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Old 09-01-2008, 09:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: PROUD AMERICAN!!!!

Wine sounds good Johnny....I am sure there are many here that feel the same about you!!!
Old 09-01-2008, 09:55 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: PROUD AMERICAN!!!!

From my point of view I learn a lot from these exchanges. It has sent me to sites on the net I never had visited and I heard a few opinions that gave me pause for sure.

My problem is folks who do not share what they think...simply post something sent to them on the net and we all know about the validity of those sites. I can accept anything even if I dont agree if presented as the POSTERS VIEWS not the anti this or that stuff that surfaces and I cannot stand those who simply spread lies about any candidate of any party just for the sake of posting something negative about someone they oppose.

I like the thinking on things that the forum creates !

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