One Sumter/Reverse One Sumter

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Old 10-20-2008, 09:24 AM
Posts: n/a

As I understand the issue, one sumter is not unique (voting for all representatives). Lake and Marion counties have been doing just that prior to "one sumter".

I like holding all representatives accountable not just the 2 of 5 villages residents.
Old 10-21-2008, 08:42 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by JCapporelli View Post
I personally know my Commission by attending meetings and by seeing their involvement (or lack thereof) at various events. J.C.

Where were you when the benign neglect of the the Villages was being smugly exercised by the SUMTER good ol' boys. As the main revenue source for Sumter County, the Villages should have been given more respect and consideration by that old board. If that had been the case, perhaps one Sumter would not be an issue today. I don't know you personally, so, I don't know if your a product of that ilk, although you do seem sincere. I thank you and salute your military service. I also give you credit for posting your opinion.

In two of your posts you attack big business as part of the problem for your candidacy. That is an absolute red herring and I think you know that. Those big businesses pay enormous taxes to Sumter County. Why wouldn't they have a horse in the race? They certainly have a stake in the outcome. Instead of demonizing big business, why wouldn't you communicate and cultivate their support. That's politics.

In my opinion, the new commissioners have been fairer to all the residents of Sumter County and a lot more efficient in saving taxpayer dollars then the good ol' boy pork barrel spenders they replaced. The ol' boys conduct gave rise to the tea party battle cry, "no taxation without representation" as long as the Villages representation was contained to a minority vote while providing the lion's share of revenue. Ironically, that seems to be the essence of your current argument. Consistent with our principles of democracy, all the voters in Sumter County will have an opportunity to weigh in and the majority will rule. Just my thoughts on your posts. VOTE NO
Old 10-21-2008, 10:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Was I there?


Opened up my office here in Jan 2002, retired from AF in 09/2001. Originally from Chicago. My ownership in this community started in Jan 2002. I supported my opponent with a vote in 2004. I realize there was reckless spending in past. Look around today and it continues. Bushnell VA office renovation only to close. The handing over of prime location 466/301 to a municipality. The over leasing of office space only to be cut and money to be sent to Non for Profits, 135K check given to another non for profit. Water being pumped out to a private bottler without excise or the related. Dump trucks coming in from other counties without a tipping tax. Shall I go further. I don't expect to make sense on a wire like this. I want better for my family. I want honest and fair leadership that can balance the representation of citizens as well as big business. I fully understand the role of big business while realizing the plight of the working class. I deal with big business daily, their not always right either...

We realize the positive impact that the Villages have. Respect is earned and there is a ton of ways to win the heart and souls of all citizens but it's not with a big stick. It starts with dialogue and understanding the needs and concerns of all. This shouldn't only be in election time. My opponent is just non eventful for me. We (my district) need a leader, one who can can contribute not just follow. As a candidate, the doors are not as open as you may percieve, being a pawn to a big business or my party is not my version of what a candidate should be. I just may be in the wrong time frame Cabo35, my thoughts are it's okay to represent your people while considering the needs of others. We are not too far apart just seeing it from a different angle. I can't stand waste either. We share that! I also believe everybody should carry their load. Thanks a bunch, you help me understand where we can improve as a county, let's go forward and make a difference. I choose to live where I do as you probably did, not better or worse.


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