Republicans did not put country first!

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Old 09-29-2008, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by conn8757 View Post
SteveZ-maybe you will be proved right, but I heard plenty of people that I trust on television say it should not be labeled a bailout, but an investment in America. I really admire Suzy Orman and she was one of the them today saying it should be passed. I trust the people we elect to do what is right whether I voted for them or not. I disagree with Bush on the war, but I never doubted he thought he was doing what was best for America, and I think he did last week and this week when he came to the American people with the request and Congress. I was leery of it at first, worried about my children and their children paying for it, but after listening to smarter people than me for a week on television about it, the alternative is scarier.
I respect your comment. Two days ago I sent an email to my elected representatives saying "I'm okay with a bailout (or whatever term applies), but only if the root cause of the problem is simultaneously fixed in that legislation."

I don't trust Congressional memories longer than the second issue following this one. If a fix doesn't happen now, there will not be one, and the financial hemmorhage just continues.

I just don't understand throwing money at an undefined problem of undetermined cause as solving anything.

If it takes another week to write the legislative fix, so what? Anything other than a fix with the money is just throwing money away.
Old 09-29-2008, 06:05 PM
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Conn, everyone will be able to plant a garden anywhere in the event of a collapse. That aside, the problem with this bailout is it ISN'T the bottom and your, mine, our children's future indebtedness to the government because of the bailout guarantees nothing! There is a false bottom in housing, even though prices have adjusted, we will be financed by China and other nations scraping off the little cream there will be left and so on. Read lots of articles, listen because there is a lot of spin by people with money to be made. I think the President does want to help save our economy but this nation has never been quite in this situation before and the solution isn't simple. I think a plan will be passed Thursday but are we we putting our last bandaid and all the bacterial cream we own on an amputation. It won't be enough.
Old 09-29-2008, 06:11 PM
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Post Again!

I said the Bailout was a necessary evil. I never said I liked it. Think beyond yourselves for a change. IMO I believe all should be brought to justice. This is white collar crime of the highest magnitude. But in the meantime, there are people -- PEOPLE-- out there that will suffer greatly from this partisan squabbling.

I repeat, this is a very sad day for America.
Old 09-29-2008, 06:18 PM
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68% of the democrats voted for it, 33% of the republicans were for it. Sure seems like the republicans were more responsible for its defeat.

Some people seem ideologically opposed to this economic proposal. How can anyone in good conscience say we will be better off with massive unemployment, loss of savings and retirement plans, etc. I'm better off growing vegetables in my yard than having the money to buy them?

It appears as if this is such an anti governmental, anti big business attitude that is so pervasive that some are unwilling to view the consequences in an objective light.

Do those opposed to the current plan believe we should let the economy sink, or are there other plans which may encourage economic recovery. All I've seen from the opposition are statements against the "bailout" and some minimal plans which the current Republican administration state are insufficient to provide the resources needed to address the issues.
Old 09-29-2008, 06:25 PM
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You need a new tv , Your getting bad info on the one your watching.....To bad your watching that round tube but you won't be able to buy a new one ...and you can thank loud mouth Pelosi and the 95 democrats who didn't vote for it even though it was mostly a democratic plan........It wasn't the Republicans deary ..

As usual , you blew it .....

I swear this is the last time I read this site , I graduated.......
Old 09-29-2008, 06:32 PM
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Default It's A Wonderful Life

For some strange reason, I can't help but think about the move "It's a Wonderful Life" when I think about this situation. Do you all remember Mr. Potter (Lionel Barrymore), the miserable ******* banker who was the savings and loan's competition? We all hated him and hissed at him when he gave George the big lecture on how business works. But you know what? His manner was terrible, and he was a miserable human being, but he had it right when it comes to responsibility. When I bought my first house, I was scared to death of my mortgage. My first mortgage was only $16,000 - I put down 20% and didn't sleep well for several days after the closing. Do you think the people making $35K a year and taking out the $500K mortgages with zero down payment lost any sleep? I doubt it. They were only doing what they were encouraged to do. We need more than a bailout. We need an attitude adjustment, which is what the market is doing now. Unfortunately, it's taking responsible people down too. Let's just hope the strong eat the weak in the banking market, which is the way it's supposed to work, and the market can get back to its intended purpose before we all lose our life savings.
Old 09-29-2008, 06:37 PM
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Lets get 1 thing straight here....


