Sooo, potus in charge of OUR budget, has paid zip zero taxes for 19 years.

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Old 03-03-2017, 10:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
We all believe we should get and someone else should pay.
Alexander Tyler is credited with saying that a republic can only last till the politicians discover they can BUY elections with the people's own money. Today THEY have created the perfect storm with FIAT currency-valueless paper. It has only lasted this long because every other country is doing the same as the US is.

YOU can choose to see it as a RACE ISSUE and it is in part BUT, the fact is WE are part of the problem. We paid into social security. When it was first launched OUR GOVERNMENT lied and suggested there was an account of OUR MONEY that would be paid to US. The truth is the money we put in was used to BUY THE VOTES from those before us. OUR GOVERNMENT not only spent our money to BUY VOTES of those before us but they actually BORROWED a deficit against the already OVERDRAWN ACCOUNT called SOCIAL SECURITY. If, you are not aware,
SOCIAL SECURITY holds 42% of the national debt with no AGREED rate of interest or DUE DATE. That is the DEAL our government made for us.

SOCIAL SECURITY is in the real world, WELFARE. We paid for it. Our GOVERNMENT no matter which party STOLE OUR MONEY. It was not just the democrats, with Obama and the TEN TRILLION he added to the national debt AND USED OUR MONEY TO PAY FOR IT. Before Obama Bush added prescription coverage WITH NO PAYMENT FOR IT.

Can this continue? Will this continue? YES, IT CAN UNTIL IT CAN'T. It will FAIL-it always has and it always does. Most recently, in GREECE. Previously, in GERMANY< ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN and many more.

SOLUTION-actually Trump's effort to increase production is the only possible solution. Can he do it? I DOUBT IT. Trumps efforts will be blocked at every turn by the vested you owe me GIMMEEEESSSS. We are not innocent, WE are all part of the problem.
Yes Sue...I agree...but the question you want the country full of "brown" people? And IF you do...WHY?

They ARE taking over...did you watch the Joe Biden video I've posted before? White people are at 49%. There is NO majority in this country now and the NEXT one IS going to be Hispanics.

Is that what you want? In 30 years, America becoming LITERALLY, Mexico II. Have you BEEN to the border towns/counties? THAT IS our countries future. You are KILLING your kids and their kids future. You are killing the white race. You are killing western civilization.

WHEN they become the majority EVERYTHING will ALWAYS does...every single time. There is NO "brown villages" anywhere on the entire planet. They are INCAPABLE of developing/keeping what white men built. Formerly beautiful places when reverting back to black control ALWAYS turn to sh!t. Jamaica, Haiti, S Africa...many African countries have fallen under renewed black rule. Places in the US that diversify...always turn to sh!t. Why would you want that?

It ALWAYS end the same...
Old 03-03-2017, 10:51 AM
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Default Think about what you have said

Originally Posted by Guest
It would be interesting to compare the average effective income tax rate for Trump and his cabinet with that of say....the faculty of the Villages Charter School.
You and I both agree that EDUCATION is important. I assume you are a retired teacher. First of all you likely confuse teacher's pay with teacher's compensation. The medical plan, the retirement plan the paid time off-including summers, is all part of THE TEACHER'S COMPENSATION.

Do you THINK there is a single teacher at the charter school that is both qualified and would want to be a member of Trump's cabinet?

I for one would not put up with criticism of MY FAMILY and criticism of everything I've ever done in my life-TRUE OR NOT.

RE: teachers and charter schools
We currently spend TWICE as much per student as the rest of the industrialized world. Last time I looked we score number 21. Trump constantly speaks about VALUE per dollar spent. Will charter schools end all of our problems-of course not. Call me racist-if you choose-I truly do not care. Just like what happened with busing, it caused a mass exit to the suburbs and to private schools to escape the HORRORS it created. With charter schools, the mass education system, controlled by the liberal progressive teacher's union will fail on it's own weight as the best students BLACK, WHITE, GREEN, PURPLE-run to get out of the mess the progressives have created. The best result of this will be the end of the mass, liberal controlled society back to a more DIVERSIFIED population.
We need to be sure our government is not allowed to only fund schools that teach THEIR acceptable dogma replacing one dictatorship with another.
Old 03-03-2017, 11:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You and I both agree that EDUCATION is important. I assume you are a retired teacher. First of all you likely confuse teacher's pay with teacher's compensation. The medical plan, the retirement plan the paid time off-including summers, is all part of THE TEACHER'S COMPENSATION.

Do you THINK there is a single teacher at the charter school that is both qualified and would want to be a member of Trump's cabinet?

