Trump turns in poor performance in tonight's debate

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Old 02-14-2016, 10:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We see evidence every single day of the ongoing demise of the once great America.
Last week a poll on whether there should be a military draft or not.
58% voted against having a draft.....due to the dwindling number of "real Americans".

Real Americans have no need for descriptors like hispanic or african american, etc.

That would be like me describing myself as a caucasian american.
......stupid........for which someone would be offended if I did so ....

If Clinton makes it to the nomination that will be another example of how low the moral and real American standard has fallen.

And if we are out numbered and she would suvive to go on to the election and win......she will be more than history making female president....she will be the catalyst of the decline of America from which we may not be able to ever recover.

I do feel very badly for the generations coming behind us. Those living through the transition from greatness to third world staus or less will have it the worst. The babies of today will not know any difference.....they will be part of a norm to which they have no basis for comparison....SO IT WILL NOT MATTER ANYMORE!

We have been so bady divided I am not sure even a 9/11 attack would galvanize us back together again.

Very sad prospect. The sky is falling becoming a reality?
I had a coworker that insisted on claiming himself an African American. Finally, I started referring to myself as an European American and he shut up. He told me that he did not consider me to be racist, and did not realize that I had started thinking of him as being one. He apologized and told me that he had never looked at himself from my perspective before. Our work together went better after that. Sometimes honesty works better than PC.
Old 02-14-2016, 11:27 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I had a coworker that insisted on claiming himself an African American. Finally, I started referring to myself as an European American and he shut up. He told me that he did not consider me to be racist, and did not realize that I had started thinking of him as being one. He apologized and told me that he had never looked at himself from my perspective before. Our work together went better after that. Sometimes honesty works better than PC.
Not just sometimes.
PC never really works as it allows a wrong to continue. At best it redefines or weasel words that which is being offered in the hopes of avoiding conflict or maybe not offending someone, etc. Only amounting as in the case above deception or mis-interpretation while avoiding the truth.

PC is nothing more than a permit to do or say that which is not right or correct. And those who use it have no idea what they are talking about as they rearrange reality to suit their agenda/feelings/or what ever.
Old 02-14-2016, 12:07 PM
Posts: n/a

Well, all the Republicans here have responded to my "everything is wrong with current government", and the verdict is in Republicans aren't responsible for anything that has happened in the past seven plus years. We only have saints, and sinners, and the Republicans are the saints. Guess who the sinners are?

There is no need to identify people by race, blacks, Hispanics, Asians. We are all Americans beside the underclass is only the peanut gallery anyway, and we shouldn't waste our time addressing their problems. We have our token underclass in our party, and they seem to quite happy. Of course, they have to be well educated before we will accept them.

Obama's name, and his blackness has people saying right out of the blocks "give us our country back". To this date 60% of Republicans don't think or aren't sure that he was born in the US, and leading this stupidity is Trump. Although maybe he has run away from that. Somehow, the Republicans think that they should be taken seriously.

How do you get a balanced court with 9 members of the Supreme Court in the current state of politics? If Obama puts forward a moderate, he/she will be rejected without a fair hearing. Republicans want some to replace Scalia with the same philosophy as Scalia. In other words, they don't want a balanced Supreme Court. Period the end.

Romneycare is the same as Obamacare. They both used the Heritage Foundation plan as their model. As soon as Obama used the Heritage Foundation plan as his model, Heritage Foundation ran away from their own plan. Surprise! Surprise!

The biggest joke is the current state of the economy. Obama is taking this country right down the drain despite all evidence to the contrary. The economy was in great shape, when he took over. The Great Recession was only a figment of the Democratic imagination. There was no need to extend the unemployment benefit to 99 weeks. The millions of unemployed should have been able to find jobs right away, because "W" did no wrong in his 8 years. These unemployed was just lazy, and looking for a government handout.

Was this post over the top? Yes, it was. Just like all the posts responding to my original post. You are going to get as good as you give. Have a nice day! Don't worry the sky is in great shape. Just like Atlas, Trump's big head holding it up.
Old 02-14-2016, 01:09 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Well, all the Republicans here have responded to my "everything is wrong with current government", and the verdict is in Republicans aren't responsible for anything that has happened in the past seven plus years. We only have saints, and sinners, and the Republicans are the saints. Guess who the sinners are?

There is no need to identify people by race, blacks, Hispanics, Asians. We are all Americans beside the underclass is only the peanut gallery anyway, and we shouldn't waste our time addressing their problems. We have our token underclass in our party, and they seem to quite happy. Of course, they have to be well educated before we will accept them.

