Palin Off Limits??? Wow!

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Old 09-13-2008, 01:31 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Palin Off Limits??? Wow!


I'll bet you like to read very long books too.
That you use Paul krugman and Jim Hightower to buttress your so called fair and balanced opinions says all that needs to be said.
And organizations like ACORN as doing terrific community organizing. I think they have been sued pretty much every where they "organize", they will register anyone even the dead. All for dems of corse.
Anyway do you have any original thoughts of your own?, or do you have to quote some lefty blog, or left wing article you lifted somewhere? Can you make a sentence without pointing to some liberal website for conformation on your thoughts? Just wondering.

have you heard OOOiwantoforceone lately? Benj

Old 09-13-2008, 01:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Palin Off Limits??? Wow!

SAMHASS made a point of saying that Gov Palin was not remotely quallified to be the leader of the free world...she does not say that about any of the others. Found an interesting article on NPR...hope we can all agree it is rather does not make a case for either person..Sen Obama or Gov Palin in my opinion but makes for interesting reading....

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