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Old 02-05-2017, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Give me an example of your words about Obamma...did you change screen names because you changed political views?

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Ok...for the umpteenth time.

I originally was Bucco on this board back in 2007.

I was also an original member of the political forum at that time.

I was and am a conservative through and through, although I can and do look at both sides on any issue.

I began, as Bucco to get nast personal PMs which sort of scared me. I then after consultation with the owner of the board, began to post as Rags123, and it happened again.

These nasty personal PMs were from, ironically, all the liberals on here who felt I was much much too anti Obama.

So, I left totally for a bit...came back and hoped to begin again....then a month or so ago, after now being attacked by nthe alt right Trump supportets (not on pms) I decided to own up as to who I was.

Hope that makes sense and since I have never been thrown off the board like many, I will come back here under Bucco and try to find one of my threads on Syria,,,,,,,
Old 02-05-2017, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Give me an example of your words about Obamma...did you change screen names because you changed political views?

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IF he told the truth...he was probably banned! That's what the whiny women/liberals DO...they disagree, cry and scream to admin, and have you banned.

THEY are the Nazi bullies...yet they can't see it.
Old 02-05-2017, 09:25 AM
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This link will take you to my thread on Bucco.......

Old 02-05-2017, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
IF he told the truth...he was probably banned! That's what the whiny women/liberals DO...they disagree, cry and scream to admin, and have you banned.

THEY are the Nazi bullies...yet they can't see it.
You are really something....much worse than I thought.....

Old 02-05-2017, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Give me an example of your words about Obamma...did you change screen names because you changed political views?

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Is there any other way to show you that I am BUCCO and ROCKYRD ?

I am tired of being attacked because I have principles.

NO, I do not like our President....he has made my country and the world a very unstable world to simply satisfy his own ego and he should just shut his mouth.

I do value my conservative principles and always have. HOWEVER I do not consider either side to be infallible as many of you seem to.

I still value character, truth, and morals...something under this current administration we have totally lost.

I do however agree with a few of the things he "said" he wanted to do......I also, while extremely disappointed with his stance relative to Trump always felt comfortable with Ryan, however he is reaching my extreme with support of Trump as a man.

Do not know what else to say......those on here who profess to be conservative ARE NOT. They have bought into the far right extreme you can hate with so much venom and allow a man who has spent his entire life using people, and by the way, he is using you all right now.

I cannot and will not support an agenda like that under any circumtances.

You all speak of Obama and I have also and maybe if you actually do the search on my past posts instead of continuing to just attack you might find I DO represent a thinking that is conservative by steeped in morality which this administration does not value. The lying and total deception...the thinking by destabilizing our country and the world is a good thing......just is wrong.
Old 02-05-2017, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
IF he told the truth...he was probably banned! That's what the whiny women/liberals DO...they disagree, cry and scream to admin, and have you banned.

THEY are the Nazi bullies...yet they can't see it.
Originally Posted by Guest
You are really something....much worse than I thought.....

You disagree? Please...enlighten me...WHAT do I have incorrect?

You don't think the women here have complained and tried to get me and others banned? There was a whole thread about it.

You DON'T think that THEY are the "real Nazis"? There are whole lists of things you can't say or think, words you can't say, things you can't do. They want to rule EVERY aspect of our lives. What we do, what we say, what we think, what we drive, how we do business, how we live, who we live with, who we work with, who we hire...and on and one and on and on... Disagree? Lets hear it.
Old 02-05-2017, 09:42 AM
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This thread as Bucco got nobody to respond

Old 02-05-2017, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
Ok...for the umpteenth time.

I originally was Bucco on this board back in 2007.

I was also an original member of the political forum at that time.

I was and am a conservative through and through, although I can and do look at both sides on any issue.

I began, as Bucco to get nast personal PMs which sort of scared me. I then after consultation with the owner of the board, began to post as Rags123, and it happened again.

These nasty personal PMs were from, ironically, all the liberals on here who felt I was much much too anti Obama.

So, I left totally for a bit...came back and hoped to begin again....then a month or so ago, after now being attacked by nthe alt right Trump supportets (not on pms) I decided to own up as to who I was.

Hope that makes sense and since I have never been thrown off the board like many, I will come back here under Bucco and try to find one of my threads on Syria,,,,,,,
So what your saying is; the liberals threatened you via PMs into silence on Obamma...and since you came back and post negatively about Trump you no longer get it.

