Ron Paul, Standing up to Govt. and the TSA

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Old 11-24-2010, 12:08 PM
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Tommorrow I will be at my American Legion feeding 50 navy recruits like I do every year,These kids will be off the base for the first time.We feed them,have phone banks,can go bowling or the show and film them and send copies to their parents.I also go to the va hospital and bring clothes,money,sundries and play bingo and just talk to these vets.These are the people that give all of us the right to voice are opinions.Last week I went to a wake for a 20 yr old Marine who had been married in are post.We stood in line for 2 hrs,His parents thanked me for my service which was nothing I was their to show them people due care.I just get tied of people who complain about nothing and most of those don't give back at all!Tommorrow I will sleep like a baby because we gave someone a memory they will have forever
Old 11-24-2010, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by hdh1470 View Post
Tommorrow I will be at my American Legion feeding 50 navy recruits like I do every year,These kids will be off the base for the first time.We feed them,have phone banks,can go bowling or the show and film them and send copies to their parents.I also go to the va hospital and bring clothes,money,sundries and play bingo and just talk to these vets.These are the people that give all of us the right to voice are opinions.Last week I went to a wake for a 20 yr old Marine who had been married in are post.We stood in line for 2 hrs,His parents thanked me for my service which was nothing I was their to show them people due care.I just get tied of people who complain about nothing and most of those don't give back at all!Tommorrow I will sleep like a baby because we gave someone a memory they will have forever
You are right on there, buddy. I noticed that the biggest complainers never served their country in any capacity at all. It should be mandatory for every citizen to contribute to this country. If not in the military then the Peace Corp or some reasonable facsimile.
Old 11-24-2010, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by hdh1470 View Post
Tommorrow I will be at my American Legion feeding 50 navy recruits like I do every year,These kids will be off the base for the first time.We feed them,have phone banks,can go bowling or the show and film them and send copies to their parents.I also go to the va hospital and bring clothes,money,sundries and play bingo and just talk to these vets.These are the people that give all of us the right to voice are opinions.Last week I went to a wake for a 20 yr old Marine who had been married in are post.We stood in line for 2 hrs,His parents thanked me for my service which was nothing I was their to show them people due care.I just get tied of people who complain about nothing and most of those don't give back at all!Tommorrow I will sleep like a baby because we gave someone a memory they will have forever
I understand what you are saying hdh1470. I hope you understand what I'm saying in my above post. I am honestly thankful on this Thanksgiving Day, and every day for veterans like you. You are included in my list of true patriots and people deserving of respect.

I hope I didn't offend you. If I did, I am sorry. I was just making a point. I don't want to give up any of the liberties and freedoms you and others fought and gave their lives and limbs to protect. There just has to be a better way to have protection against terrorist at airports than what we are moving towards.

Anyway, God bless you and yours and Happy Thanksgiving. Give those men and women a hug from me. My son-in-law was one of those young recruits last year, only he was in Connecticut. Sincerely, B.K. Cunningham
Old 11-24-2010, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
I say to heck with the Fourth Amendment. Our Founding Fathers had no idea what the world would be like in the 21st century. I think the TSA and the federal government should be able to conduct searches and seizures without warrants or reason to suspect.

It is the same as with the right to bear arms and separation of church and state. The Founding Fathers didn't mean guns in your homes or being able to pray in schools. It was another world back then. We have to allow judges and the government adapt and interpret the Constitution to our situation.

Even if it is a 90 year old woman or someone with a doctors affidavit that says they have a medical apparatus or a child who has been sexually abused, I say let the TSA search and search away. Search every cavity. If it keeps me safe. Fine and detain if anyone pulls that bologna Constitutional crap. If you don't have anything to hide, what are you scared of; if it keeps us safe?

If it keeps us safe, let the government come into our homes and search. Let them search our work and personal computers and track our phone conversations. I have nothing to hide.

If someone is driving down the road and the police get a tip you may have something explosive or dangerous, they don't have time to go before a judge and get a search warrant. Let them pull us over and strip you on the side of the road and impound the car. If it keeps us safe.

I think the government has a right to put out a shoot to kill order, like they did on U.S. Citizen Anwar Al-Awlaki, without a military tribunal or trial. If it keeps us safe.

