Planned Parenthood

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Old 07-21-2015, 06:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Totally a BS post.
More like you are in total and unshakeable denial ...
Old 07-21-2015, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The video I posted is not a clip. Have you watched it?

We aren't currently talking about abortion. We are talking about the sale of body parts.
It's about a right wing sting..... edited footage. It was NOT a sale the money was for postage.
Old 07-21-2015, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Exactly. Posters on here want smaller government or no government except when it comes to a woman's uterus. Then they want to have their nose in every woman's uterus to make sure every pregnancy comes to term. If they have their way, birth control will be banned or controlled by a woman's employer.

So let's review; no birth control to stop unwanted pregnancies, but should a pregnancy occur, no abortion in a safe environment, even if that pregnancy is the result of rape.
I think you're upset mainly because the cover has been blown on the callous, baby murders for hire as performed by PPA. It's not just disgusting ... it's pathetic to watch the Left Wing still try to justify it no matter what. It's no longer Pro-Choice but rather Pro-Death and Pro-Barbarity
Old 07-21-2015, 06:48 PM
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Just like the Right Wing,,,,

Make sure the men get Viagra or anything else
Deny the women birth control
Knock-up the women
Give more rights to the fetus than the mother (Personhood Amendment)
Deny abortion availability or make the women undergo un-needed invasive procedures.

Protect the fetus.....

Then when the child is born

Refuse to expand Medicaid
Cut food stamps
Gut Head Start

And then this:

“A Lesson in Irony. The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people.”

The piece continued, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony.”

You got to wonder about these people.
Old 07-21-2015, 07:14 PM
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To bad everything here is posted as Guest....

Would be nice to know how many of these posters are men!!!
Old 07-21-2015, 11:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
To bad everything here is posted as Guest....

Would be nice to know how many of these posters are men!!!
If you think that only men are outraged by this, think again. I have a friend who is very active in the pro-life movement and when she attends events she stands with many other women, some who have had abortions themselves and understand the long term ramifications of making that decision. It isn't just something that one does and then forgets about it. It can ruin a person's life in more ways than one. I have seen the destruction with my own eyes and it can be heartwrenching.

I cringe when I hear women talk so selfishly - "well it's my body and I'll do with it as I please". What about that tiny body growing inside of you? Doesn't that count? I just don't get it. There are just too many incidences of using abortion as a form of birth control.

And btw, I'm a woman.
Old 07-22-2015, 04:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If you are against abortion, that is totally YOUR decision. The Supreme Court made it legal. Pro-Choice is the law of the land.

Of course, the right wing nuts want to legislate for others. How about if your daughter became pregnant and did not want to have the baby? Would you force her to have the baby and then give it up? How about by incest or rape?

Give it up! Pro-Choice is the law of the land.

Planned Parenthood was not selling body parts. Put away your heavily edited video clips. Tread on new ground - REALITY.

This is the 21st century. Get out of the 1950's.
Dear Guest: "The Supreme court made it legal" "Get out of the 1950's "

Well I find that interesting because in 1942 some very important men both military and civilian government officials met in secret to decide the Jewish solution. In that meeting they discussed if there would be any exceptions to this solution. They methodically worked out a solution that would speed up the process of elimination of this problem. They were the Supreme Law of the land many of them lawyers, scientist, SS officers.

In a recent campaign gathering Democratic candidate O'Malley said "all lives matter" whereupon he was booed from this mostly black audience. The liberal media paid it no mind. a number of blacks marched in early during that meeting to proclaim "black lives matter" which prompted O'Malley's remarks

A young woman is gunned down by an illegal and unlike a professor Gates, Brown ,Gray, Martin Obama is totally unresponsive that young woman's life did not matter but all the aforementioned did

Five marines are murdered by an Islamic terrorist and Obama has yet to lower the flags at half staff. Apparently their lives also did not matter.

The Supreme Court's decision has resulted in an estimated 54 million + abortions. This practice has messed with America's demographics meaning we have insufficient population to replace the one passing...akin to the same problem China is facing do to their one child policy.

Planned Parenthood should be de-funded and in my view disbanded because it is no better than the instrument that applied to the Jewish solution. Planned Parenthood's activities should shock the conscience

All lives matter born and unborn. Those in favor of abortion view it has a choice those against view as it as life . Choice over life. Hmmm Abortionist have their strawman arguments to ease their conscience but it is plain and simple legalized murder

Even the plaintiff in Roe V Wade changed her mind after the decision and worked to reverse this horrible injustice.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 07-22-2015, 04:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If you think that only men are outraged by this, think again. I have a friend who is very active in the pro-life movement and when she attends events she stands with many other women, some who have had abortions themselves and understand the long term ramifications of making that decision. It isn't just something that one does and then forgets about it. It can ruin a person's life in more ways than one. I have seen the destruction with my own eyes and it can be heartwrenching.

I cringe when I hear women talk so selfishly - "well it's my body and I'll do with it as I please". What about that tiny body growing inside of you? Doesn't that count? I just don't get it. There are just too many incidences of using abortion as a form of birth control.

