White people...you owe blacks everything

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Old 02-04-2017, 07:34 AM
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Default White people...you owe blacks everything

This is what black people think...

Now...at first look...you may tend to believe...her...him...it.

But...when you realize that the black slaves who were brought over...had NO written language, no wheel, no agriculture, no domesticated draft animals, were living as "cavemen" in mud and grass huts, scratching in the ground for roots and grubs...WHAT exactly would they have accomplished in those 600 years that they didn't accomplish during the last 50,000 years?

They'd have STILL have...NO written language, no wheel, no agriculture, no domesticated draft animals, would STILL be living as "cavemen" in mud and grass huts, scratching in the ground for roots and grubs...

Just because they can talk...doesn't make them us.

Have a look...it's only about 4 minutes...it's what blacks REALLY think about white people. It's why their becoming the majority is so dangerous.

White People Give Us REPARATIONS!! - YouTube
Old 02-04-2017, 07:57 AM
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Are you ****tin me I dont owe them nothing.
Old 02-04-2017, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Are you ****tin me I dont owe them nothing.
Hyena turds they would be😎 If not for the likes of You and Me Working our fingers to the bone while they just stay at home Smoking crack and giving bone....Making more niglets is their game and furking dim****ocrats are to blame.......😂😂😎
Old 02-04-2017, 08:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Are you ****tin me I dont owe them nothing.
That's what they THINK. They've been brainwashed into thinking ALL their problems are white people's fault...when the REALITY is...even as slaves...they lived better than they would have back home.

In Africa...their tribe was dirt poor, they scratched around as hunter/gatherers, had NOTHING but mud and grass huts and MAYBE some fiber rope. They had no culture, no civilization, and NO future.

They were hunted like animals by their coastal African "brothers", they're STILL hunted and killed or enslaved. It is AFRICA that has not changed in the last 600 years. They STILL practice genocide and slavery...because even THEY know that the central African "negro" isn't like us.

The coastal blacks who CAPTURED them had the modern goodies...invented by white men.

This poster whatever "it" is sexually...owes her existence to white men who found a use for "its" ancestors. The other Africans had and STILL have...no use for them and would like to see them, and are actively working on making them, gone.

They're a failed branch...Homo Sapiens Africanus...like the Neanderthals. Homo Sapiens Sapiens Asianus/Europius is a hybrid closer to each other then Africans.

Over 50,000 years..."humans" became VERY different...different species different. They are species not "race". They're truthful when they say "race" doesn't exist...scientifically it doesn't...there are different SPECIES. Some are "human", the apex...others are not fully, being the lowest rung to still be considered "human". Negroids, Australian aborigines, and American indians of both hemispheres. Not quite "us", but they can speak...so we include them.
Old 02-04-2017, 09:44 AM
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It's unfair and disingenuous to post that this is what black people think. This is what this one person and I'm sure a bunch of her followers think. I hardly think that she is representative of most African Americans.
Old 02-04-2017, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It's unfair and disingenuous to post that this is what black people think. This is what this one person and I'm sure a bunch of her followers think. I hardly think that she is representative of most African Americans.
You do know don't you, that you're pouring cold water...on all of the racist's ranting?
Old 02-04-2017, 12:40 PM
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Just another bait thread.
Old 02-04-2017, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by BillTheChild

Just another bait thread.

The racists would prefer to ignore reality.

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Old 02-04-2017, 01:23 PM
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Here is Hell to Donny B. Being tied to a chair with his eyes propped open watching Hidden Figures over and over for eternity.

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Old 02-04-2017, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Here is Hell to Donny B. Being tied to a chair with his eyes propped open watching Hidden Figures over and over for eternity.

Maybe even better, is that he would wake up one day as a black man for the rest of his life...with all of his memories & prejudices intact.

Oh would that be fun to watch.
Old 02-04-2017, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It's unfair and disingenuous to post that this is what black people think. This is what this one person and I'm sure a bunch of her followers think. I hardly think that she is representative of most African Americans.
You don't know many REAL black people do you? Not the 1%...the OTHER 99% who live in the inner cities. Go down to MLK Blvd...that's where you'll meet the REAL black people.

