And then there was Hillary

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Old 06-17-2016, 03:53 PM
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Default And then there was Hillary

Reasons that even Democrats don't trust Hillary:

1) Clinton’s dramatic description of landing in Bosnia under sniper fire as first lady.

2) Clinton’s refusal to release the transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs executives.

3) A State Department audit found Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server.

4) Clinton told her daughter that two servicemen died in Benghazi in 2012 at the hands of al-Qaeda, while publicly blaming a video.

5) Clinton’s claim that when they left the White House they were “dead broke.”
Old 06-17-2016, 03:57 PM
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They just don't trust her
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Old 06-17-2016, 03:58 PM
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Dems, Republicans and Independents do not trust her
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Old 06-17-2016, 04:08 PM
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Old 06-17-2016, 04:11 PM
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But...Hillary is way ahead of Trump in approval ratings by just about all demographics! Trump has disapproval ratings of around 89 percent among Latino voters, 85 percent among black voters, and 69 percent disapproval among women.

He cannot win with all the negative demographicals against him.

Big cities where these demographics control the voting are the bread and butter of Democrats. They control the electoral votes of the states.
Old 06-17-2016, 05:13 PM
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What is it that attracts voters to the Clintons? Bill Clinton was a draft dodger and has had a checkered past since his days in Arkansas. He disgraced the office of President. Any success he achieved as President is directly connected to a Republican Congress that guided his decisions. He is a common variety adulterer and worse yet directly connected to a billionaire pedophile.

Hillary was fired from her law firm, connected to illegal trading (ie cattle futures) and to Whitewater. She failed miserably as Secretary of State. She is being investigated for her role in Benghazi, Clinton Charitable Foundation, and her personal e-mail server. There is enough evidence surrounding Benghazi, Clinton foundation and her personal e-mail server to bring an indictment procedure but Obama, DNC and the liberal media have circled the wagons to protect her. The DOJ has made it clear they will not take up this case if the FBI asks for indictment proceedings.

Worse of all voters throw their support for her because she is a woman, a democrat or buy her right wing conservative alibi that she has alleged ad nauseam since her days in the White House. It is inconceivable that intelligent , moral people cannot find the intestinal fortitude to demand the truth concerning the allegations surrounding her. It is inconceivable that intelligent moral people can dismiss out of hand corruption and malfeasance that has breach our national security and our trust

Personal Best Regards:
Old 06-17-2016, 05:32 PM
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Is Hillary Clinton running unopposed is the big headline in the latest news.

Donald Trump is not setting up any campaign organization. There are a total of about 30 people working on his campaign, with much infighting going on behind the scene.

Trump will not fundraise anywhere he cannot hold a rally.

Trump will not campaign in any 'blue' state.

Trump was supposed to call 24 donors, he called three. Obviously fundraising is not his favorite, and yet he doesn't want to spend his own money.

Paul Ryan announced today that GOP members should vote their conscience, and not feel bound to the presumptive nominee.

Trump is bankrupting the RNC by his lack of fund-raising. At this same time in 2012, Romney had raised 100 million dollars.

Trump will be unable to respond to Clinton's millions of dollars of negative ads, without some serious dollars.

The best bombshell of all, Trump mulls over the possibility of starting his own cable news network. Does this sound like a serious presidential candidate who won't campaign, do fund-raising, and is already looking for another career five months before the election.

The big question is will he take the senate with him?
Most likely he will. Democrats only need to pick up four seats if Clinton wins, five if she doesn't win. The house may stay republican, but Ryan could find himself with only a ten person margin.
Old 06-17-2016, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What is it that attracts voters to the Clintons? Bill Clinton was a draft dodger and has had a checkered past since his days in Arkansas. He disgraced the office of President. Any success he achieved as President is directly connected to a Republican Congress that guided his decisions. He is a common variety adulterer and worse yet directly connected to a billionaire pedophile.

Hillary was fired from her law firm, connected to illegal trading (ie cattle futures) and to Whitewater. She failed miserably as Secretary of State. She is being investigated for her role in Benghazi, Clinton Charitable Foundation, and her personal e-mail server. There is enough evidence surrounding Benghazi, Clinton foundation and her personal e-mail server to bring an indictment procedure but Obama, DNC and the liberal media have circled the wagons to protect her. The DOJ has made it clear they will not take up this case if the FBI asks for indictment proceedings.