Obama's name, and his blackness has people saying right out of the blocks "give us our country back". To this date 60% of Republicans don't think or aren't sure that he was born in the US, and leading this stupidity is Trump. Although maybe he has run away from that. Somehow, the Republicans think that they should be taken seriously.

How do you get a balanced court with 9 members of the Supreme Court in the current state of politics? If Obama puts forward a moderate, he/she will be rejected without a fair hearing. Republicans want some to replace Scalia with the same philosophy as Scalia. In other words, they don't want a balanced Supreme Court. Period the end.

Romneycare is the same as Obamacare. They both used the Heritage Foundation plan as their model. As soon as Obama used the Heritage Foundation plan as his model, Heritage Foundation ran away from their own plan. Surprise! Surprise!

The biggest joke is the current state of the economy. Obama is taking this country right down the drain despite all evidence to the contrary. The economy was in great shape, when he took over. The Great Recession was only a figment of the Democratic imagination. There was no need to extend the unemployment benefit to 99 weeks. The millions of unemployed should have been able to find jobs right away, because "W" did no wrong in his 8 years. These unemployed was just lazy, and looking for a government handout.
The only truth in your whole diatribe.
Was this post over the top? Yes, it was. Just like all the posts responding to my original post. You are going to get as good as you give. Have a nice day! Don't worry the sky is in great shape. Just like Atlas, Trump's big head holding it up.
How can you say that they Republicans are responsible for anything in this administration when you also say that they are the party of NO? They didn't vote for ANY of the stuff that is hosing up this country since this administration.

You talk about "addressing the minority problems" and seem to forget that we have spent tons of money and verbiage "addressing the minority problems." The answer has ALWAYS been to just assimilate them into the totality of the population and NOT accept or make excuses for their substandard behavior. You libtards constantly make excuses for bad behavior, such as poverty or environment, or education. It has NOTHING to do with that. It has to do with motivation. And if that person is not motivated, they won't be productive. It's not my job to babysit a minority or to motivate them. Being in America should be motivation in itself. Proof is the millions of illegals we have here.

Romney Care is not the same as Obamacare...not even close. Model or not, it wasn't written by anyone in congress, regardless of what they claim. It was written by an outside radical and you are too stupid to know better but just stupid enough to listen to someone else instead of doing real research.

And fool yourself or listen to the propaganda all you wish, but the truth is that this has been the slowest recovery of any recession or depression in history. And that is totally on the Democrats that have been running things, starting at the top with this amateur. And regardless of your excuse for him, it has nothing to do with his race.

So, you go ahead and live in your fantasy Obama socialist Utopia and let the children of America forget how great this country was before socialism.
Old 02-14-2016, 01:43 PM
Posts: n/a

Hey, I loved The Trumpster in the debate last night. His braggardly ways and calling out Cruz and Bush were great.

The Trumpster will win in the SC primary with no trouble as well as in the NV primary.

I know, as a Democrat, I will be voting for The Trumpster in the Florida primary in hopes of him getting the nomination - so HILLARY can cream him in the General Election. Lots of Democrats nationwide have re-registered to vote for Trump in their primaries. Great strategy!
Old 02-14-2016, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Hey, I loved The Trumpster in the debate last night. His braggardly ways and calling out Cruz and Bush were great.

The Trumpster will win in the SC primary with no trouble as well as in the NV primary.

I know, as a Democrat, I will be voting for The Trumpster in the Florida primary in hopes of him getting the nomination - so HILLARY can cream him in the General Election. Lots of Democrats nationwide have re-registered to vote for Trump in their primaries. Great strategy!
I can tell that you are a closet criminal. You really don't care about your country and are too cowardly to serve your country. I am not worried about the likes of you. You are too lazy to even get out to vote, let alone go to all the trouble of wasting a vote on someone you don't believe in. You are all mouth. Funny thing is, is that Hillary won't even win. She doesn't' even have the support from her own party. They can't stand her and are biting their tongues and gritting their teeth in anger that the only competition for her in her own party is a socialist that shouldn't even be in the party. It's pretty pathetic when they are trying to cajole Biden into running when he doesn't want to. They are even trying to get Bloomie to run against her because they would rather have a Republican win than have four years of Hillary. So, live in your fantasy, bait and troll on here and make believe that you are one of The Villagers. We'll give you the attention you crave, since your momma won't pay attention to you.
Old 02-14-2016, 02:51 PM
Posts: n/a

[QUOTE=Guest;1185671]I can tell that you are a closet criminal. You really don't care about your country and are too cowardly to serve your country. I am not worried about the likes of you. You are too lazy to even get out to vote, let alone go to all the trouble of wasting a vote on someone you don't believe in. You are all mouth. QUOTE]

Gee, how many of the Republican candidates were in the armed forces? I guess you are calling them cowards.