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Old 02-05-2017, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So what your saying is; the liberals threatened you via PMs into silence on Obamma...and since you came back and post negatively about Trump you no longer get it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
You actually hear ONLY what you want to hear.

I came back because mainly of the embarassment of Donald Trump otherwise I would probably still be silent.

I am and was always anti many who post on here know as Bucco how I felt and they came after not expect them to back me but my presence here is based on two things actually.....

1. When I did decide to revisit this forum, I found that so many people who I "knew" as posters had gone to extremes. So many who told me in PMs or on the forum how they valued character and morals were supporting him. I do know why....anti Obama and anti Clinton....and can understand but if that takes you into the very very cloudy area of extremism and alt right where folks like Steve Bannon roam, that is dangerous territory.

I also found these posters were flat out LYING....just simply not telling the truth and noticed they were basically mouthing what Trump was saying...hate the media...if they say anything negative about me, then they are not discuss problems and solutions...simply attack.

2. My utter and complete distrust and lack of trust of Donald Trump. I have been aware of this man for many many years. He graced the New York papers for many years with his many scandals and lies. He was and is a total buffoon. He is conning the world for HIS OWN GOOD.

It shocked me to see the hypocrisy in so many posters who touted honesty and now support lying. To not hear outrage over this mans total disregard for this country by hiding his tax returns (and it IS total disrespect for all of us) continuing his love affair with Pution because he idolized someone who has that much power and has visions of grandeur for himself. By supporting lying almost on a daily thinking that anything good will come of this presidency WHILE COMPLETELY IGNORING ANY DISCUSSION OF ....FOR EXAMPLE.....SYRIA...BUDGET DEFICITS etc...just flat out ignore it UNLESS they can go back in the past to blame Obama for something. SYRIA AND OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH RUSSIA WILL BE A BIG STORY......

Anyway, shock at the hypocrisy of many posters who I "knew" and the sheer and total distrust, well earned by the way, of Trump is why I came back
Old 02-05-2017, 11:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Ok...for the umpteenth time.

I originally was Bucco on this board back in 2007.

I was also an original member of the political forum at that time.

I was and am a conservative through and through, although I can and do look at both sides on any issue.

I began, as Bucco to get nast personal PMs which sort of scared me. I then after consultation with the owner of the board, began to post as Rags123, and it happened again.

These nasty personal PMs were from, ironically, all the liberals on here who felt I was much much too anti Obama.

So, I left totally for a bit...came back and hoped to begin again....then a month or so ago, after now being attacked by nthe alt right Trump supportets (not on pms) I decided to own up as to who I was.

Hope that makes sense and since I have never been thrown off the board like many, I will come back here under Bucco and try to find one of my threads on Syria,,,,,,,
Dear Posters:

In reference to the above the poster is accurate as to how a few who through verbal assaults caused the political forum to end. Those same violators had their membership terminated with TOTV and went to another blog and continued their personal assaults and on one member in particular. No one has a right to harass another member (period)

I wrote on these pages a few weeks back of this history because we have a select few trying to create the same sort of damage. Thankfully TOTV restrict the PM option here or we may have had a repeat of what the above-mentioned poster has referenced. Perhaps we should adapt the FBI's idea of listing the top ten violators of Political Talk?

Now a prediction the #1 violator will feel compelled to name me to the very top of this list

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-05-2017, 11:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You actually hear ONLY what you want to hear.

I came back because mainly of the embarassment of Donald Trump otherwise I would probably still be silent.

I am and was always anti many who post on here know as Bucco how I felt and they came after not expect them to back me but my presence here is based on two things actually.....

1. When I did decide to revisit this forum, I found that so many people who I "knew" as posters had gone to extremes. So many who told me in PMs or on the forum how they valued character and morals were supporting him. I do know why....anti Obama and anti Clinton....and can understand but if that takes you into the very very cloudy area of extremism and alt right where folks like Steve Bannon roam, that is dangerous territory.

I also found these posters were flat out LYING....just simply not telling the truth and noticed they were basically mouthing what Trump was saying...hate the media...if they say anything negative about me, then they are not discuss problems and solutions...simply attack.

2. My utter and complete distrust and lack of trust of Donald Trump. I have been aware of this man for many many years. He graced the New York papers for many years with his many scandals and lies. He was and is a total buffoon. He is conning the world for HIS OWN GOOD.

