Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

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Old 09-13-2007, 12:15 PM
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Default Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

Is it just me or are others incensed by Sen. Clinton's questioning of Gen. Petraeus the other day. She, in so many words, just about called the man a liar in a highly public forum. That's not very presidential, IMHO. A four star general, a man who once commanded the 101st and 82nd Airborne divsions, deserves a little more respect than that. I believe the General is very accustomed to hit-and-run tactics and knows very well how to deal with it. They don't just hand those stars out to anyone. They're earned through loyalty, sacrifice, courage, sweat and blood as recognized by his senior command. I think the Senator is going to be taught a lesson from a battle seasoned and very smart professional. Maybe not soon.....but it will happen.....he'll chose the time and place of the fight.....according to the plan he develops.....and he WILL develop a plan AND he WILL work his plan. This man is not going to forget that humiliation....ever.

I wonder, how would Gen. Ike Eisenhower, or Gen. Omar Bradley....or geez, Gen. George Patton take that kind of questioning. I suspect Ike and Omar, being the quintessential cerebral soldiers they were, would have measured their responses much like Gen. Petraeus did and then reap their pound of flesh some other time. George would have ripped his pound of flesh out of her butt right there...right then.....and then rub salt in the gapping wound left behind.

Old 09-13-2007, 04:17 PM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus


:agree I couldn't agree more. I find it disgusting that politicians sit up there and accuse honorable men (and women) of lying, betrayal, etc., knowing full well that they will not even suffer a verbal rejoinder. Give me the good old days when someone like Gen. Petraeus could demand satisfaction. Pistols or swords, sir? (In this case madam).
Old 09-13-2007, 05:00 PM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

Received an email recently from a friend that had some quotes from Hillary in different books that had been written about her. I have not and will not read any of these books but if these quotes are true then there is no way this lady needs to become President. Every other word was the four letter variety and they were directed at her aides, Secret Service personnel and State Troopers. Anyone that would disrespect these people along with the General has no business having the kind of power the President has. As I said I cannot verify the validity of the quotes but if anyone would like a copy of this email Private Message me and you can form your own opinion.
Old 09-13-2007, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

There was an incident some years back when Hillary's car hit a serviceman, either police, military or Secret Service, I don't remember which, and she treated the victim as a non entity. As usual, our illustrious main stream media swept it under the rug. I hope it rises to the surface during the campaign.
Old 09-14-2007, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

Sounds like we all need a bit of serenity to calm us down.
Old 09-14-2007, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus


I have only one word for this link which you submitted...........FANTASTIC!!!! :bigthumbsup:
Old 09-14-2007, 08:24 PM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

Good show Hancle. Had me calmed down right away. Right on! I'll have to revisit the site.
Old 09-14-2007, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

My stress is gone!!! Now if only my Mets can beat up on the Phillies and clinch 1st...
Old 09-29-2007, 09:48 AM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

I agree that the military deserve respect. This includes Gen Petraeus. I cringe at what the Swiftboat people did to John Kerry. The worse were the ads that ran against Max Cleland Senator from Georgia.
Another time real lack of respect was shown was in the South Carolina primary when McCain was running. How terrible that was!
Old 09-29-2007, 10:07 AM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

Please anybody but Hillaby and no more move on org
Old 09-29-2007, 11:22 AM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

Avista, I cringed at what Kerry said about his fellow soldiers during Viet Nam for his own personal gain and I still cringe when I think of it. The swift boat guys were correct in publicizing Kerry's hypocrisy. He didn't deserve to be Commander in Chief.
Old 10-13-2007, 04:18 AM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Betrayus

Silly Rabbits. This War is about OIL. Let's see, 3500+ deceased servicemen for OIL under the guise of HomeLand Security. Nah, not working for me. One life is too many. I just can't understand why people need to bash others, regardless. Freedom of speech allows us to say what we wish - hopefully without any repercussions. BUT WE know better right?! GENERAL, bring "our" kids home now.

Old 10-13-2007, 04:23 AM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

The METS?????? They really stunk the joint up this year right??? What a meltdown. And now Tommy Glavine appears to be taking a walk. I guess the Yankees are on vacation with the METS as well. Damn..... Go Boston

Old 01-19-2008, 04:36 PM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

I think Hillary's husband Bill said it best....he (they) loathe the military.
Old 01-21-2008, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: Sen. Hilliary Clinton's Disrespect of Gen. Petraeus

The basis of this post relates to a leader making a disrespectful comment in a public forum. One of the fundemental tenets of good management is to never, ever disrespect nor chastise a subordinate or perceived subordinate in front of others. That's best done in private. A leader doing so portends a lack of fundemental management skill. A Presidential candidate ought to know better. A red flag for sure, IMHO.

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