"Pay up, or we will find you. We know where you live. We are watching you."

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Old 05-02-2010, 11:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Default "Pay up, or we will find you. We know where you live. We are watching you."

Have you seen this? The state of Pennsylvania's tax amnesty program?

"A $3 million television ad campaign will help the state collect at least $190 million in back taxes through an amnesty program that runs today through June 18, Gov. Ed Rendell said," according to the Pittsburgh Tribune Review.

You have to see the television ad to believe it. The radio and newspaper spots are just a bit disturbing. And if that isn't disturbing enough, the government of PA is offering special deals to to those who don't pay their taxes on time. Their offer is 50% off the interest rate and offer to not charge the penalty for non-filing/late tax payment. The next thing you know, they will be offering amnesty to illegal aliens!

You can find the televison commercials on Youtube, but the filth people type in as comments is offensive So here is a link to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue website. When the link opens, take a look at their advertising campaign info. Scroll down to:

Advertising Materials
Watch Television Commercial
We Know Who You Are


News article about the campaign:

Old 05-02-2010, 12:16 PM
Posts: n/a

Holy mackeral!!!
Talk about big brother watching you. I hope the left-wing media is outraged by our privacy violations.
Old 05-02-2010, 12:27 PM
Posts: n/a

Glad you watched it. It is really unbelievable isn't it? But hey, they are just upholding the law (well except for the amnestity part of brokering deals for tax cheats) like the Gov. of Arizona is doing. Where's the outrage from the left on this one?

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