Sarah Palin resigning

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Old 07-04-2009, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by anyexit View Post
"Dumber than a Stump" comes to mind. A little loose on using the authority that came with her office. Maybe just a smidget unethical with her use of public funds. Unfocused, vindictive, immature... and the list goes on. Could she grow out of it? Certainly, but it would take a lot of education and hard work. She possesses natural talent and likability. The whole package could be dynamite. As things are right now, if she decides not to run in 2012, the Dems would be very, very sad.
Typical condescending crap...but let's take your by on...

Unfocused...Like Joe Biden?
Vindictive....Like Barney Frank? Pelosi?
Immature...Like Al Franken?
Very, very sad that she might not run?...reverse Psychology? It is funny on how many Democrats say things like that.
Problem with the Republicans is that they actually listen to the Democrats. The democrats pushed for McCain...They knew McCain couldn't win. That's why they demonized Romney. They are afraid of Romney..theywould be licking their chops if Romney was a democrat.
I think a Romney-Palin ticket would unite America and scare the heck out of the Dems!!!!
Old 07-04-2009, 01:00 PM
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VK, I have heard the same thing about Mormons. The few Mormons I have known have been wondedrful people. I don't get it. I would vote for Romney in a heartbeat. As for Palin, I have never seen anyone demonized (maybe Bork) like she and her family have been. What really irks me is that McPain and his staff have not supported her. He would have lost by a landslide if it hadn't been for Sarah.
Old 07-04-2009, 01:32 PM
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Default Why would a religious preference or belief be any more

of a challenge than those our current POTUS had......Romney's PERSONAL background (forget the religion) is certainly less controversial than BHO.

And with all the controversy BHO was able to read and smoke his way around anything tossed at him.

Romney is CLEARLY much better speaker.....I mean a real speaker without notes and telepromters.

In my very own personal opinion.....if a man like BHO can be elected POTUS then what is to worry about any other religion? It would only be the main stream media and the opposition who would fan those flames. And by 2012.....we will certainly be ready for a CHANGE.

Old 07-04-2009, 03:28 PM
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Default I Am Female

and not embarassed by Sarah Palin. Pelosi is the embarassment.
Old 07-04-2009, 04:11 PM
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Default Yes, But What About The Religious Right?

Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
In my very own personal opinion.....
I agree with your opinion, Billie. But my question was "will the religious conservatives vote for a Mormon?"

There's always Mike Huckabee out there and my guess is we'll see the religious right coalesce around him, even though Mitt Romney may clearly be the more competent candidate.

But we did begin this whole thread talking about Sarah Palin. Where does she fit in this melange of GOP candidates? She may not be as "religiously attractive" to the far right base as former Baptist minister Huckabee. And neither appears to be as competent and experienced as Romney. Where the governors from Louisiana, Indiana and Minnesota fit in this whole thing is another question. It looks like a couple of other "possibles" got their political ambitions tangled in their fly zippers.

P.S. By the way Keedy, from all that I've read about Al Franken, he's been described as possibly one of the smartest and most well-read members of the U.S. Senate. From what I've seen of him since the days when he made a living as a comedian, he's been far from immature.
Old 07-04-2009, 04:23 PM
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I could NEVER vote for Huckabee. But a Romney-Palin ticket would win. I cannot believe that come 2012 there will still be as many fools out there to give Obama a second chance to finish us off as a country. I'm thinking the 1st term may do that anyway.

I admire Mrs. Palin's courage, ethics, morality, and intelligence. It doesn't hurt that she is beautiful either I like the way she has learned not to bow to the Republican moderates. I think she learned a very hard lesson from those folks like McCain and his bunch of dingdongs.

Those that mock Sarah Palin -- well I just feel sorry for them.

Rock on Sarah.
Old 07-04-2009, 04:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post
I agree with your opinion, Billie. But my question was "will the religious conservatives vote for a Mormon?"

There's always Mike Huckabee out there and my guess is we'll see the religious right coalesce around him, even though Mitt Romney may clearly be the more competent candidate.

But we did begin this whole thread talking about Sarah Palin. Where does she fit in this melange of GOP candidates? She may not be as "religiously attractive" to the far right base as former Baptist minister Huckabee. And neither appears to be as competent and experienced as Romney. Where the governors from Louisiana, Indiana and Minnesota fit in this whole thing is another question. It looks like a couple of other "possibles" got their political ambitions tangled in their fly zippers.

P.S. By the way Keedy, from all that I've read about Al Franken, he's been described as possibly one of the smartest and most well-read members of the U.S. Senate. From what I've seen of him since the days when he made a living as a comedian, he's been far from immature.

1. In my opinion the "power" of the religious right is overstated and whatever there was will be tempered by the last election, the last few months and the upcoming months.

2. Sarah Palin will not get the nomination; she may be a candidate and get some press but will not even be in the top three !

Having said that, I am always, on this board, simply amazed at the attention and hate that is thrown at this woman. She gets trashed in every way possible.

3. I recall that Romney had to have a special press conference to talk about his religion, yet WE NEVER QUESTIONED A MAN WHO CAME FROM TWENTY YEARS OF A CHURCH WHOSE MISSION STATEMENT WAS BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY.

Someone explain that one to me !

