Planned Parenthood

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Old 01-28-2016, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
So, what I have gathered from the liberal or possibly two on here is:

Abortion is legal, therefore "Ok."

Baby body parts are used to prolong life (ha,ha) therefore having an abortion and selling the body parts is providing a great service to humanity. So, selling body parts should be embraced and these people should be celebrated as heroes for their willing/unwitting sacrifice.

Christians are bad because they believe in the sanctity of life over the convenience of birth control by abortion.
Conservatives hate women because they won't pay for their birth control.
Conservatives hate women because they do not think that taxpayers should pay for abortion.
Christians are hateful because they do not believe in killing unborn babies.

That about sums it up.
Even I hate to say this but some posts just suggest it is a fair observation:

If the liberal happens to be female they feel they have a louder voice or special position in the matter!
Old 01-28-2016, 10:54 AM
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And I am sure I will be called sexist (which is not the intent at all) for referring to the female position.

By the way why is it not sexist when they do?
Old 01-28-2016, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And I am sure I will be called sexist (which is not the intent at all) for referring to the female position.

By the way why is it not sexist when they do?
Just like you can't be a racist if you are black.
Old 01-28-2016, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
My comments had and have nothing to do with religious beliefs.
They have all to do with right and wrong, which is being conveniently avoided.

Nice story about all the "nevers" presented above. None of which address the issue presented .....even if it is legal and you never did all the stuff it OK with you to kill living fetus and harvest their parts??

This will be here in the morning!

They have all to do with right and wrong, which is being conveniently avoided.
Right and wrong as you see it so, you would not have an abortion should you need one. Right and wrong as I see it as well as I have stated I have never had an abortion and can in no way ever see myself making that choice. Where we part ways is you want to impose your definition of right and wrong on others. I do not!

As abortion is legal in the United for the donation of that tissue for medical research, no I am not against that. Fetal tissue research has led to some great discoveries.

Top Discoveries from Fetal Tissue Research - US News
Old 01-28-2016, 12:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
So, what I have gathered from the liberal or possibly two on here is:

Abortion is legal, therefore "Ok."

Baby body parts are used to prolong life (ha,ha) therefore having an abortion and selling the body parts is providing a great service to humanity. So, selling body parts should be embraced and these people should be celebrated as heroes for their willing/unwitting sacrifice.

Christians are bad because they believe in the sanctity of life over the convenience of birth control by abortion.
Conservatives hate women because they won't pay for their birth control.

You don't pay for their birth control anymore than we pay for your Viagra.
Conservatives hate women because they do not think that taxpayers should pay for abortion.
You don't pay for any abortions and haven't for quite a while.
Christians are hateful because they do not believe in killing unborn babies.

Its quite a bit more than that and you know it

That about sums it up.
Yep that is what you would think because you will always believe you aka Christians, are being persecuted.

Your beliefs have been the dominated American culture since the 50's and I as a Catholic was visited with ridicule as a child by Christian children. I heard what Christians said when JFK ran and I was told I could not play with a kid by their church going Baptist parents .

As I said we will never come to a consensus a this subject....
Old 01-28-2016, 12:42 PM
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Many major advances to science have been made by fetal tissue research. Even Ben Carson has done fetal tissue research.

Get out of your 1950's way of thinking when abortions were illegal in the USA and those getting them were at the mercy of unsanitary conditions often done in motel rooms.
Old 01-28-2016, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
They have all to do with right and wrong, which is being conveniently avoided.
Right and wrong as you see it so, you would not have an abortion should you need one. Right and wrong as I see it as well as I have stated I have never had an abortion and can in no way ever see myself making that choice. Where we part ways is you want to impose your definition of right and wrong on others. I do not!

As abortion is legal in the United for the donation of that tissue for medical research, no I am not against that. Fetal tissue research has led to some great discoveries.

Top Discoveries from Fetal Tissue Research - US News
No, the definition of right and wrong is the same, regardless of how you decide to rationalize your opinion. Just because you don't contribute to a murder, if you stand by and watch it happen you are as guilty. Right and wrong defined by statute is often different than right and wrong by moral definition.

You rationalize your morality by saying you have not practiced it. Yet, you then turn around and state that you believe that even though you haven't done it, you have no problem with others doing it. If that is your act of justifying your morality, then so be it.
Old 01-28-2016, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No, the definition of right and wrong is the same, regardless of how you decide to rationalize your opinion. Just because you don't contribute to a murder, if you stand by and watch it happen you are as guilty. Right and wrong defined by statute is often different than right and wrong by moral definition.

