Speaking for Conservatives.....

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Old 05-29-2009, 04:24 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
Colin Powell?

Which party. The one he claims to belong to or the one he votes for?


A member of the loyal opposition
Hey, that would be a good match-up Powell VS. Palin. hehehe
Me thinks Palin would mop the floor with that turkey.

Old 05-29-2009, 04:27 PM
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I might mention Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi as balancing out the other guysand Gingrich.
__________________, but they're both staying off the airwaves a little more than Limbaugh

We always have the wisdom of our Vice President.

Old 05-29-2009, 04:32 PM
Posts: n/a

I view Colin Powell as a moderate (yes, still a Republican) who speaks up for his convictions and isn't adverse to crossing party lines, if he personally feels it's in the best interest of the country. Quite refreshing actually.
Old 05-29-2009, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by BobKat1 View Post
I view Colin Powell as a moderate (yes, still a Republican) who speaks up for his convictions and isn't adverse to crossing party lines, if he personally feels it's in the best interest of the country. Quite refreshing actually.
I have no problem with Powell, but again.....why does not the MSM use the elected official reps of the Republican party to speak for conservatives instead of Limbaugh and Gingirich ?

Noway would the MSM even imply that Olberman or Maddow spoke for the Democratic Party or the liberal movement !!!!
Old 05-29-2009, 04:49 PM
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Lets look at way they said that. Take ANY white judge and let them say they are a better judge because they are white and every paper in the country would be on the attack. Let her say she is a better judge then a white judge because she is Hispanic and everyone is supposed to shut up. I for one am very tired of the silent majority staying silent. If she really says that, then she is not qualified to be on the supreme court. Any judge who voice that type of prejudice is not qualified including her.

We have to long let the liberal politicians and the liberal press attack who ever they want on any subject and sit quietly by. I am not doing that any more. I will speak out as strongly as possible, where ever possible against the idiocy going on in this country.
Old 05-29-2009, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by l2ridehd View Post
Lets look at way they said that. Take ANY white judge and let them say they are a better judge because they are white and every paper in the country would be on the attack. Let her say she is a better judge then a white judge because she is Hispanic and everyone is supposed to shut up. I for one am very tired of the silent majority staying silent. If she really says that, then she is not qualified to be on the supreme court. Any judge who voice that type of prejudice is not qualified including her.

We have to long let the liberal politicians and the liberal press attack who ever they want on any subject and sit quietly by. I am not doing that any more. I will speak out as strongly as possible, where ever possible against the idiocy going on in this country.

Good post...I have been so upset the last two days listening and reading and searching for where the Republican party or any conservative that actually has a position to speak for Republicans or the conservative movement has said one word.

This has nothing to do with the folks involved or what they said.....this has to do with the MSM playing the game....again....WHEN HAS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OR THE LIBERAL MOVEMENT HAD TO DEFEND OLBERMAN, MADDOW or even defend what the activist groups do and say...NEVER that I am aware of ...yet for the last few days, all Republicans and all conservatives read headlines as if the party and movement was attacking.
Old 05-29-2009, 05:52 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by BobKat1 View Post
I view Colin Powell as a moderate (yes, still a Republican) who speaks up for his convictions and isn't adverse to crossing party lines, if he personally feels it's in the best interest of the country. Quite refreshing actually.
Yea, as refreshing as arlen Spector. Personally I have no respect for a traitor. Why don't Powell just admit he is a liberal democrat and get it over with? He has been stabbing republicans in the back long enough. IMHO


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