4. At my age I would not work on the front lines for any candidate, BUT would do that for Mitt Romney who I consider the kind of man we need in the WH !
Old 07-04-2009, 04:34 PM
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P.S. By the way Keedy, from all that I've read about Al Franken, he's been described as possibly one of the smartest and most well-read members of the U.S. Senate. From what I've seen of him since the days when he made a living as a comedian, he's been far from immature
Hmmmmm Are you saying a well read smart person cannot be immature? Are you saying a well read person is a smart person? Jimmy Carter was well read...and a horrible leader. Where am I going with this?
Old 07-04-2009, 04:35 PM
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Default I want to focus on policy and not personalities

I think this country is in serious economic trouble. We need to stop focusing on personalities and start focusing on the policies of our candidates. I am a fiscal conservative and socially liberal. I am terribly worried about the financial future of this country for me and my children. The current economic policies started by Bush and now expanded by Obama are going to destroy any hope my kids have to make a future of their own. They are both earning post graduate degrees but current policies will eliminate most of the rewards they have earned with all of their hard work, time, sacrifice, and financial investments. I support Sarah Palin not because of her conservative social views but in spite of them. Think carefully about the economic future of this country before you support policies and candidates. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Every dollar spend by the government must be taken first away from a taxpayer, or borrowed from the next generation. If you tax too much, no one will want to go to college for 7 or 8 years, not collect a salary, spend or save during that time, go into deep debt to pay for it, risk not making the grade and failing, struggling financially the whole time, and then be told you make too much when you get out. We must encourage work and risk taking if this nation is to survive and prosper.
Old 07-04-2009, 06:54 PM
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Default Intersting.

I find it very interesting that quite a few of you that were cheerleading for McCain are now kicking him to the curb. My, how the worm turns.

And what about Romney? You had your chance to show your support and get him in in the last go-round. What happened????

There's never, ever going to be a Romney-Palin ticket, so you can lay that one to rest. She's tasted blood and she would only go for a Palin-Romney ticket... and that's a joke! Never going to happen folks. Most Republicans I've heard are saying she's committed political suicide. I just know more of this story will come out.

Also, I wouldn't go around dissing Al Franken. He's extremely bright and would make mincemeat out of any one of you in a debate.

No notes or teleprompters for Romney? Get a grip! They all use notes and teleprompters. As an orator, he doesn't hold a candle to President Obama.

I like Gov. Romney, I really do. But, I don't think he stands an ice cubes chance in Hell in 2012.
Old 07-04-2009, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
I find it very interesting that quite a few of you that were cheerleading for McCain are now kicking him to the curb. My, how the worm turns.

And what about Romney? You had your chance to show your support and get him in in the last go-round. What happened????

There's never, ever going to be a Romney-Palin ticket, so you can lay that one to rest. She's tasted blood and she would only go for a Palin-Romney ticket... and that's a joke! Never going to happen folks. Most Republicans I've heard are saying she's committed political suicide. I just know more of this story will come out.

Also, I wouldn't go around dissing Al Franken. He's extremely bright and would make mincemeat out of any one of you in a debate.

No notes or teleprompters for Romney? Get a grip! They all use notes and teleprompters. As an orator, he doesn't hold a candle to President Obama.

I like Gov. Romney, I really do. But, I don't think he stands an ice cubes chance in Hell in 2012.
My heart dropped to my feet when I found out McCain was the choice. Romney would have beaten "Teleprompter Obama" easily.
If Obama could win with Gaffe- a- minute Biden, I'm sure that Romney would do just fine with Palin.
Obama without his teleprompter? He stutters when he has nothing to read. Romney can think on his feet. I have seen many Romney debates when he won the governorship for Massachusetts. He is a formidable opponent with one of the sharpest minds around.
I also think it is strange that the same people who diss Palin get mad when Al Franken the comedian is dissed. OMG I do not call being a clown on Saturday Night Live a very good qualification to be a senator. But in retrospect...he will fit in perfectly with the boobs who pass bills without reading them.
In closing...I would bet the farm on Romney wiping the floor with Obama and his teleprompter.
Old 07-04-2009, 11:27 PM
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Oh, really, being a "clown on SNL" is not exactly a qualification for being a senator? I suppose Fred Grandy (Gopher on Loveboat) was extremely qualified. Or maybe he was not as astute as Sonny Bono! C'mon, guy, insults can go back and forth on this one, you betcha!
Old 07-04-2009, 11:41 PM
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Sony Bono lost the fight for senator and two years later became a representative from the 44 district of Calf.
Grandy was a representative from Iowa.
Al Franken is a joke but he will be in like company with the likes of Kennedy(The swimmer) and Barbara (call me senator) Boxer.
Old 07-05-2009, 01:53 AM
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Talking Haha!

Oh, and I suppose 'Bedtime for Bonzo' qualified your deity Ronald Reagan to run for Governor of CA! Ga-faw, Ga-faw....
Old 07-05-2009, 06:27 AM
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I find it interesting that threads can be started on this board concerning multiple issues facing our country....debate on both sides can happen.....all of this but NOTHING...NOTHING can bring folks to this area to post like a thread with the word PALIN in the title !!!

Posts can criticize the President, our congress, bill pending and passed...threats of war, missles, terrorists can be discussed, but if you want participation, put PALIN in the title !

Nobody will defend the President on ISSUES, but put PALIN in the title and you can rest assured that folks will take that time to post.

Not sure what that says....just an observation !

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