Political Survey -- Who will you vote for?

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Old 09-08-2008, 10:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Political Survey -- Who will you vote for?

If people can't tell this is photoshopped they're not looking very closely. I don't like Palin, but this does her a disservice. Bernie will indeed get a major kitten bite! Nonie gave me permission! :verymad:
Old 09-09-2008, 12:30 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Political Survey -- Who will you vote for?

Originally Posted by meriboo
Peachie your first blog was correct....VERY SEXIST. It was a typical Left Wing comment. Now to make it funny as Peachie said...put Biden in speedos or Obama in a Muslin outfit
Meriboo, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one and assume you meant what you typed - a muslin outfit. Say it's true...

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Fashions in muslin, 1838.
Muslin is a type of finely-woven cotton fabric, introduced to Europe from the Middle East in the 17th century. Its first recorded use in England was in 1670. It was named for the city where Europeans first encountered it, Mosul, in what is now Iraq, but the fabric actually originated from Dhaka in what is now Bangladesh. [1]


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