Something wrong with the federal government's math?

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Old 05-11-2010, 03:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Something wrong with the federal government's math?

We are in an increasing deficit at a rate far greater than any POTUS in history.
We are closing federal and state parks.
We are closing schools.
We are closing hospital, churches, fire houses, etc, etc etc.
We are laying off police
and on and on.....states going bankrupt....
however our debt for none of the above just went up by $50 BILLION with no known cap or how high it will go....just read the following:

A Nation, the USA, with a major deficit and no money, loans money (from where) to other countries that have no money. How does that work?

I need a calculator like Obama's to start running my household and retired life style. There is a lot I could do with a spend what you don't have ALLOWANCE!!!!.

A real question....HOW DOES THAT WORK?????????????

Old 05-11-2010, 04:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Default How is that

Hopey Changey thing working out for ya? Meanwhile our Lecturer in Chief is telling our children to lay off the PlayStations and i pods because He doesn't know how to use them even though he always has his Blackberry in his hand. (His none smoking and drinking hand).

Oh, I'm sorry. I think I hijacked your thread. The only thing I know about money is to try to take in more then I put out.
Old 05-11-2010, 04:49 PM
Posts: n/a

If Greece defaults what happens? AIG is issuing the credit default swaps so I guess the US (which stands for us, you and me) will be responsible. The fed is buying euros and the whole system is collapsing!!!

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