I say let the government check my debit card and bank account to see what I'm buying. Check my library records or the movies I rent. If it keeps us safe. Put a tracking devise on vehicles. Put up security cameras in my neighborhood and listening devises in our homes. If you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't be worried.

If it keeps us safe, we should be willing to give up freedoms and liberties, right?
As I read your first two paragraphs, I was getting a little irritated untilI realized you were being sarcastic. Good post.
Old 11-24-2010, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
I say to heck with the Fourth Amendment. Our Founding Fathers had no idea what the world would be like in the 21st century. I think the TSA and the federal government should be able to conduct searches and seizures without warrants or reason to suspect.

It is the same as with the right to bear arms and separation of church and state. The Founding Fathers didn't mean guns in your homes or being able to pray in schools. It was another world back then. We have to allow judges and the government adapt and interpret the Constitution to our situation.

Even if it is a 90 year old woman or someone with a doctors affidavit that says they have a medical apparatus or a child who has been sexually abused, I say let the TSA search and search away. Search every cavity. If it keeps me safe. Fine and detain if anyone pulls that bologna Constitutional crap. If you don't have anything to hide, what are you scared of; if it keeps us safe?

If it keeps us safe, let the government come into our homes and search. Let them search our work and personal computers and track our phone conversations. I have nothing to hide.

If someone is driving down the road and the police get a tip you may have something explosive or dangerous, they don't have time to go before a judge and get a search warrant. Let them pull us over and strip you on the side of the road and impound the car. If it keeps us safe.

I think the government has a right to put out a shoot to kill order, like they did on U.S. Citizen Anwar Al-Awlaki, without a military tribunal or trial. If it keeps us safe.

I say let the government check my debit card and bank account to see what I'm buying. Check my library records or the movies I rent. If it keeps us safe. Put a tracking devise on vehicles. Put up security cameras in my neighborhood and listening devises in our homes. If you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't be worried.

If it keeps us safe, we should be willing to give up freedoms and liberties, right?
As I was reading your post I, anticipating your usual mindset on issues of freedom, started giggling, and then outright laughing as I got to the end of your post.

What greatly amused me would be the government overreach apologists agreeing with your brilliant post at the beginning and then as they read through it, and your rhetoric escalated, they would start to say "NOW WAIT A DOGGONE MINUTE!!.

If we start abdicating our freedoms now in the name of security, when will we say "ENOUGH!!". By then it may well be too late.

"Big Sis" Janet Napolitano is already saying that we'll need to secure our rail stations and bus stations soon. The TSA is at around 50,000 employees now and in the future there will be many, many more. The Federal Labor Relations Board has ruled that they can now vote to be union represented. This will be a union protected private police force with the accepted ability to deny you your personal rights and freedoms.

This is only the beginning.

Again, brilliant post BK
Old 11-26-2010, 08:39 AM
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Default Newspapers

Major newspapers go along with Obama regime. These are the same papers that protested about privacy rights when Bush was president.
Old 11-26-2010, 09:31 AM
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Right on, Ajack. Darn hippie commie newspapers like New York Times, Daily Sun, and Washington Post.
Old 11-26-2010, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Tbugs View Post
Right on, Ajack. Darn hippie commie newspapers like New York Times, Daily Sun, and Washington Post.
Old 11-26-2010, 10:43 AM
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Default Let's talk for a minute about the effectiveness of "office Chair"

experienced promoters.
How effective any of the enforcement agencies in Afganistan/Iraq, including our military's finest efforts?
Just think about all the profiling (that does go on there), all the check points, all the vehicle searches, etc and yet the public bombings killing both civilians and military continue.

Now what kind of force would be required to have the same kind of coverage here in the US? And also think about the death and destruction that would/could happen, ANYWAY!!!!

It can only become effective when the government and some of we the people stop worrying about offending minority groups (not race) and think that searching innocents and looking for devices instead of looking for terrorist and terrorist organizations.

We need to thank GOD every single day that the terrorists have not decided to bomb our trains, malls and outdoor events.

The government, the special interest groups, the permissive pacifists, the don't offend anybody advocates do not and will not allow what it takes to keep us safe while keeping our freedoms in tact.

If those with one brown eye and one blue eye and a missing little finger were deemed to be the culprits...why wouldn't everybody do their part to identify one when they see one. This example is nothing more than an anecdotal example with no targeting of any group in mind.

