Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
I think that Palin lacks real intelligence, but I think she is smart enough to understand that many people in our country are looking for a new leader and if she plays her cards right, she just might be that leader. Her "folksy & cutsey" schtick is a grating and demeaning act. Does absolutely nothing to further the cause of women. |
i hardly think sarah paling has a "schtick" going! i think she has guts to get out in front of others and tell it like it is! i give her a heck of a lot of credit for doing so! |
No Richie,
I answered the original post about Palin & her handling of her family in a way I felt was least objectionable. It is hard to be unbiased, & I was trying my best to keep it light & a little humorous. But..... This discussion has turned away from that .... naturally! I have not called your views petty and myopic nor questioned your judgement and I expect the same courtesy from others here. My ideas are as valid to me as yours are to you. But then, we Liberals are funny about stuff like that. |
I suppose intelligence is in the eye of the beholder. I'm still curious about the phrase you used, "furthering the cause of women." What does it mean. Thank you. |
No, I'm not kidding. What women does the NOW represent? Do they pick and choose the women they uphold? What are their standards? I thought the group supported all women. I can't imagine why they didn't speak out against the things that were said about Palin and her family since Palin is a woman. On the website for NOW, they state, "...Since its founding in 1966, NOW's goal has been to take action to bring about equality for all women..." If that is true, I would think they would have supported Sarah Palin with open arms. She didn't get their endorsement nor did she get any statements admonishing some pretty cruel and demeaning things said about her in the press, by Hollywood, and others. I thought "all women" meant just that. I guess not in NOW's narrow vision. |
You give her little credit, with all her accomplishments, and all she has attained, in spite of a largely hostile media, and in spite of the personal defamation and the scurrilous attacks on her family, even from women's groups who should be defending her, and lauding her stature as a strong accomplished woman. You say her success has not "defined" or "furthered" the "cause of women". If you can't see who this woman is, in the face of all she's accomplished in Alaska, in the political world, in her personal life, in the face of all her obstacles; I would call that "myopic". (myopic: synonyms: biased, blind, halfsighted, nearsighted, presbyopic, shortsighted.) Of course you're entitled to your opinions. The above is my opinion. I can only respond to you and your feelings about Ms. Palin because that's all you offered. If you had a point of fact you wanted to discuss, I would discuss that; but that was not the object of your post. |
thank you, richielion!
NOW is just a card-carrying member of the progressive left. They stopped representing all women many years ago. The only candidates they endorse are the ones who favor pro death, of babies not yet born.
I must say that I have gotten a great deal of insight about many of the people who live in The Villages thru this discussion.
My partner & I were seriously thinking of checking out your area as a place to retire. I am so glad to have found out beforehand about the open-minded political and social climate of your area. (Yes Richie, that IS sarcasm) It looks like a lovely place with wonderful facilities, but not for Leftist misogynistic, Liberal, card-carrying members of pro-baby death NOW, who voted for Obama. Thank you all so much, and good luck. |
mermaid72, don't be offended. Defend your beliefs. I am really interested to know what you meant by "the cause of women." What is the cause of women? You still haven't answered that and I very respectively would like to ask you again what that means.
Also, if something I said about the NOW offfened you, I had no intention of doing that when I asked why the NOW wouldn't defend Sarah Palin when in their own words they say "all women." I love to learn. Educate me, please. |
PS. If you don't like politics, I suggest you stay in the other forums. : ) |
Ajack, I think she objected to your characterization of NOW just as you would object to characterizing conservatives as Phyllis Schlafly wannabes who believe in subjugating women into being brood mares for the White Power Elite using their Bibles as 2x4's to justify their actions (only a slight exaggeration of what I once heard a WAY-LEFT acquaintance of mine say - way-too-left for me, haven't heard from her in years and I'd like to keep it that way).
Keep your hands off my death.
This is a political blog. Politics is ALL ABOUT OPINIONS. To discuss politics you have to challenge another's opinions. You can't enter a political discussion without having your opinions challenged. We all hope to change someone else's mind, although that rarely happens. Do you need a thick skin to discuss politics? Well, you at least need to be tough enough to take it when someone thinks your opinion is "off the wall". If you have confidence in yourself and faith in your ideas you can take the barbs thrown your way. Cologal is a prime example of someone who I have had contentious disagreements with, and on a rare occasion, consensus. But I have to say I admire her ability to take and dish it right back. Djplong also disagrees with me most times, and on occasion I have seen the point he has made, and took a step back to reconsider what I've said. All this is not a reflection on The Villages. You going to find people who disagree with you about politics anywhere you go. Haven't you been watching the news???? It's a contentious time, and a volatile political climate no matter where you reside. |