Secretary Of State

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Old 08-13-2009, 05:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Maybe that's another good excuse for women not to take their husband's name when they marry. I took my husband's name and I'm glad I did; but if I planned to be a professional women, I may have given it a second thought. I know it's a lot easier for the family to have one name, but somehow all of these other women who have retained their own name have made it work. It's a way of having a separate identity apart from your husbands and gives one an opportunity to make your own mistakes. Yes, Hiliary is aggressive, but when you're in a job like her's; you don't want a man or women to be a wimp. Women who like Hiliary like the fact that she's a straight shooter and a hard worker. And honestly if I were in her shoes, looking tired and having a "bad hair" day, I might have had the same response. Apparently everyone involved "made up" at the end. End of story.

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