Stock Market

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Old 05-06-2010, 03:10 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Stock Market

I know that the stock market maybe doesn't belong in political but my guess is that if I started it in another forum, it would eventually drift towards politics so I thought I would save the moderators their time and effort by starting here before it got moved.

The market has been down for a few days but today it sunk 1000 points before it eventually settled in the 300's. Gee, it sure brought alot of bad memories of the big crash of last year back.
Old 05-06-2010, 03:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Just igtnore will come back.

However as VK has been saying in many of his posts....WATCH GREECE.
Could it happen here? Of course it could. We don't have the money but we are acting as if money is no object and hence keep on spending.

Remember the stock market direction is controlled by a very small number of what used to be called lead steers. They never lose.

Only when the public at large gets the shakes and decide to sell off and put their money in the mattress do things go awry. And again today SOME panicked.

What we should be concerned about is when other countries on the planet look to the IMF to be bailed countries like the USA that does not have any money either but they act as if they do. Let's just watch and see how much bail out support our illustrious leaders in Washington offer to those who are dumb enough to be in trouble but smart enough to ask those like us for a hand out.

We will see.

Could it happen here. Absolutely. We are well on our way with the current administrations irresponsible fiscal policies.

Old 05-06-2010, 04:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Default False Economy

I have a theory that as long as the market is doing fine, people get this false sense of security and "feel" richer then they are. Just like the days when people's homes equity was sky-rocketing. People felt rich and would take money from house equity to elevate this "feeling" of being rich and spend the money for vacations, home improvement, new vehicles etc..
Well, when people lost their home equity because home prices fell dramatically, they looked to their 401K's, IRA's etc. Well, when the stock market dips, there goes the last thing that makes people feel better about their self-worth.

That ladies and gentlemen is when real panic rears it's ugly head.

What do people turn to for solace? Their jobs? How secure it that when the real unemployment is hovering at around 20%.

These are the concerns that drove me blindly to my first Tea Party Protest. Hubby and I just drove 45 minutes not knowing who was going to be there and what it was going to be like.
I saw people that were just like me. Regular every day people who were concerned about government spending and taxes and all the other stuff that ordinary people worry about.

That's why people are angry that they are demeaned as racists or kooks.
Anyways, I just realized that I am rambling and my fingers will not stop typing. I guess I am worried about my last piece of wealth, besides my modest home, going down the tube because our leadership is so concerned about things that scare the heck out of me.
I guess I just have to take comfort that we are all in the same boat?
Old 05-06-2010, 05:55 PM
Posts: n/a

I pray that our politicians see the Greece problem for what it is.. a small example of what happens when a country gets too deep in debt. It will happen here if we do not act very very soon. It will happen suddenly and there is no country in the world large enough to bail us out. Please people use your common sense.. any country that is 12 plus trillion in debt and is promising more, is doomed to fall. Please.
Old 05-06-2010, 06:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Maybe there was a means in mind for Obama's 25,000 man

trained for peace keeping force????

Old 05-06-2010, 11:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Let's so what happens

Old 05-07-2010, 07:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Cincinnati Enquirer's front page news says that it was due to an error in trading Proctor and Gambles stock on the Nasdaq.

Please somebody explain what kind of an "error"?

Tuesday our county's election site showing Primary results was hacked into completely shutting down the site.

Was it some teen genius showing off...or something more dire....or some electronic glitch?

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