Planned Parenthood

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Old 07-21-2015, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Question for you ...if your infant grandchild desperately needed a liver or kidney and could be the recepient, would you be supportive?
Of course not.

You asking the question tells a lot.

How could anyone want a harvested part from a murdered baby.

The fact you ask that questions means you believe their is a life being snuffed out, unlike what we are told.

What a callous immoral question.
Old 07-21-2015, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
3:18, I think you should answer first.

I'm not the poster you're quoting, but my answer is no. There are others sources for both kidneys and livers, sources that do not have the moral complications of using fetal tissue.
I'm not the poster either, but totally agree with you. I would not be able to live with myself if I obtained an organ in this manner for my child. Kill another child so your that yours can live? Some would say that this is not exactly how it works, since the other baby would have been done away with anyway, but the reality is, that is exactly what it is. What kind of society would we be if this becomes commonplace? It has all the elements of corruption.
Old 07-21-2015, 04:18 PM
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Here is the full video, unedited. It is nearly and hour and fifteen minutes. I haven't watched it yet, will later.
Old 07-21-2015, 04:49 PM
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If you are against abortion, that is totally YOUR decision. The Supreme Court made it legal. Pro-Choice is the law of the land.

Of course, the right wing nuts want to legislate for others. How about if your daughter became pregnant and did not want to have the baby? Would you force her to have the baby and then give it up? How about by incest or rape?

Give it up! Pro-Choice is the law of the land.

Planned Parenthood was not selling body parts. Put away your heavily edited video clips. Tread on new ground - REALITY.

This is the 21st century. Get out of the 1950's.
Old 07-21-2015, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If you are against abortion, that is totally YOUR decision. The Supreme Court made it legal. Pro-Choice is the law of the land.

Of course, the right wing nuts want to legislate for others. How about if your daughter became pregnant and did not want to have the baby? Would you force her to have the baby and then give it up? How about by incest or rape?

Give it up! Pro-Choice is the law of the land.

Planned Parenthood was not selling body parts. Put away your heavily edited video clips. Tread on new ground - REALITY.

This is the 21st century. Get out of the 1950's.
EXACTLY what were they selling ???
Old 07-21-2015, 05:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If you are against abortion, that is totally YOUR decision. The Supreme Court made it legal. Pro-Choice is the law of the land.

Of course, the right wing nuts want to legislate for others. How about if your daughter became pregnant and did not want to have the baby? Would you force her to have the baby and then give it up? How about by incest or rape?

Give it up! Pro-Choice is the law of the land.

Planned Parenthood was not selling body parts. Put away your heavily edited video clips. Tread on new ground - REALITY.

This is the 21st century. Get out of the 1950's.

Exactly. Posters on here want smaller government or no government except when it comes to a woman's uterus. Then they want to have their nose in every woman's uterus to make sure every pregnancy comes to term. If they have their way, birth control will be banned or controlled by a woman's employer.

So let's review; no birth control to stop unwanted pregnancies, but should a pregnancy occur, no abortion in a safe environment, even if that pregnancy is the result of rape.
Old 07-21-2015, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Exactly. Posters on here want smaller government or no government except when it comes to a woman's uterus. Then they want to have their nose in every woman's uterus to make sure every pregnancy comes to term. If they have their way, birth control will be banned or controlled by a woman's employer.

So let's review; no birth control to stop unwanted pregnancies, but should a pregnancy occur, no abortion in a safe environment, even if that pregnancy is the result of rape.
"Planned Parenthood was not selling body parts."

Was a quote in the post you replied to.....what were they selling ?
Old 07-21-2015, 05:37 PM
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Everyone understands as a few posters are trying to lecture everybody on, what the law of the land is on abortion. It is the callous, we are the winner, attitude in talking about this subject that is beyond the pale....

TONIGHT....when you lay down, last think for a moment about this unborn infant inside a womb where it is for protection as it develops. Then think of this partial conversation with the doctor who kills that baby....

""I'd say a lot of people want liver," she explained to undercover pro-life operatives pretending to be buyers from a biotech company.

So she and her harvesters use ultrasound techniques to figure out where the liver and other desirable organs are. That way they can be "cognizant of where you put your graspers."

This technique, she explains, is "good at getting heart, lung, liver ... so I'm not gonna crush that part. I'm going to basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact."

"Crush above" is her way of saying the baby's skull is crushed with tiny jaws of death."

Liberal theory of justice doesn't support abortion - Chicago Tribune

Nobody is trying to change your mind on abortion. But stop playing innocent as if it were not killing, and stop with the smug comments to those who find this objectionable.

I can recall all the comments on here when the terrible situation in Ferguson took place and how many times we heard "nobody deserves to die like this".......I say the same thing to this procedure.
Old 07-21-2015, 05:44 PM
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This is how the editorial in the above link concludes.....

"The abortion industry prefers to talk about abortions that do away with unwanted "clumps of cells" or clear out "uterine contents." But the beings Nucatola sells for parts have hearts and lungs and livers. Clumps of cells do not.

If I were living behind the veil of ignorance and was afforded the opportunity to be eliminated in utero, I'd probably opt for getting it over with as soon as possible, before I developed pain receptors, never mind salable parts. But, again, I'd first choose to be born. In that sense, you could say I'm pro-choice.

