Time for a tea party take over of the GOP??

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Old 09-15-2010, 09:29 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Time for a tea party take over of the GOP??

I am very happy to see O'Donnell win the Delaware senate primary. She was the true conservative in the race. Now GOP leaders in Delaware and nationally are saying they will not support her because she cannot win in Delaware. Even Karl Rove is sounding like that. Conservatives like me are no longer interested in electing RINOS. We will run conservatives and if they lose, so be it. The alternative is what has destroyed this country fiscally and constitutionally.
Tea party conservatives have been loyal to the Republican party by running in the primaries and winning. If the Republican party does not support their tea party candidates, and if the Republican party leadership cannot be replaced quickly, you will see a 3rd party Tea party in the 2010 elections.
Wake up Republicans before it is too late. I am ready to support the takeover.
Old 09-15-2010, 10:42 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by JimJoe View Post
I am very happy to see O'Donnell win the Delaware senate primary. She was the true conservative in the race. Now GOP leaders in Delaware and nationally are saying they will not support her because she cannot win in Delaware. Even Karl Rove is sounding like that. Conservatives like me are no longer interested in electing RINOS. We will run conservatives and if they lose, so be it. The alternative is what has destroyed this country fiscally and constitutionally.
Tea party conservatives have been loyal to the Republican party by running in the primaries and winning. If the Republican party does not support their tea party candidates, and if the Republican party leadership cannot be replaced quickly, you will see a 3rd party Tea party in the 2010 elections.
Wake up Republicans before it is too late. I am ready to support the takeover.
No it is not time for a takeover of the GOP. The Tea Party is helping to get conservative non-establishment candidates elected. That is what will do the job. Any attempt of the Tea Party to take over the GOP would result in a Democrat win.

Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

Old 09-15-2010, 11:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Default GOP must be thrown out because they are RINOs

Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
No it is not time for a takeover of the GOP. The Tea Party is helping to get conservative non-establishment candidates elected. That is what will do the job. Any attempt of the Tea Party to take over the GOP would result in a Democrat win.

Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

The GOP is in it for the GOP, not conservatives. Mitch McConnell was asked today if he would support ODonnell and he said yes. He was asked if the National GOP should support her financially and he said that is up to them. WRONG.
Karl Rove is even worse. We have to get rid of them. They will not only not support us, they will want to continue the GOP goodies such as military and other earmarks. They are not true fiscal conservatives. They are the ones that put us in this mess during BUSH because they refused to stand up for conservative principles because they were willing to compromise those values to get re elected.
If they refuse to support tea party candidates when we beat their golden boys, we must refuse to support them. NO MORE RINOS.
Old 09-15-2010, 11:12 AM
Posts: n/a

And the Republican leaders will back down, quickly and loudly.. and it is already starting. because they are good at reading the winds, and the tornado is heading their way.
Karl Rove needs to wise up also. Stop talking about a republican take over and focus on a CONSERVATIVE takeover.
Old 09-15-2010, 01:31 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Why do some think the tea party is for republicans only?

I suppose it could be, but I sorta view it as an opportunity for dems and republicans.

It should be where either party can send a message like with Odonnel in Delaware. Last night and early this morning the cronies were saying she is not electable. Hmmmmmnnn that is strange talk about a candidate that just beat one of their cronies. I believe the incumbents/cronies/business as usual politicians of both parties need to be dumped. And if the tea party is the messenger, so be it.

Karl Rove changed his position several times since this morning.
I think they finally realize how stupid they appear in the current environment when they attempt to pooh-pooh a candidate from the "outside". Yo' boys....it is who we the people chose....do ya get it???? Yet?

I would like to see the tea party be the respite for those of us who are sick and tired of business as usual and the cronism.
They even had the nerve to say she was not qualified......since when did that criteria become an issue.

Washington is full of un qualifieds starting at the top.

Old 09-15-2010, 02:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Default GOP is on it's way

to becoming a fringe party. Even Karl Rove called her crazy, and Palin is clearly someone who is unelectable.
Old 09-15-2010, 02:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Keep dreaming; Karl is "ROVE" kill.

Originally Posted by actor View Post
to becoming a fringe party. Even Karl Rove called her crazy, and Palin is clearly someone who is unelectable.
They said the same thing about Rubio, now he is up 14 points in FL!!
Same think with the other tea party candidates. One day they are unelectable, the next they are ahead.
Palin is supporting the winners even when the "ROVE" experts say they can't win. Maybe they should listen to her.

The Republicans have learned their lesson fast and today are now falling all over themselves to support O'Donnell. Guess they heard from their constituents. Too bad they are not doing it out of principle.

They have chosen not to be the "ROVE" kill of the Tea Party Express.
Go look for a new job Karl. Maybe MSNBC will want you.
Old 09-15-2010, 03:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Partisan responses are so...............partisan always


Old 09-15-2010, 03:43 PM
Posts: n/a

Last night when I heard that the NRSC wouldn't support O'Donnell I called them and left a voice message and I sent an email to John Cornyn telling them that if this was truly the case they would never see another dime from me. I guess I wasn't the only one as they changed their tune this morning. I am very surprised at Rove's position on this though. O'Donnell can win that race with the proper support, I sent her a contribution today as did many many others. I know because her website was not working that great due to the response when Limbaugh suggested all his listeners contribute to her.
Old 09-15-2010, 06:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Rove does have cronism built in...plus the "insiders"

of either party always circle the wagons when one of the cronies either is threatened to lose power or actually does.

Now if he would apply his "inside" smarts and do what it takes to get her and the others to follow elected in November.

Seeing the about face within the GOP in less than 24 hours leads one to believe, the might...JUST MIGHT be getting the message.

We the people are showing their hand.
Business as usual is out.

Old 09-16-2010, 09:30 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by actor View Post
to becoming a fringe party. Even Karl Rove called her crazy, and Palin is clearly someone who is unelectable.
Ok, we get it. You have a dislike for strong, conservative woman. Are you scared of them ? BTW, last time I checked Palin isn't running for office.
Old 09-16-2010, 09:40 PM
Posts: n/a

The only place that I see that there is disagreement in the Republican Party is from the liberal press. They just love to send out misinformation. I will still vote for the best conservative candidate. Don't be fooled.


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