You rationalize your morality by saying you have not practiced it. Yet, you then turn around and state that you believe that even though you haven't done it, you have no problem with others doing it. If that is your act of justifying your morality, then so be it.
Keep twisting things till you make it fit!
Old 01-28-2016, 01:24 PM
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All I keep hearing is the same tune while not addressing the basic question.

One more time.
Granting abortions for rape or incest. Is it OK to have abortions if not the correct gender; for birth control?
Is it OK to be killing a birthed live fetus on the table for parting out the baby; throwing what is not needed in the trash??? Is that OK?
Old 01-28-2016, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
All I keep hearing is the same tune while not addressing the basic question.

One more time.
Granting abortions for rape or incest. Is it OK to have abortions if not the correct gender; for birth control?
Is it OK to be killing a birthed live fetus on the table for parting out the baby; throwing what is not needed in the trash??? Is that OK?
The actual grotesque murderous process that includes the killing, the slaughtering and trashing of a living being is not discussed openly. There are polite names to make sure it does not offend anybody doing the murdering, processing the murdered beings parts and throwing in the trash the part of that living being that is deemed not needed.

Like the news of the past showing the huge piles of bodies found in post war Germany there needs to be a video or pictures of the live kicking fetus just before it is killed; then an after slaughter one showing the parts being saved for shipment; and the final one of the rest of the killed bodies in the trash.
Maybe then the reality of what is truly being done.....will be acknowledged.

For the abortion radicals it won't matter.
Old 01-28-2016, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
All I keep hearing is the same tune while not addressing the basic question.

One more time.
Granting abortions for rape or incest. Is it OK to have abortions if not the correct gender; for birth control?
Is it OK to be killing a birthed live fetus on the table for parting out the baby; throwing what is not needed in the trash??? Is that OK?
I really don't know what else to say...we are NOT going to agree.

But I will answer this:

I believe women or girls should not be forced to continue the pregnancy. Especially in the case of the rape or incest of a child. My position on abortions for gender selection or birth control pushes the moral limit for me!

As a medical professional at an abortion which produced a live child my morals would not allow the killing of that child. Which should answer your last question.
Old 01-28-2016, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I really don't know what else to say...we are NOT going to agree.

But I will answer this:

I believe women or girls should not be forced to continue the pregnancy. Especially in the case of the rape or incest of a child. My position on abortions for gender selection or birth control pushes the moral limit for me!

As a medical professional at an abortion which produced a live child my morals would not allow the killing of that child. Which should answer your last question.
Thank you.
Old 01-28-2016, 02:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Ok, Ok, I think that there is no use on continuing to beat the dead baby.
Dear Guest: Your statement speaks to your mind and heart

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-28-2016, 07:34 PM
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The following is provided to help many who do not know any real numbers about abortions:

Abortion Statistics

If one googles rape and incest abortions there are many pages of links that all present most of the same information. I chose this one because it minimizes rhetoric and focuses on statistical presence.

So much for all the ballyhoo about rape and incest at 1%.
Mostly used for birth control!!!!
Are the numbers being killed every second, hour per day not staggering?

Is it not clear at this point while everybody who supports their position talks about the one percent, very little is said about why most are performed. And the practice is defended as if rape and incest were the drivers of abortion....which they are not.

It is by virtue of the magnitude of the numbers that abortion is a business. A business supported by government funds. A business that thrives on the continued killing of innocents.....for all the wrong reasons.

Wake up America......another scam in the name of doing good!
Old 01-28-2016, 07:35 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The following is provided to help many who do not know any real numbers about abortions:

Abortion Statistics

If one googles rape and incest abortions there are many pages of links that all present most of the same information. I chose this one because it minimizes rhetoric and focuses on statistical presence.

So much for all the ballyhoo about rape and incest at 1%.
Mostly used for birth control!!!!
Are the numbers being killed every second, hour per day not staggering?

Is it not clear at this point while everybody who supports their position talks about the one percent, very little is said about why most are performed. And the practice is defended as if rape and incest were the drivers of abortion....which they are not.

It is by virtue of the magnitude of the numbers that abortion is a business. A business supported by government funds. A business that thrives on the continued killing of innocents.....for all the wrong reasons.

Wake up America......another scam in the name of doing good!
I forgot the PS....Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in isn't that a coincidence?

selling, parenthood, planned

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