And btw, I'm a woman.
I am the OP and a women....never had an abortion myself but as I stated in a previous post I have wondered what I might have done should I have found myself facing that decision. I believe that I personally could not have gone ahead with the abortion. You are right about the repercussions either way, abortion or giving up the child.

If there are just too many incidences of using abortion as a form of birth control we might well have to look at the reasons for that. Historically women had to pay for birth control pills as they were not and now are not covered by insurance.

Here in TV there were some people discussing Obamacare during the discussion a man commented "I don't want to pay for your birth control" followed by a women commenting "I don't want to pay for your Viagra either".

Why shouldn't women be able to have access to affordable birth control including the morning after pill?
Old 07-22-2015, 06:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Guest: "The Supreme court made it legal" "Get out of the 1950's "

Well I find that interesting because in 1942 some very important men both military and civilian government officials met in secret to decide the Jewish solution. In that meeting they discussed if there would be any exceptions to this solution. They methodically worked out a solution that would speed up the process of elimination of this problem. They were the Supreme Law of the land many of them lawyers, scientist, SS officers.

In a recent campaign gathering Democratic candidate O'Malley said "all lives matter" whereupon he was booed from this mostly black audience. The liberal media paid it no mind. a number of blacks marched in early during that meeting to proclaim "black lives matter" which prompted O'Malley's remarks

A young woman is gunned down by an illegal and unlike a professor Gates, Brown ,Gray, Martin Obama is totally unresponsive that young woman's life did not matter but all the aforementioned did

Five marines are murdered by an Islamic terrorist and Obama has yet to lower the flags at half staff. Apparently their lives also did not matter.

The Supreme Court's decision has resulted in an estimated 54 million + abortions. This practice has messed with America's demographics meaning we have insufficient population to replace the one passing...akin to the same problem China is facing do to their one child policy.

Planned Parenthood should be de-funded and in my view disbanded because it is no better than the instrument that applied to the Jewish solution. Planned Parenthood's activities should shock the conscience

All lives matter born and unborn. Those in favor of abortion view it has a choice those against view as it as life . Choice over life. Hmmm Abortionist have their strawman arguments to ease their conscience but it is plain and simple legalized murder

Even the plaintiff in Roe V Wade changed her mind after the decision and worked to reverse this horrible injustice.

Personal Best Regards:
What a rambling reactionary bunch of BS! You are definitely stuck in the past and fail to realize this is the 21st century. Times and people have changed. Get with the 21st century or stand aside.
Old 07-22-2015, 07:43 AM
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Hmmm. I don't find it rambling.

With regard to how many poster are women: I have four posts on this thread, and I am a woman. I have been pro-choice for decades, but this is a whole 'nother animal.

I have the ability to examine my beliefs, and adjust them as new information becomes available. The breathless ranting on this thread, the refusal to examine new information is telling.
Old 07-22-2015, 07:43 AM
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I would like to know how and why the issue of slaughtering and now butchering of unborn children is viewed by SOME as a partisan issue? Or a gender specific issue?

It is a moral issue that is either accepted or rejected across anything as flimsy and lame as party lines or gender or race or religion.

Making it a partisan issue is for voter attraction other purpose intended what so ever.

Too bad the majority of moral Americans just do not stand and be counted and shut down these minority and special interest groups who do not have any moral compass in their lives.
Old 07-22-2015, 09:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What a rambling reactionary bunch of BS! You are definitely stuck in the past and fail to realize this is the 21st century. Times and people have changed. Get with the 21st century or stand aside.
Why does getting with the 21st century have to mean one has to change their morality? That in itself is very telling about you are stating.
Old 07-22-2015, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I am the OP and a women....never had an abortion myself but as I stated in a previous post I have wondered what I might have done should I have found myself facing that decision. I believe that I personally could not have gone ahead with the abortion. You are right about the repercussions either way, abortion or giving up the child.

If there are just too many incidences of using abortion as a form of birth control we might well have to look at the reasons for that. Historically women had to pay for birth control pills as they were not and now are not covered by insurance.

Here in TV there were some people discussing Obamacare during the discussion a man commented "I don't want to pay for your birth control" followed by a women commenting "I don't want to pay for your Viagra either".

Why shouldn't women be able to have access to affordable birth control including the morning after pill?
As it stands now, most insurance plans cover at least certain generic birth control pills at no charge to the patient, so access to them has been greatly enhanced over the years. As far as the morning after pill goes, it has now been deemed an over-the-counter product (not prescription) so would not be covered by most insurance plans as most do not cover OTC's.

In answering your question, I have one for you, especially where the morning after pill is concerned - does personal responsibility play any part in this where you are concerned? I ask this because that's where I find a big difference between taking birth control pills versus the morning after pill.
Old 07-22-2015, 10:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Why does getting with the 21st century have to mean one has to change their morality? That in itself is very telling about you are stating.
Last line should read -

That in itself is very telling about WHAT you are stating (in your post).
Old 07-22-2015, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You might want to check this story outside the radical right sources..

There were no baby parts sold....the parts, at the request of the donor, were donated to a research center. Planned Parenthood did charge a fee for SHIPPING

Just another sleazy right wing attempted sting against Planned Parenthood.
Since you don't seem to have a problem with the "shipping" of body parts, mabe we should start with yours.

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