I for one would not put up with criticism of MY FAMILY and criticism of everything I've ever done in my life-TRUE OR NOT.

RE: teachers and charter schools
We currently spend TWICE as much per student as the rest of the industrialized world. Last time I looked we score number 21. Trump constantly speaks about VALUE per dollar spent. Will charter schools end all of our problems-of course not. Call me racist-if you choose-I truly do not care. Just like what happened with busing, it caused a mass exit to the suburbs and to private schools to escape the HORRORS it created. With charter schools, the mass education system, controlled by the liberal progressive teacher's union will fail on it's own weight as the best students BLACK, WHITE, GREEN, PURPLE-run to get out of the mess the progressives have created. The best result of this will be the end of the mass, liberal controlled society back to a more DIVERSIFIED population.
We need to be sure our government is not allowed to only fund schools that teach THEIR acceptable dogma replacing one dictatorship with another.
Hello again Sue...

Education IS important...indoctrination is NOT. You believe in "equality" because you were indoctrinated to believe it. There is NO evidence that we ARE actually equals. ANY ranking puts white men at the top and everyone else below...blacks ALWAYS at the bottom. It's a in delusion doesn't make it go away.

Which is...if you STEP BACK and look at it extreme for a PART TIME...180 day contract...job. I wish I had gone into teaching after hearing of some of the retirement benefits teachers are getting.

The new numbers put us at #25...but who's keeping track...right?

Speaking the TRUTH...gets you labeled as a'll get used to it.

Black schools ARE horrible...because they're filled with BLACKS...WHEN will that FACT ever sink into your brain?

If you took the SAME building and filled it with all white would be a GOOD school. It's THEM...they are NOT us.

You mean the white and Asian kids...they are ALWAYS the best students.

A diversified population is the LAST thing you want to see. You want a WHITE population. Do you like the villages? Is it diversified? NOW you know WHY it's so nice here. Diversity destroys...always.
Old 03-03-2017, 12:26 PM
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Default You make a lot of false assumptions

Originally Posted by Guest
Hello again Sue...

Education IS important...indoctrination is NOT. You believe in "equality" because you were indoctrinated to believe it. There is NO evidence that we ARE actually equals. ANY ranking puts white men at the top and everyone else below...blacks ALWAYS at the bottom. It's a in delusion doesn't make it go away.

Which is...if you STEP BACK and look at it extreme for a PART TIME...180 day contract...job. I wish I had gone into teaching after hearing of some of the retirement benefits teachers are getting.

The new numbers put us at #25...but who's keeping track...right?

Speaking the TRUTH...gets you labeled as a'll get used to it.

Black schools ARE horrible...because they're filled with BLACKS...WHEN will that FACT ever sink into your brain?

If you took the SAME building and filled it with all white would be a GOOD school. It's THEM...they are NOT us.

You mean the white and Asian kids...they are ALWAYS the best students.

A diversified population is the LAST thing you want to see. You want a WHITE population. Do you like the villages? Is it diversified? NOW you know WHY it's so nice here. Diversity destroys...always.
First of all I do not believe in equality. I believe in equal opportunity. Equal unfortunately is impossible to define-thus all of these posts.
Secondly, I grew up in poverty. Poverty that would not be acceptable to those on welfare-living off the work of others. My parents BY EXAMPLE made sure we were educated and learned you work for what you need and for what you want. PROUDLY, I have far more in common with
people like Condi Rice, Herman Cain and Ben Carson THEN WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
As to being called racist. I've been called racist. YOU ARE IN FACT A RACIST> EVEN IF YOU DO NOT SEE IT. Since all that matters to me is what I think I SIMPLY DO NOT CARE. IF, OTHERS THINK I AM A RACIST.

As to THE VILLAGES. I am here for my wife. This place is far to close, far too many people minding other people's business.far too many CLAIMED WHITE LIBERALS hiding from the real world-secured by meaningless gates, far too much of a false fantasy land WITH NO PLACE TO BE ALONE for me.

As to race in the villages. I would imagine because this place is probably 98% white blacks and Hispanics do not feel comfortable. Like all others I've met here they are or have been prosperous, they are well educated and are intelligent.

Old 03-03-2017, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
First of all I do not believe in equality. I believe in equal opportunity. Equal unfortunately is impossible to define-thus all of these posts.
Secondly, I grew up in poverty. Poverty that would not be acceptable to those on welfare-living off the work of others. My parents BY EXAMPLE made sure we were educated and learned you work for what you need and for what you want. PROUDLY, I have far more in common with
people like Condi Rice, Herman Cain and Ben Carson THEN WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

As to being called racist. I've been called racist. YOU ARE IN FACT A RACIST> EVEN IF YOU DO NOT SEE IT. Since all that matters to me is what I think I SIMPLY DO NOT CARE. IF, OTHERS THINK I AM A RACIST.