Originally Posted by Guest

The racists would prefer to ignore reality.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
IGNORE REALITY? Whom is ignoring reality? From #1 to #25...because of them. Schools destroyed...because of them. Standards never lower...because of them. Inner city slums...never bigger...because of them. Poverty never higher...because of them.

NOTHING gets better...because of them.

Ignore reality...WTF?

Originally Posted by Guest

Maybe even better, is that he would wake up one day as a black man for the rest of his life...with all of his memories & prejudices intact.

Oh would that be fun to watch.
Might as well wish I become a rat or a cockroach...same thing...a different species.

Go down to MLK Blvd, tell me they're the same as us...I triple dog dare you to go down there at night.

All you ladies...the delusion never ends does it...you'll believe anything is your equal. I guess it's easy when you're not much brighter than the minorities yourself.
Old 02-04-2017, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Here is Hell to Donny B. Being tied to a chair with his eyes propped open watching Hidden Figures over and over for eternity.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
The bullsh!t, propaganda movie about the 3 black ladies that were indispensable to NASA and without them the space race would have ground to a halt?


This is the propaganda in the movies and on TV...they're ALWAYS showing blacks or women in the "hero" roles, the "boss" roles, the wealthy or the wise one...while white men are portrayed as evil or bumbling.

The EXACT OPPOSITE of reality.

I LAUGH out loud when I see these women hero's kicking the as$ of a dozen men...outsmarting everyone...being a "bad as$. When the reality is 99% of men could single-handily devastate all but 1% of women. We're NOT the same. No matter how many men's jobs you lower the standards of to "qualify" for...you'll NEVER be equal. The same with minorities...they're NOT us and they never will be...no matter HOW MANY propaganda movies they make saying they are.

Look how they live...the bottom of the barrel...EVERYWHERE. EVERY town, city, country, continent...they're ALWAYS at the very bottom. There are poor "natives", but the blacks are ALWAYS even poorer...why?
Old 02-04-2017, 10:07 PM
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I was thinking about that "thing" that was speaking and how I can't tell if it's a male or female. It made me think...Asians are like that too, sometimes hard to tell men from women.

It's just MORE evidence that we're different species. We can tell men from women when they are white because we're SUPPOSED to be able to tell the difference because we're SUPPOSED to mate with them. We CAN'T as easily tell the sex of other races because we're NOT supposed to be mating with them. Just like we can't tell the sex of a cat or dog by looking at the face.
Old 02-05-2017, 06:47 AM
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Much of the thinking of the OP is a direct result of progressives misplaced minority policies which began with the logical premise to honor the words of our Constitution but again progressives over reach and equal became entitlement and entitlement harbored hate and here we are so widely divided again.

Why is there a black history month? is there a Irish month?

Why do affirmation actions still apply?

Why does the government apply the illogical concept of disparate impact to black lives only?

Why do progressives continue to apology for this nation's period of slavery? It has been corrected and as we know every nation has had is slave and some nations still do? Progressives need to let go of the past and focus on the progress this nation has made.

Progressive fuel the mind set of those blacks who rally against white people.

Progressive policies placed blacks in the situation many find themselves because they manipulated them for votes

If progressives really treated blacks as equals then we would not be having this conversation.

We should be focusing on the many successful black families and how they accomplished the American dream.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-05-2017, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by RubiTHECon
Much of the thinking of the OP is a direct result of progressives misplaced minority policies which began with the logical premise to honor the words of our Constitution but again progressives over reach and equal became entitlement and entitlement harbored hate and here we are so widely divided again.

Why is there a black history month? is there a Irish month?

Why do affirmation actions still apply?

Why does the government apply the illogical concept of disparate impact to black lives only?

Why do progressives continue to apology for this nation's period of slavery? It has been corrected and as we know every nation has had is slave and some nations still do? Progressives need to let go of the past and focus on the progress this nation has made.

Progressive fuel the mind set of those blacks who rally against white people.

Progressive policies placed blacks in the situation many find themselves because they manipulated them for votes

If progressives really treated blacks as equals then we would not be having this conversation.

We should be focusing on the many successful black families and how they accomplished the American dream.

Personal Best Regards:
Your continuing journey of coming out of the closet as a fake Christian and bigot/racist...is noted and appreciated.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:

people, animals, living, draft, agriculture

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