Paulsen got down on his knees and begged the Democrats to pass the bill. A small group of Free Market Republicans want to let the market work it out. So after 8 years of the Bush Economic Policies the Dow Jones has fallen below the it was when Bush took we have officially gone backwards.

The President approval rating is in the crapper, the Congress can't do anything as usual. This is what happens when the country is equally divided.

We either keep on with this ridiculous finger pointing and political posturing and sit down to work together.
Old 09-29-2008, 06:37 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
As I'm writing this, the dow is down around 700 pts. The Bailout did not pass strictly because of the Republicans. Their theme of "Country First" should not be put on the toilet paper shelves. And McCain can kiss his campaign good-bye.

They are trying to spin this that it was due to something Nancy Pelosi said. Give me a break! I watched what she had to say and I have seen literally hundreds of times where Republicans and Democrats have talked to and about each other in this manner. The Republicans really do think the American Public is stupid.

This type of arrogance has reigned over this country for the last 8 years. These Republican congressmen & women have spit on their own President and the American Public.

Please, please don't come back with that "Nancy Pelosi" excuse. It's ridiculous and school yard. To blame the Democrats in any way, shape or form will not hold water.

All of you holding your "Country First" signs can now use them as wallpaper. They have shown their true colors in a stunning and frightening way.

This is a very sad day for America.

The Villages Florida
Thanks, Chelsea. You've said it very well. It is a sad day, but I believe that we will rebound. It will take some time, but think about it; there are many of us who are angry, disgusted & "not going to take it anymore". I think the pols will get the message. Not that they won't try to pull the wool over our eyes again, but they won't get as far as they have again.
Old 09-29-2008, 06:45 PM
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Thumbs down Fumarland!

Originally Posted by The Great Fumar View Post
You need a new tv , Your getting bad info on the one your watching.....To bad your watching that round tube but you won't be able to buy a new one ...and you can thank loud mouth Pelosi and the 95 democrats who didn't vote for it even though it was mostly a democratic plan........It wasn't the Republicans deary ..

As usual , you blew it .....

I swear this is the last time I read this site , I graduated.......
Fumar, you keep leaning so far to the right, you're chasing your tail. I suppose the 133 Republicans that voted against it do not count? No! Of course not! Because you're above the crowd in Fumarland, deary.

I didn't blow it, but McCain will. Wait and see dahling. Graduated! Well it's about time! It's good to have a High School degree, eh, deary?
Old 09-29-2008, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Cassie325 View Post
While disagreeing with the post and writing information that backs it up is one thing....must you be MEAN about someone personally???

Not needed!! IMO!!! and NO I do not need to defend Chelsea as she is a STRONG woman herself....I just find it unnecessary and silly to put someone down personally....just post your facts and opinions about the posting...time to grow up!
I am not going to add anything substantive to this thread as I dont complete understand all of what is going on and admit to it. say what you said in defense of someone who has put down posters and politicians on a personal level is troubling. I honestly dont want to get into a personal thing here and am trying my best to totally ignore some posts but you are defending the worst offender on here...if I am offending anyone with this I am sorry
Old 09-29-2008, 07:03 PM
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Thumbs down Osh By Gosh!

Originally Posted by oshunluva View Post
I thought insults and personal attacks were not permitted on this forum. Have some more kool-aid chelsea, please?
Not that it's any of your business, but I know Fumar. I think I'll save my Kool-aid for you. I heard you need it.
Old 09-29-2008, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
Lets get 1 thing straight here....


Paulsen got down on his knees and begged the Democrats to pass the bill. A small group of Free Market Republicans want to let the market work it out. So after 8 years of the Bush Economic Policies the Dow Jones has fallen below the it was when Bush took we have officially gone backwards.

The President approval rating is in the crapper, the Congress can't do anything as usual. This is what happens when the country is equally divided.

We either keep on with this ridiculous finger pointing and political posturing and sit down to work together.
Today the DJIA was 10,365 at the closing bell.

On July 22, 2002 the DJIA was 7,784 at the closing bell due to the debacle.

We didn't need a bailout then.

The process for properly having legislation is to have public hearings to get to the WHY and HOW (WHO can found by the Department of Justice) before there is a WHEN and WHAT.

If all of this bailout bill was so important for America, why all the secrecy of its final content until the 11th hour (vote time)? Nobody seemed to have any idea exactly what to do, but many were 100% sure that throwing money at whatever and to whomever would make "things" better. I wouldn't give my kids raises in allowances on information that scanty, let along hundreds of billions to strangers.

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