started with my first retirement check of over 900 dollars a month. And that was for only 22 years of service. I am happy with my paycheck. I am not happy with multi million dollar bonus checks for anyone.
Old 07-31-2010, 05:49 PM
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Lefties always worry more about what someone else makes. If somebody get a million or 10 million dollar bonus why do you care. Worry about how you live your life and let the earners earn.

PS Thanks for your service
Old 07-31-2010, 06:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Pats2010 View Post
I think Fox does an outstanding job of reporting the news. Seems like the other networks only broadcast news items that make Obama look good. Anything that is remotely unfavorable towards Obama does not get air time on other cable "news" stations.
People who think highly of Obama do not like to see news that tells the truth. There have been many news stories that CNN MSNBC and their ilk refuse to broadcast because it makes their hero look bad.
So you are saying that Fox is a real news channel?
Old 07-31-2010, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by jebartle View Post
Daaaah!...Fox news...jrheydt, it is useless to post here, some members get mean!!!!
You're right!!!
Old 07-31-2010, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by jrheydt View Post
So you are saying that Fox is a real news channel?
Old 07-31-2010, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
With all due respect sir, making such a generalization as calling folks "righties" is manifestation of a few things which I will not even address.

HOWEVER, as someone who had NEVER EVER voted straight party lines in ANY election in my lifetime and that covers a lot of elections, I, with all due respect, resent you calling me as one of the posters here who opposes this President as such a thing.

I know that in 2000, when Soros took over your party (I am for sure making an assumption that you are a party man from the Democratic side simply based on your little name call) the bitterness over that election is what has allowed said takeover.

I also resent any american who speaks their mind on policies (not personal as with the various Bush ridicules) being called a 'loser" of any type.

If you wish to discuss whether this President has lied, I invite you to do that....if you wish to discuss any differences in policy I invite you to do that, but I, personally and this is just me..cant speak for anyone else...take great offense to anyone simply coming on here and just start calling names with no validity or discussion.

You, or this type of action I will say, is the problem with politics today however you do manifest the attitude of this White House !
Yes, were getting a few "drive by" posters lately. Never any substantial contributions to the forum.
Old 07-31-2010, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Pats2010 View Post
Yes, were getting a few "drive by" posters lately. Never any substantial contributions to the forum.

The more posters the better as a general rule.

But the ones we have had in the last week or so appear to be totally incapable of discussing issues and can only repeat the tiresome old rhetoric. Sad but they can also vote !!!!

Would it not be nice to have an Obama supporter come on here and actually present a case on an issue of any kind. It seems they are only capable of the one liners that you exchange at a saloon !
Old 08-01-2010, 10:22 AM
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Default Too many at this point are ashamed to come out, as they

realize they bought a pig in a poke.

Why else would they not support their elected official as they did when he was a candidate?

And the lame commentary about how mean and disparaging and what ever other lamo excuse is just that...lame-OH!

Old 08-01-2010, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by jrheydt View Post
So you are saying that Fox is a real news channel?
Just stay with MSNBC, CNN and the Big 3. This way you won't have to hear any stories contrary to your inner narrative. No need to stress yourself with any thoughts that the majority of the country might, I mean, just might disagree with your opinions on the efficacy of the path of our present leadership.
Old 08-01-2010, 02:40 PM
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Default No

Originally Posted by jrheydt View Post
So you are saying that Fox is a real news channel?
I do not think Fox is a real news channel.

I think fox is the only news channel. And the only one that reports all of the news.

you cannot name one other channel that reports all the news.
Old 08-01-2010, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by cashman View Post
I do not think Fox is a real news channel.

I think fox is the only news channel. And the only one that reports all of the news.

you cannot name one other channel that reports all the news.
Of course you're right, but I can hear the libs guffawing as they gaze at their shrine of Dan Rather.

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