Ted Kennedy dead

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Old 08-27-2009, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by gnu View Post
It's funny how some people still believe in the Fairytale "Camelot"
Old 08-27-2009, 02:10 PM
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Talking Massachusetts!

So, you know a lot about Massachusetts, huh. hmmmm... I have deep ties there too. Guess what my maiden name is??? Curley! As in James Michael.
You do the math!
Old 08-27-2009, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
So, you know a lot about Massachusetts, huh. hmmmm... I have deep ties there too. Guess what my maiden name is??? Curley! As in James Michael.
You do the math!
That does explains the Kennedy adoration. The L Street gang is alive and well.
Old 08-27-2009, 03:54 PM
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I wonder if anyone gave any thought to having the motorcade drive into Boston before rush hour? Like maybe at 10:00 AM rather than 3:300 PM?
Old 08-27-2009, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
So, you know a lot about Massachusetts, huh. hmmmm... I have deep ties there too. Guess what my maiden name is??? Curley! As in James Michael.
You do the math!

Ties are not the same as wearing life time shoes.
I did the math, seems like that makes your connection 'older than a junk yard dog'
Old 08-27-2009, 04:02 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
Oh boy, you have no idea how I wish Mr. Mahoney was here right now.
Oh boy, you have no idea how I wished Mary Joe's parents were here right now. We could ask THEM how they feel about Ted Kennedy and the death of their daughter.
Old 08-27-2009, 04:04 PM
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I'm still puzzled by the old man, Joe. Did he really create such a family fortune as a booze runner during prohibition? Did he have any legit angles?

Also, I can't imagine the deamons Ted carried in his soul here on earth after Mary Jo's death.

I'm way too flawed myself to pass judgement... that's up to a Higher Power.
Old 08-27-2009, 04:38 PM
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I am not piling on here....in the words of one of the links below...

"But can you call yourself a Christian and hope that a man's soul be damned?"

BUT....this is a political message board and facts are facts.....

From Politics Daily...

"The one-car mishap was Teddy Kennedy's fault, of course, no one disputes that. And his actions that followed – not summoning emergency personnel who might have saved her life, the cover-up of the facts, not even reporting the accident until the following morning – likely would have landed a man without political connections in prison. That thought has stuck in the craw of Kennedy critics and assorted conservatives for forty years. It was heartbreaking for her family and friends to experience the loss of a lovely, devout, and socially committed 28-year-old woman. For millions of Americans who never knew her, the tragic incident has fed a festering cultural grudge.

The idea that Edward M. Kennedy could be a viable national politician – let alone a much-admired and lionized political figure – has convinced millions of everyday citizens and succeeding generations of conservative activists that among the elites of academia, politics, and the media two standards of behavior exist: One for liberal Democrats and another for conservative Republicans. Along with sweeping changes in immigration law, soaring oratory, and strengthening the nation's social safety net, this reservoir of class resentment is also part of Kennedy's legacy."

"I like Jim Fallows, and stand in awe of Kennedy's effectiveness as a politician myself. But hold on a minute: The "college problems" were serial cheating. The "silver-spoon" stuff, I suppose refers to, among other things, the speeding and reckless driving that ominously foreshadowed Chappaquiddick. And that phrase "redeeming himself in the eyes of all but the committed haters," well, the problem with that is that to many people, redemption implies that a sinner has come clean."


And from the CHICAGO TRIBUNE...

"On Wednesday, many on the political left -- including some made visibly uncomfortable with any talk of souls -- busily ignored Mary Jo, just as they've always ignored her. But they grabbed onto Camelot for one last ride, and used a dead Kennedy to push for nationalized health care.

"They'll use him for sympathy points on the health care thing," a national Democrat told me on Wednesday. "How far they'll use him I don't know. But they'll use him."

Old 08-27-2009, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by rshoffer View Post
I'm still puzzled by the old man, Joe. Did he really create such a family fortune as a booze runner during prohibition? Did he have any legit angles?

Also, I can't imagine the deamons Ted carried in his soul here on earth after Mary Jo's death.

I'm way too flawed myself to pass judgement... that's up to a Higher Power.
He made a considerable amount of money after prohibition was repealed. He had already establish his connections by then and had secured importation rights to some brands, Seagram's I think, but that can be found for sure with a search.

Old 08-27-2009, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
So, you know a lot about Massachusetts, huh. hmmmm... I have deep ties there too. Guess what my maiden name is??? Curley! As in James Michael.
You do the math!
My ancestors trump your ancestors. Now what?


A member of the loyal opposition
Old 08-27-2009, 06:41 PM
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Talking Hahahaha!

Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
My ancestors trump your ancestors. Now what?


A member of the loyal opposition
I wasn't aware we were playing a game... but yes, little green men have been around since time began!
Old 08-27-2009, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
So, you know a lot about Massachusetts, huh. hmmmm... I have deep ties there too. Guess what my maiden name is??? Curley! As in James Michael.
You do the math!
Who dat????
Old 08-27-2009, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by gnu View Post
He made a considerable amount of money after prohibition was repealed. He had already establish his connections by then and had secured importation rights to some brands, Seagram's I think, but that can be found for sure with a search.

Joe Kennedy made a fortune in a variety of ventures, evidently some quite shady. But that money bought his way into society and politics. Once there, however, he left his family with even more demons.


(don't know this source, but I've heard and read the same for years and I've never heard it denied, much less refuted)

Old 08-27-2009, 09:35 PM
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Howie Carr, Boston Herald. Also read all the comments to this column. The Herald allows comments to be posted where the NY Times owned Boston Globe does not (on Ted Kennedy, health care etc)

Also from MA and am sorry for his family but he is a perfect example for term limits.
Old 08-27-2009, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by rshoffer View Post
Who dat????
He was famous for his nice desk.


A member of the loyal opposition

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