Rasmussen predicts gain of 55 seats for Republicans.

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Old 10-18-2010, 04:03 PM
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Default Rasmussen predicts gain of 55 seats for Republicans.

The news is bad if you're a Democrat running for election in 2 weeks. The Rasmussen poll predicts a gain of 55 Congressional seats for the Republicans which is far more than the 39 they need to take control.

The Senate is much closer but the Republicans have a 1 seat advantage in the polling with 5 additional seats too close to call in this poll.

The Democrats are running from Pelosi and company as fast as their little liberal legs can carry them and their vote for Obamacare is the impetus to their downfall.

The liberal Obama/Democrat shielding media is ignoring most of this and is in a state of panic which is evidenced by their puzzling statements on their shows, and there apparent disconnect to the political tides and the mood of the electorate.

Nov. 3rd looks like a day that they better hide the ropes and sharp objects from this bunch.

Outrageous quotes from the media in the last couple of weeks. http://www.mrc.org/notablequotables/...016035300.aspx

Rasmussen Poll link.

Link of story of Democrats problem with their Obamacare vote

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