Tea party accomplishments

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Old 03-27-2015, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Gaze into the closest mirror and you will find what you seek

Ooooo, a real zinger. I am crushed. I have seen the error of my way. I will go register at thr next Tea ****** Meeting.
Old 03-27-2015, 03:36 PM
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Default Don't Get Me Started

Well we know what the Tea Party has not promulgated that is being espoused by liberals ...and that's enslaving people with entitlements, endorsing hedonistic behavior, destroying the nuclear family, a run away deficit, irresponsible spending misapplication of energy resources that is weaken America's security, redistribution of taxpayers money that's killing GDP growth, elitist /snobbish university system that is destroying the patriotic spirit of our young people, stifling free speech, freedom of religion, critical thinking and brain washing them to communist philosophy, disengaged young people who believe they owe America nothing

The Tea Party has been a responsible grass roots movement to bring this country back to its senses avoiding the fate of the Roman empire
Old 03-27-2015, 05:41 PM
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Default Bought

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Well we know what the Tea Party has not promulgated that is being espoused by liberals ...and that's enslaving people with entitlements, endorsing hedonistic behavior, destroying the nuclear family, a run away deficit, irresponsible spending misapplication of energy resources that is weaken America's security, redistribution of taxpayers money that's killing GDP growth, elitist /snobbish university system that is destroying the patriotic spirit of our young people, stifling free speech, freedom of religion, critical thinking and brain washing them to communist philosophy, disengaged young people who believe they owe America nothing

The Tea Party has been a responsible grass roots movement to bring this country back to its senses avoiding the fate of the Roman empire
And paid for by the Koch Brothers, trying to do away with those pesky corporate taxes and heaven forbid, invironmental regulations. Give be a break, they are more about bigotry, racism, religious control, voter disenfranchisement and basic denial of freedoms of choice regarding our own bodies!
Old 03-27-2015, 07:03 PM
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Oh and of course GREED!
Old 03-27-2015, 07:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Well we know what the Tea Party has not promulgated that is being espoused by liberals ...and that's enslaving people with entitlements, endorsing hedonistic behavior, destroying the nuclear family, a run away deficit, irresponsible spending misapplication of energy resources that is weaken America's security, redistribution of taxpayers money that's killing GDP growth, elitist /snobbish university system that is destroying the patriotic spirit of our young people, stifling free speech, freedom of religion, critical thinking and brain washing them to communist philosophy, disengaged young people who believe they owe America nothing

The Tea Party has been a responsible grass roots movement to bring this country back to its senses avoiding the fate of the Roman empire
In the words of George W. Bush, "Gag me with a pretzel."
Old 03-27-2015, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And paid for by the Koch Brothers, trying to do away with those pesky corporate taxes and heaven forbid, invironmental regulations. Give be a break, they are more about bigotry, racism, religious control, voter disenfranchisement and basic denial of freedoms of choice regarding our own bodies!
Talk about a one trick pony ... you need to show more diversity when hurling you now sooooo predictable charges of racism yadda yadda
Old 03-27-2015, 08:52 PM
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But it's true and you know it!
Old 03-27-2015, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
But it's true and you know it!
Actually it's not true except in your twisted world view
Old 03-27-2015, 10:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
But it's true and you know it!

1. The liberal posters are truly too stupid to form a coherent argument.

2. The few liberals with an IQ above moron parrot the racist, bigot, homophobe moniker in literally every post. I feel like I'm debating kindergartners, and I probably am!

Liberalism (translated means to "rely on others for your survival and condition in life") is a mental illness and these patients are terminal. Pull the plug!

Imagine a frightened rat in a dark building and that is how the average liberal views life. Cheese, heat and another gay mouse ought to be provided to every liberal mouse or it's not fair!
Old 03-27-2015, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
One of the tea party's greatest achievements is making sure that employers decide what type of birth control a woman can use and even if she can use birth control.
Here's a perfect example of someone who is unable to comprehend the absolute basics of this Supreme Court ruling.

Why waste your time with the functionally illiterate?

Are there any liberals with at least a GED here?
Old 03-27-2015, 10:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Are there any liberals with at least a GED here?
Sorry...that WAS asking a lot.

OK...are there any liberals here who can SPELL their names with less than four mistakes?

Old 03-28-2015, 06:36 AM
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Yep, still not one accomplishment, just name calling and hate. Good old tea party, home grown terrorists!
Old 03-28-2015, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yep,...Good old tea party, home grown terrorists!
Whoa ... hyperbolic overdrive yet again. You'll be launched into space soon at this rate
Old 03-28-2015, 09:05 AM
Posts: n/a

guess everybody is finally weary of all the baiting on this thread.
Old 03-28-2015, 09:12 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And paid for by the Koch Brothers, trying to do away with those pesky corporate taxes and heaven forbid, invironmental regulations. Give be a break, they are more about bigotry, racism, religious control, voter disenfranchisement and basic denial of freedoms of choice regarding our own bodies!
Hi guest: the problem with your argument is that there are substantially more billionaire promoting the liberal agenda such as soros, bloomberg, tom stenyer.

Kock Brothers promote democracy and capitalism while soros et al promote socialism marxism and communism.

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