Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Political guests
Why inflate the numbers in attendance at (Republican-leaning) guests in The Villages? Glenn Beck: 125,000? I heard it was more like 5,000 people. Same thing when Sarah Palin appeared last time. Not to mention those who were "bussed" in. To each his own. By the way, Beck's plan is nothing new. Let's see how we can get his "plan" accomplished. I'm listening.
Where did you see 125K?
The Villages Sun had it at 25K with a lot of outsiders. |
Political Guests
Ahhh,I love them all,Palin,Beck ect.All of their supporters flock to Lake Sumter to pay homage and I get to use all those lovely tee times.Keep em coming Gary.
Instead of taking snipes at people, perhaps it would be more substantial if you took this to the political forum and actually gave some input on what you like or dislike.
These little "shots" only exhibit the lack of anything else to say ! TONY..asking you to move this to political and perhaps these folks will actually express opinions ! PS: These comments of mine apply to anyone of any party. Taking unsubstantiated shots (and these are nothing but snide comments) at people, of ANY political party that care and are trying to make a difference (whether you like it or not) is very shallow and cheap ! |
The St. Louis Post Dispatch said 25,000 and so did the Daily Sun. What's the difference if they were bussed in, crawled in, or came by canoe? The numbers are the numbers. Life must be hard with the heavy chip on your shoulder. Cheer up - you live in TV.
So moved.
Cite where you heard the number of 5,000 first of all ! I didnt see the crowd and can only go by the press report of 25,000 ! I NEVER saw the number of 125,000...where did you get that number ??? And why would you not count those "bussed" in as you put it ? |
I need help understanding the bussing diss.
Would it be a negative if a group from TV was bussed to Orlando to see a movie? A play? Dare I say it....a dignitary?
btk |