Reactions to the Oct. 2, 2008 VP Debates

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Old 10-06-2008, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
I am sorry if I mispoke...what part of her life did you criticize ?

So glad you are living in the world of the truth spoken ONLY by Sen Obama.
Bucco...I truly try to keep things civil... As you know Obama is not my guy but this Palin attack really ****ed me off. The only other thing that gets my blood boiling is the Muslim thing and using his middle name.

If I see an Obama ad lying I will post it...
Old 10-06-2008, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by bimmertl View Post
There is a rumor around that in order to prepare for the debate, Joe Biden watched old tapes of how Johnny Carson treated Charo.

Very appropriate, although Charo doesn't wink quite as much and has a real accent.

Yes, these are important issues to discuss and focus on. Never mind who is running for President...lets make fun of Gov Palin. I am betting those of you who make fun of her intellect (AND her familyand accent) could not muster up the brain cells to even begin to understand the complexities of a state government.
Old 10-06-2008, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by mac9 View Post
Why does she keep winking and making that clicking sound with her mouth?
When my husband & I were looking for a golf cart, we stopped off at one of the golf cart dealers located near the Villlages. The saleman we had kept making that clicking noise after he made a point (directed at me). Finally, I had to tell him that I didn't appreciate his condescending attitude toward me, and the fact that he made those clicking noises when he directed comments at me. He didn't do that to my husband!!! Needless to say, we did not buy anything from that dealer!
Old 10-06-2008, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
Yes, these are important issues to discuss and focus on. Never mind who is running for President...lets make fun of Gov Palin. I am betting those of you who make fun of her intellect (AND her familyand accent) could not muster up the brain cells to even begin to understand the complexities of a state government.

Good to see you have reverted to personal attacks on those who disagree with you. You have clearly fallen into the McCain camp!!

PS I can' "muster up" more brain cells than you in my sleep!
Old 10-06-2008, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by bimmertl View Post

Good to see you have reverted to personal attacks on those who disagree with you. You have clearly fallen into the McCain camp!!

PS I can' "muster up" more brain cells than you in my sleep!
First of all , I apologize for the personal should be offended. I am just fed up with people who attack this woman on such a personal level day in and day out who could not probably accomplish anything near what she has accomplished.

Oh, and you can make your cracks about Sen McCain all you want. I have NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER EVER attacked Sen Obama on a personal level and neither is Sen McCain....this country has a right to know about all the many many shadows in the life of a candidate for President without being called a racist. It is not a comfortable thing to do.....Sen Clinton began but ran out of time.....if everything, and trust me...Ayers is not close to everything...gets aired then I will be happy just so everyone knows about this man ! I am again not speaking of him personally....I am speaking of his idealogy which he changes nearly each year by the way !

Again sorry for the personal thing with you...I was just very angry and spouted off ! I am sure you are smarter than I....never said any different and not sure why you responded that way !!!!
Old 10-07-2008, 06:17 AM
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No big deal on the personal attacks.

This thread isn't about who is running for president. It's a follow up to the VP debate so Palin/Biden not McCain are being disussed.

As far as the comlexities of state government goes. Check out Palins record of hiring as governor. Nothing can top her hiring of her high school classmate Franci Havemeister, for secretary of agriculture. Ms. Havemeister, a former realtor, cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification for running the $2 million agency.

We don't need somebody with a mindset such as Palins as a VP to a 72 year old cancer survivor.

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