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Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Read and WEEP!! OBAMA 08
Gallup Poll, read and weep........................listen and learn...
OBAMA 50% Mc 42% |
"CBS Poll: Presidential Race Tightens Survey Shows Obama Leading McCain 47 Percent To 43 Percent Among Registered Voters Nationwide Following V.P. Debate" |
What is your point Bucco? I don't care if it's a one point lead. A lead is a lead. It's kind of like being "a little pregnant." You either are or you are not.
Young voters 3-1 Obama
I have said that our children will be the deciding factor and have been unaccounted for because of non-cell phone polling . I was wrong. There is proof in some pudding!!! |
You'll ALL be weeping soon if Obama is elected. It will be interesting to hear the rants from libs then on how it is the Republican's fault.
Too bad many people are ignorant of history and its lessons and live to repeat the pain over and over again. |
One thing we won't repeat because the American people will not stand for it -- and that's a third term of Bush. And that's what you'll get in John McCain.
You just hit the nail on the head. Despite the evidence before us about some of the very frightening associations in Obama's past, he will very likely be the next president because America has ignorantly blamed 1 man, McCain for the economic collapse and thus, the timing has destroyed McCain's chances to win. It will be a president chosen mostly on emotion... "change". What the he-- does that mean anyway? I want my 401-K to "change" back to a year ago.
The country needs to know!
Subject: Interesting.
1. >Obama attempted to defraud Plaintiff and the American people by allowing an altered and forged Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) to be placed on his campaign website. Obama was well aware the Government issued COLB was altered and forged as the original document was in the name of Maya Kasandra Soetoro born in 1970. Maya Kassandra Soetoro Obama's half sister who was born in Indonesia and her birth was later registered in Hawaii. The altered and forged COLB IS still on Obama's website located at 11 ttV:/ 2. >Obama further attempted to defraud Plaintiff and the American People by claiming to be a United States Citizen, knowing this information to be false. Obama is well aware when his mother married Lolo Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia and took up residency in Indonesia with Obama, they both naturalized in Indonesia expatriating their United States Citizenship. Obama's mother failed to regain her citizenship after her divorce to Lolo Soetoro, when Obama was a minor and Obama himself failed to regain his United States Citizenship by taking the oath of allegiance, which is recorded when he turned eighteen (18) years. 3. >Furthennore, Obama is well aware he is not a United States Citizen and does not qualify as a "natural born" citizen. Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981, at which time he was twenty (20) years old and used his Indonesian Passport, not a United States passport. 4. >Moreover, as stated above, Obama was registered in School in Jakarta, Indonesia as Barry Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia, born in 1961 in Hawaii and his religion was registered as Islam. 5. >The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is supposed to represent and protect the interests of working Americans, which includes securing a Democratic Nominee on the Presidential Election ballot who represents the Democratic vision and who is qualified and eligible to run for Office of the President under the qualifications of the United States Constitution. The DNC has failed to inquire into Obama's eligibility status. 6. >For the above aforementioned reasons, Obama needs to immediately step down and withdrawal his candidacy for Presidency. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully prays that this Court: >A. Declare that Defendant Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Soetoro, a/k/a Barry Dunham, a/k/a Barack Dunham is ineligible to run for United States Office of the President under the United States Constitution, Article II, Section I; >B. Preliminary and penitently enjoin Defendant Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Soetoro, a/k/a >Z:\FORMS\Obama Complaint.doc Barry Dunham, a/k/a Barack Dunham from running for United States Office of the President; C. Preliminary and permanently enjoin Defendant, The Democratic Committee from nominating Defendant Barack |
If all you say is true I say Let The Trial Begin! |