Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Today on CNN, there was commentary criticizing Sen McCain on the economy. To preface the commentary, there was a video shown of Sen McCain saying "Our economy, I think, still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong." then to the commentary,
In fact, they EDITED THE VIDEO AND CUT and had they played the entire video they would have heard... "Our economy, I think, still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong, but these are very very difficult times" A poster then came on here and posted this EDITED CUT VIDEO as a fact. They actually cut it at A COMMA !!!!! If this is "journalism" then we have a problem in this country in my opinion. Why wouldn't a true journalist take the entire video and then make commentary ! This post is not about whether you agree with Sen McCain or not, but just a statement on the shoddy shallow journalism. |
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"The Selling of the President," published in 1968 makes a great primer on how a presidential candidate is marketed through Madison avenue tactics and "sold" like a product. The concepts in this book have been refined over the years to match the media technology and the marketplace, but the principles (if you can call them that!) are essentially the same. It does not matter which candidate a voter favors, ALL should understand what goes on behind-the-scenes to "package" and advertise the candidate-product. After all, most people like to think of themselves as smart shoppers who pay close attention to the list of ingredients, calorie content and cholesterol percentages in the food they buy - yet are willing to swallow whole what comes from a candidate without ever reading the warning labels they demand on soft drinks and snack foods. Amazing! |
In this day and age of digital cut and paste one must consider the source and then still validate.
There is no doubt by their own admission, their goal is to be first. If what they have to report is accurate, all the better....if not, oh well it will be yesterday's news in a couple of hours. Too many readers/listeners run with anything that sounds like something they like to hear...for either use as cannon fodder!. BTK |
I know I have posted part of this before, but since McCain and Co. are determined to repeat lies hoping someone will believe them if repeated often enough, the truth should be repeated as well. Maybe a light will turn on somewhere.
Phil Gramm, who was co-chair of McCain’s campaign, is not just another lobbyist. He is the man most responsible for the repeal of Depression-era banking regulations that have led directly and inextricably to much of today’s economic turmoil, and parlayed that classic example of legislative legerdemain into a lucrative lobbying career for the very people who scratched the smug Texan’s back — as well as McCain’s — on Capitol Hill. Gramm was the biggest of the big guns behind the 1999 repeal of the banking regulations — the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act — which was officially called The Financial Services Modernization Act. Passage of the law was greased with an astonishing $300 million in lobbying money, and it encountered little opposition other than from those old-fashioned banks that actually insure your deposits. One of many consequences of the repeal was that a year later the Swiss bank UBS gobbled up brokerage house Paine Weber. A year after that, Gramm settled in as a vice chairman of UBS’s new investment banking arm and has since energetically lobbied Congress, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department on banking and mortgage issues. This has included rolling back state rules that sought to stem the rise of predatory tactics used by lenders and brokers that led directly to the subprime mortgage meltdown, which cost USB more than $19 billion in writedowns and the prospect of massive job cuts. We can be certain that even more wrack and ruin will be in the offing with a McCain presidency. This includes more of the Rich Come First economic voodoo that the Bush administration has visited upon Main Street while Wall Street investment banks got fat and happy until their greed bit them in their collective ass and they had to come begging for taxpayer bailouts. Which of course they are getting, no (serious) questions asked. Considering the pain and suffering that Gramm’s masterwork has caused ordinary Americans, it is not hyperbolic to say that he is a terrorist, he just doesn’t wear funny looking headgear and carry a Kalashikov. Remember Phil Gramm’s comments - We have sort of become a nation of whiners,” he said. “You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in ‘decline’ despite a major export boom that is the primary reason that growth continues in the economy.” John McCain said once again, "… still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong." John McCain lives a lavish super-rich lifestyle on his wife Cindy's secret 100 million dollar fortune! He won't tell the American people exactly how rich she is, but his own tax returns give a sneak peak. Now this is a true elitist life-style with servants, care-takers at some of his reported 8 homes, and personal assistants. McCain reported paying $136,572 in wages to household employees in 2007. Aides say the McCains pay for a caretaker for a cabin in Sedona, Ariz., child care for their teenage daughter, and a personal assistant for Cindy McCain. Arizona is a community property state, so McCain may share possessions his wife didn't inherit, such as their primary home. Cindy McCain, through a family trust, sold the family mansion in Phoenix for $3.2 million and bought a $4.6 million Phoenix condo in 2006. The couple may also jointly own a condo in Arlington, Va., assessed at $847,800. John McCain held a barbecue recently for reporters at a two-story cabin near Sedona, Ariz., that sits on 15 acres owned by his wife's family trust and a real estate partnership in her name. The property includes four single-family homes and is worth nearly $1.8 million. Their credit card bills peaked between January 2007 and May 2008, during which time Cindy McCain charged as much as $500,000 in a single month on one American Express card and $250,000 on another, while one of their two dependent children had an AmEx card with a monthly balance as large as $50,000. |
So Bucco.....John McCain said 22 time this year alone that the Economy was fundamentally strong. Have you seen the Dow today? It isn't pretty...
He said he was against Federal Bailouts for privately held companies but now he says he is in favor. Isn't that like I voted for it before I voted against it? Why should the government take over AIG? I have heard a number of Republicans say when commenting on how they voted against a homeowner bailout we shouldn't reward speculators. So now we reward AIG who gambled on the subprime an lost? This is just sick. Where is this money coming from? |
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All of us must share the blame for market ups-and-downs. Look at the label of most of what you buy, and if it has a 'Made in China/Pakistan/india/elsewhere" label, that's because we don't want to spend the extra money out-of-pocket for American-made goods (subject to stringent environmental laws, high labor costs due to required benefits and other factors, and considerable safety and other regulations). Thus, American-made goods can't compete in the world market and our exports are lower than our inputs (screwing up the balance of payments). Energy is no different. You don't "fix" the economy by adding more regulations on businesses. You "fix" the economy by insuring the money stays home by buying American. That results in more jobs here, more money spent here, resulting in even more jobs here and more money spent here. Until we wean ourselves from buying imports (because it's "less expensive"), adding more regulations on domestic business only makes things worse. So, do we bite the bullet and Buy American, or do we expect our elected leaders (NONE of whom can change our personal spending habits) to "kiss the boo-boo and make it better" ? ? ? |
I think the US is charging AIG 11% for the money.
COLOGAL..this thread was about the cutting and pasting cable news channels, and my post to begin the thread said very specifically...
"This post is not about whether you agree with Sen McCain or not, but just a statement on the shoddy shallow journalism." I do not think I have posted anywhere about Sen McCain OR Sen Obama on the economy.... THUS...I have no idea why you addressed me personally with your post !!!! |