Just, for once, think about what is being done. You can claim all your victories, do your dances, tell anyone who opposes it how backward they are but they seem to have more respect for life than you folks.
Old 07-21-2015, 05:56 PM
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The founder of Planned Parenthood is Margaret Sanger...a few quotes from MS Sanger....

"We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring."

"Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization."

10-Eye-Opening Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger |

Is this what she meant......

The below information is from 2013 in New York City.....

There were more blacks who had "induced termination" (abortion) than live births !!!

24,108 live births and 29,007 abortions !!!

If those liberals who support the termination of racism would read about the beliefs that were the basis for Planned Parenthood, I think you might need to choose a side. She was a racist and as you see from her quotes would probably be overjoyed with the New York stats.
Old 07-21-2015, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If you are against abortion, that is totally YOUR decision. The Supreme Court made it legal. Pro-Choice is the law of the land.

Of course, the right wing nuts want to legislate for others. How about if your daughter became pregnant and did not want to have the baby? Would you force her to have the baby and then give it up? How about by incest or rape?

Give it up! Pro-Choice is the law of the land.

Planned Parenthood was not selling body parts. Put away your heavily edited video clips. Tread on new ground - REALITY.

This is the 21st century. Get out of the 1950's.
The video I posted is not a clip. Have you watched it?

We aren't currently talking about abortion. We are talking about the sale of body parts.
Old 07-21-2015, 06:16 PM
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It defies logic and common sense and common decency that a subject like abortion and the recent Planned Parenthood disgusting exposure to be a partisan issue.

It is a very low value, low esteem, low character, desparate politician that uses this subject to garner a voting block.

Does anybody really believe peoples morals are red or blue or dem or republican....they are not and neither is this subject.

To view the videos of the head of Planned Parenthood, during lucn, dicussing methods of more carefully removing fetuses to preserve parts would indicate what? I dare any of the abortion and party supporters try to make something good out of these revelations. Butchers!!!!

We do know the difference between right and wrong. It only goes astray when either a poltician or a lawyer gets involved. And when it is a lawyer trained politician we have the least moral species of all using there so called education and talent to use, abuse or hide behind the law whichever accomplishes their objective......

in this case killing humans and selling body parts for profit.
Old 07-21-2015, 06:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It defies logic and common sense and common decency that a subject like abortion and the recent Planned Parenthood disgusting exposure to be a partisan issue.

It is a very low value, low esteem, low character, desparate politician that uses this subject to garner a voting block.

Does anybody really believe peoples morals are red or blue or dem or republican....they are not and neither is this subject.

To view the videos of the head of Planned Parenthood, during lucn, dicussing methods of more carefully removing fetuses to preserve parts would indicate what? I dare any of the abortion and party supporters try to make something good out of these revelations. Butchers!!!!

We do know the difference between right and wrong. It only goes astray when either a poltician or a lawyer gets involved. And when it is a lawyer trained politician we have the least moral species of all using there so called education and talent to use, abuse or hide behind the law whichever accomplishes their objective......

in this case killing humans and selling body parts for profit.
Totally a BS post.
Old 07-21-2015, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
THAT, ABOUT SHIPPING CHARGES IS FLAT OUT NOT TRUE. You need to read something other than the response.

The conversations revolve around using different tools so the head is not damaged, the discussions are NEGOTIAYIONS, not a statement of shipping charges.

I do not doubt the tape was edited, but NOT DOCTORED. They actually discussed a deal...they actually discussed using instruments...they actually discussed what part of the body not to crush.

And the sale is that these are not viable, we are in fact committing murder.

I could care less what money they get. What they say it is for. Discussing trying not to crush a skull of an infant so someone can use that skull for whatever is just not something I care to even try and validate. An infant that they say is not viable.
I understand that religious beliefs define your stance on this subject. You have every right to this stance. I personally have never had an abortion, never needed one.... I often wonder what I would have done should I have needed one. Never once would have passed judgement on anyone who had to make that choice.

I believe this country was built on the constitution which includes the freedom of religion which includes the freedom from your religion.
Old 07-21-2015, 06:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It defies logic and common sense and common decency that a subject like abortion and the recent Planned Parenthood disgusting exposure to be a partisan issue.

It is a very low value, low esteem, low character, desparate politician that uses this subject to garner a voting block.

Does anybody really believe peoples morals are red or blue or dem or republican....they are not and neither is this subject.

To view the videos of the head of Planned Parenthood, during lucn, dicussing methods of more carefully removing fetuses to preserve parts would indicate what? I dare any of the abortion and party supporters try to make something good out of these revelations. Butchers!!!!

We do know the difference between right and wrong. It only goes astray when either a poltician or a lawyer gets involved. And when it is a lawyer trained politician we have the least moral species of all using there so called education and talent to use, abuse or hide behind the law whichever accomplishes their objective......

in this case killing humans and selling body parts for profit.

In your post you state:

To view the videos of the head of Planned Parenthood,

Are you saying that this women

Cecile Richards :: Planned Parenthood

Was featured in that video? Are you completely sure about that?

parts, planned, living, people, selling, parenthood, realize, innards, appears, market, kill, babys, person, called, buy, assume, life, total, disgust, watching, utter, ears, express, uninterested, videos

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