Think seriously about what you think would have to be done to protect this countries citizens if the terrorists came to our shopping centers? Ball games? Etc? It would require a different mind set of how we live and help protect ourselves and our families, friends and neighbors. It cannot be done by politicians or the "office chair" experts who lack the experience and for sure don't want to offend ANY potential voting block.

The governments approach to game fishing would be to use a big enough net to haul everything in and then hope they find what they are looking for.

Old 11-26-2010, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Tbugs View Post
Right on, Ajack. Darn hippie commie newspapers like New York Times, Daily Sun, and Washington Post.

Actually, the NY Times is pretty much considered a joke by most of the mainstream media. Used to be a great paper and I still read it every day, but they dont even try to hide where they are coming from any longer.
Old 11-28-2010, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by hdh1470 View Post
I stand but I said. How many people have been screened? and you come up with 2 .You need to start living in the real world.I still feel thats a small price to pay to be safe.
So you think it is totally ok to humiliate a flight attendant who is breast cancer survivor while allowing the pilots to opt out? Guess you are wrong now because TSA just announced that flight attendants no longer have to be screened.

So here are a couple of my world points for you. I have flown close to 2 million miles in the last 21 years. I will do about 75,000 this year alone.

The shoe bomber walked though a metal detector with a non metallic bomb in his shoe. The underwear bomber walked through a metal detector with a non metallic bomb in his crouch. They just sent package bombs as cargo which is very clever because we don't screen cargo we only screen passengers and their luggage.

My last point will be I have been patted down hundreds of times in the last 7 years and no once have they found anything. Cause I am NOT a terrorist. The people that are paying your so called "price" are the disabled.

Fly safely. I am driving to Florida.
Old 11-28-2010, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by RichieLion View Post
And when they come for you, who will be left to speak up?
Old 11-28-2010, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
So you think it is totally ok to humiliate a flight attendant who is breast cancer survivor while allowing the pilots to opt out? Guess you are wrong now because TSA just announced that flight attendants no longer have to be screened.

So here are a couple of my world points for you. I have flown close to 2 million miles in the last 21 years. I will do about 75,000 this year alone.

The shoe bomber walked though a metal detector with a non metallic bomb in his shoe. The underwear bomber walked through a metal detector with a non metallic bomb in his crouch. They just sent package bombs as cargo which is very clever because we don't screen cargo we only screen passengers and their luggage.

My last point will be I have been patted down hundreds of times in the last 7 years and no once have they found anything. Cause I am NOT a terrorist. The people that are paying your so called "price" are the disabled.

Fly safely. I am driving to Florida.
I can't believe I found something to agree with you on.

I'm scared

Old 11-28-2010, 07:22 PM
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...and neither of those 'bombs' would have shown up on the full-body scanners - the ones built by the company with ties to the ehad of the DHS>

They WOULD have been picked up by the PED scanners that blow air on you and electronically 'sniff' to see if you've been in contact with explosives.

This is another example of why this is all Kabuki Theater where we are being led down a corrupt path.

And, once again, showing the true value of people who get less training than a UPS driver and who need the education of a high-school dropout, we now have a menstruating woman being fondled becuase the mental midgets at the TSA saw a panty liner and deemed it suspicious.

We're overpaying for scanners that don't work.
We're authorizing people to commit actions that are deemd sexual assault at ANY OTHER TIME - WITHOUT reasonable suspicion or probably cause.

All the while IGNORING technology that costs less and is more effective.

This is our government at work. This is also the reason I think we need a mechanism for national referendum (at least to some degree).
Old 11-28-2010, 09:30 PM
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I believe there is a hidden agenda here that has nothing to do with security, but everything to do with acclimating the American people to give up their sense of individual rights and freedom, starting with this limited incursion at out airports, in order to give the idea time to percolate in this limited theatre.

After we all calm down with the governmental control of our belongings and property and especially our sense of personal privacy at our airports and eventual subsequent additional venues, such as transportation hubs, large public arenas, government complexes and other areas of congregation, we can all then acquiesce and accept escalated governmental intrusion and eventual control of our actions, property, and movement.

All in the name of "Security".

Far fetched?; Maybe, but try to tell me it hasn't happened just like this in human history.

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