Worse of all voters throw their support for her because she is a woman, a democrat or buy her right wing conservative alibi that she has alleged ad nauseam since her days in the White House. It is inconceivable that intelligent , moral people cannot find the intestinal fortitude to demand the truth concerning the allegations surrounding her. It is inconceivable that intelligent moral people can dismiss out of hand corruption and malfeasance that has breach our national security and our trust

Personal Best Regards:
Liberals are bigots, period. Liberals are against decent people. They are against Christianity. And here's their "proud" traits that they salute:

Gay lifestyle
birth control by abortion
Gun ban
ban free speech
Affirmative action
Larger government
More welfare benefits
Higher taxes for the wealthy
Free college
Free phones
Free Internet
Free housing
Free food stamps
Free health care
Irresponsible voting
Open borders
Amnesty to illegal aliens
Ban hate speech, making it illegal

These are some of the traits that differ between liberals and conservatives. This is what Democrats now believe in and will vote any despicable scumbag into office if it will further their radical, socialist agenda. And agenda that will destroy America within a couple decades.
Old 06-17-2016, 05:41 PM
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Trust her???
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Old 06-17-2016, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What is it that attracts voters to the Clintons? Bill Clinton was a draft dodger and has had a checkered past since his days in Arkansas. He disgraced the office of President. Any success he achieved as President is directly connected to a Republican Congress that guided his decisions. He is a common variety adulterer and worse yet directly connected to a billionaire pedophile.

Hillary was fired from her law firm, connected to illegal trading (ie cattle futures) and to Whitewater. She failed miserably as Secretary of State. She is being investigated for her role in Benghazi, Clinton Charitable Foundation, and her personal e-mail server. There is enough evidence surrounding Benghazi, Clinton foundation and her personal e-mail server to bring an indictment procedure but Obama, DNC and the liberal media have circled the wagons to protect her. The DOJ has made it clear they will not take up this case if the FBI asks for indictment proceedings.

Worse of all voters throw their support for her because she is a woman, a democrat or buy her right wing conservative alibi that she has alleged ad nauseam since her days in the White House. It is inconceivable that intelligent , moral people cannot find the intestinal fortitude to demand the truth concerning the allegations surrounding her. It is inconceivable that intelligent moral people can dismiss out of hand corruption and malfeasance that has breach our national security and our trust

Personal Best Regards:
Liberals believe anything.
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Old 06-17-2016, 05:53 PM
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Old 06-17-2016, 06:12 PM
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It is trully amazing what party loyalty will make some people do and believe.

For example, who would have ever thought that a felon could become the democratic presumptive nominee?

Who would have thought some Americans would have a person who disrespects the armed services for a presumptive nominee?

Ditto for a liar!

A crony politician?

A business as usual politician which they get everything and we the people get screwed (AGAIN!).

A scripted, rehearsed, don't get too close to the real public phony?

And some where some how a hagaard old lady past her prime....if she ever had one......

A self centered, all for herself people of color phony.

There is just no accounting for the thought process of some people. And I offer this statement as a compliment.....that there is or was any thought given VS just clicking the heels and saluting what ever the party tells them to do....or allows them to do!!

Very sad for them and ultimately America!
Old 06-17-2016, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It is trully amazing what party loyalty will make some people do and believe.

For example, who would have ever thought that a felon could become the democratic presumptive nominee?

Who would have thought some Americans would have a person who disrespects the armed services for a presumptive nominee?

Ditto for a liar!

A crony politician?

A business as usual politician which they get everything and we the people get screwed (AGAIN!).

A scripted, rehearsed, don't get too close to the real public phony?

And some where some how a hagaard old lady past her prime....if she ever had one......

A self centered, all for herself people of color phony.

There is just no accounting for the thought process of some people. And I offer this statement as a compliment.....that there is or was any thought given VS just clicking the heels and saluting what ever the party tells them to do....or allows them to do!!

Very sad for them and ultimately America!
Old 06-17-2016, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It is trully amazing what party loyalty will make some people do and believe.

For example, who would have ever thought that a felon could become the democratic presumptive nominee?

Who would have thought some Americans would have a person who disrespects the armed services for a presumptive nominee?

Ditto for a liar!

A crony politician?

A business as usual politician which they get everything and we the people get screwed (AGAIN!).

A scripted, rehearsed, don't get too close to the real public phony?

And some where some how a hagaard old lady past her prime....if she ever had one......

A self centered, all for herself people of color phony.

There is just no accounting for the thought process of some people. And I offer this statement as a compliment.....that there is or was any thought given VS just clicking the heels and saluting what ever the party tells them to do....or allows them to do!!

Very sad for them and ultimately America!

When you say "disrespects the armed services for a presumptive nominee" are you talking about Donald Trump's remarks yesterday that US servicemen were skimming money off the top in Iraq?

Can you imagine Barack Obama saying in the middle of the campaign in 2008 'you know what I'd really like to do is open my own book store'? Any other candidate who made Trump's remarks about starting his own cable news network would be yanked off the stage.
Old 06-17-2016, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
But...Hillary is way ahead of Trump in approval ratings by just about all demographics! Trump has disapproval ratings of around 89 percent among Latino voters, 85 percent among black voters, and 69 percent disapproval among women.

He cannot win with all the negative demographicals against him.

Big cities where these demographics control the voting are the bread and butter of Democrats. They control the electoral votes of the states.
This is absolutely true! And yet, no Trump lover has said any of your reasoned explanation is false.

Trump loses. Plain and simple.

told, hillary

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