As to THE VILLAGES. I am here for my wife. This place is far to close, far too many people minding other people's business.far too many CLAIMED WHITE LIBERALS hiding from the real world-secured by meaningless gates, far too much of a false fantasy land WITH NO PLACE TO BE ALONE for me.

As to race in the villages. I would imagine because this place is probably 98% white blacks and Hispanics do not feel comfortable. Like all others I've met here they are or have been prosperous, they are well educated and are intelligent.

Equal OPPORTUNITY is a job becomes available and the best one gets it. But that is NOT what we have. We have standards that have been dropped so low, they're lying on the ground. And STILL we NEED quotas...ANY quota is NOT an equal opportunity. EVERY quota bumps someone BETTER qualified. EVERY TIME. And it's a white man that gets bumped. Women don't get bumped, minorities don't get bumped. Equal opportunity is a LEVEL playing field, not one tipped in favor of women/minorities. You know and I know that IF you were to hold the standards and level the playing field...nobody but white men would get hired for MOST jobs. Because we're better at most jobs. It's a fact. The "best in the world", outside almost exclusively white men.

So, your parents were educated living in poverty? It's a Non say education is important, being self sufficient is important, your parents were educated, yet you lived in poverty?'re black. You are the 1% then if you're living in the villages. Only guess what...I don't think you are black. You don't communicate like you're black. You just THINK that you have more in common with blacks. Actually, you're different species. In ANY other mammal...the differences between the races would put us in different species. We are VERY different. Genetically very different.

Call me a "speciest"...I don't think all the varied species are equal. I don't think a dog or cat are equal...I don't think a chimp or bonobo are equal...I don't think the different species of hominid are equal. ALL the evidence PROVES the races are not EQUAL in a literal sense.

So...suesiegal is really a man?

Bye...maybe I'll see ya in CO some time on the slopes...we don't WANT liberal types around here don't you get it? MOST of us know WHY the villages is so nice...affluent white people.

I hope they DON'T feel comfortable here. It's NOT them personally, I know a few nice black people myself. Why do I know them and think they're nice? They act white and not black. They ARE the 1% of black people. IF it was JUST them, I by OK with them.'s the OTHER 99% that are literally animals in appearance and action, the baggage of their racial kin, that I don't want even in the same country as me. The day the villages begins to the day "The Villages" days are numbered. It's ALWAYS the same. Diversity ALWAYS destroys...always.

What you left behind was probably diversity and the sh!ttiness of it. WHY bring it here? Have you forgotten already how different everything is when it's diversified?

Do you like Wildwood or the villages better? Leesburg or the villages better? The ONLY difference is the demographics...the villages is all white and prosperous. The others...are diversified.

Diversity never works...never. Name one if you disagree.

See Sue...even your husband is wrong. They are NOT us. They don't act like us, think like us, look like us, or smell like us...they're not us.
Old 03-03-2017, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hello again Sue...

Education IS important...indoctrination is NOT. You believe in "equality" because you were indoctrinated to believe it. There is NO evidence that we ARE actually equals. ANY ranking puts white men at the top and everyone else below...blacks ALWAYS at the bottom. It's a in delusion doesn't make it go away.

Which is...if you STEP BACK and look at it extreme for a PART TIME...180 day contract...job. I wish I had gone into teaching after hearing of some of the retirement benefits teachers are getting.

The new numbers put us at #25...but who's keeping track...right?

Speaking the TRUTH...gets you labeled as a'll get used to it.

Black schools ARE horrible...because they're filled with BLACKS...WHEN will that FACT ever sink into your brain?

If you took the SAME building and filled it with all white would be a GOOD school. It's THEM...they are NOT us.

You mean the white and Asian kids...they are ALWAYS the best students.

A diversified population is the LAST thing you want to see. You want a WHITE population. Do you like the villages? Is it diversified? NOW you know WHY it's so nice here. Diversity destroys...always.
The donald believes in diversity.
Old 03-03-2017, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The donald believes in diversity.
He MUST...he's forced into it. In business AND politics you MUST for the most politically correct. You MUST at least feign you're for equality...diversity. Otherwise you alienate 75% of the voters. The losers who need coddling, affirmative action, quotas.

taxes, zip, years, paid, potus

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