It shocked me to see the hypocrisy in so many posters who touted honesty and now support lying. To not hear outrage over this mans total disregard for this country by hiding his tax returns (and it IS total disrespect for all of us) continuing his love affair with Pution because he idolized someone who has that much power and has visions of grandeur for himself. By supporting lying almost on a daily thinking that anything good will come of this presidency WHILE COMPLETELY IGNORING ANY DISCUSSION OF ....FOR EXAMPLE.....SYRIA...BUDGET DEFICITS etc...just flat out ignore it UNLESS they can go back in the past to blame Obama for something. SYRIA AND OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH RUSSIA WILL BE A BIG STORY......

Anyway, shock at the hypocrisy of many posters who I "knew" and the sheer and total distrust, well earned by the way, of Trump is why I came back
You do not need to explain your confusion to anyone here.

I would be interested in the answer to one question that I have had every time you insist that you are a conservative.

If you do not like Trump so adamantly, what justified your vote for the felonious and crooked Hillary, knowing what everyone else knows about her corruption? I can understand that perhaps you have some wild reason not to vote for Trump, but if you are conservative, how could you vote for Hillary. And by the way, I have NEVER heard you say anything negative about her.

SO, excuse me if I find it hard to believe that you are a conservative. I am not calling you a liar, just saying that what you keep saying does not make much sense.
Old 02-05-2017, 12:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You do not need to explain your confusion to anyone here.

I would be interested in the answer to one question that I have had every time you insist that you are a conservative.

If you do not like Trump so adamantly, what justified your vote for the felonious and crooked Hillary, knowing what everyone else knows about her corruption? I can understand that perhaps you have some wild reason not to vote for Trump, but if you are conservative, how could you vote for Hillary. And by the way, I have NEVER heard you say anything negative about her.

SO, excuse me if I find it hard to believe that you are a conservative. I am not calling you a liar, just saying that what you keep saying does not make much sense.
I DID NOT vote for Hillary Clinton. I have never said one single word in her defense or on her behalf.

This is what happens when people simply come on here and lie.

I voted Evan Mcollum.

All you Trump supporters make one big mistake. You assume all Republicans and conservatives voted and supported him.

With no fear of any contradiction, I can assure that despite a poster continually citing voter registration, there are lots of folks who did not support him.

So, ain't gonna lie to you, and those who keep telling me whi voted for, and they will continue to say that, I am one who simply finds our President a morally corrupt, and evil man
Old 02-05-2017, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Budwiser super bowl commercial has already been advertised as an attack against Trump.

Lady Gag has made it a promise that she will follow suit with the likes of Hollywood to make an anti-Trump speech.

it is a certainty that at least one player will sit during the the national anthem because its all about celebrity to them only .

I have had my own boycott against the NFL because of it has become a game of rooting for suits only. Add in recent years it has become less family oriented with filth being offered as half time entertainment ..and now it is going being used as a political platform for progressives

and a get-a-way for the ultra rich who will all fly in on private jets. Oh the idle rich

the actual sport takes a back seat

I'll I tune in a John Wayne re-run

Personal Best Regards:
Don't come on here whining, you can watch it or not, I think you will be watching it.
Old 02-05-2017, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You do not need to explain your confusion to anyone here.

I would be interested in the answer to one question that I have had every time you insist that you are a conservative.

If you do not like Trump so adamantly, what justified your vote for the felonious and crooked Hillary, knowing what everyone else knows about her corruption? I can understand that perhaps you have some wild reason not to vote for Trump, but if you are conservative, how could you vote for Hillary. And by the way, I have NEVER heard you say anything negative about her.

SO, excuse me if I find it hard to believe that you are a conservative. I am not calling you a liar, just saying that what you keep saying does not make much sense.
"you have some wild reason not to vote for Trump"

Have you been on some other planet the last year or so?
Old 02-05-2017, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"you have some wild reason not to vote for Trump"

Have you been on some other planet the last year or so?
Nope....just know a bit...well, a lot about Trump' lack of morals and or character, all easily validated if you want to, which you do not.

He is and has always been a dispicable human being. He is mean spirited and has one goal...his own personal well being.

He is the poster boy for lying, and mean spiritless. And I am speaking of his entire life. He did not simply begin to lie when he got into politics....he did not begin to become a loud mouthed liar when he entered the WH...that is his life

game, bowl, super

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