Dick Cheney was never in the military. Another coward?

The vote for Trump will not be wasted in the Florida primary. It is a strategy to get him the Republican nomination and then vote Hillary in the general election. Trump loses to Hillary and the country is saved from the Reactionary Right for 8 more years.
Old 02-14-2016, 03:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I can tell that you are a closet criminal. You really don't care about your country and are too cowardly to serve your country. I am not worried about the likes of you. You are too lazy to even get out to vote, let alone go to all the trouble of wasting a vote on someone you don't believe in. You are all mouth. QUOTE]

Gee, how many of the Republican candidates were in the armed forces? I guess you are calling them cowards.

Dick Cheney was never in the military. Another coward?

The vote for Trump will not be wasted in the Florida primary. It is a strategy to get him the Republican nomination and then vote Hillary in the general election. Trump loses to Hillary and the country is saved from the Reactionary Right for 8 more years.
Nope, just calling the one I responded to, a coward. If that is you, then howdy. Like I said, you are a coward and I have no doubt you are talking out your @ss. I know this because I know how lazy liberals truly are. Otherwise, they would have too much pride to take someone elses money, rather than work on their own financial security. Take it any way you wish, but you are hardly convincing if you want to corrupt the election process. But, why would anyone expect anything less, considering the hypocrisy of the left worried about losing votes if a photo ID was required. By the way, don''t forget your ID when you vote in Florida. IT's required. But, most likely you don't know that because you are a troll and not even here.
Old 02-14-2016, 03:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Hey, I loved The Trumpster in the debate last night. His braggardly ways and calling out Cruz and Bush were great.

The Trumpster will win in the SC primary with no trouble as well as in the NV primary.

I know, as a Democrat, I will be voting for The Trumpster in the Florida primary in hopes of him getting the nomination - so HILLARY can cream him in the General Election. Lots of Democrats nationwide have re-registered to vote for Trump in their primaries. Great strategy!
Is that the talking points direction and explanation for the democrats who are fed up with the crap of the last 7 years and their only prospects are to vote for a felon or a socialist or vote republican?

"...lots of democrats nation wide..." as measured or reported where?
Old 02-14-2016, 04:43 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Is that the talking points direction and explanation for the democrats who are fed up with the crap of the last 7 years and their only prospects are to vote for a felon or a socialist or vote republican?

"...lots of democrats nation wide..." as measured or reported where?
The idiot is just baiting. If the Dems had enough motivation to do what he said, and it would only be the young kids doing it, it would likely backfire on them. Does he really think that anyone would chose Hillary over Trump? I don't like Trump but would not vote for Hillary the criminal for dogcatcher. Well, maybe that job. And the young are going to vote for Bernie because he is buying their vote with free college, that they can pay back with increased taxes the rest of their lives.
Old 02-14-2016, 07:00 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I can tell that you are a closet criminal. You really don't care about your country and are too cowardly to serve your country. I am not worried about the likes of you. You are too lazy to even get out to vote, let alone go to all the trouble of wasting a vote on someone you don't believe in. You are all mouth. QUOTE]

Gee, how many of the Republican candidates were in the armed forces? I guess you are calling them cowards.

Dick Cheney was never in the military. Another coward?

The vote for Trump will not be wasted in the Florida primary. It is a strategy to get him the Republican nomination and then vote Hillary in the general election. Trump loses to Hillary and the country is saved from the Reactionary Right for 8 more years.
You really do have a serious problem as evidenced by your steady diet of self fed unadulterated BS!
Old 02-14-2016, 09:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

You really do have a serious problem as evidenced by your steady diet of self fed unadulterated BS!
We shall see, Bozo, we shall see.
Old 02-14-2016, 11:08 PM
Posts: n/a

A steady diet supplemented with continual disrespect of others accompanied by the ever present name calling.
How sad.
Old 02-15-2016, 09:11 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
How can you say that they Republicans are responsible for anything in this administration when you also say that they are the party of NO? They didn't vote for ANY of the stuff that is hosing up this country since this administration.

You talk about "addressing the minority problems" and seem to forget that we have spent tons of money and verbiage "addressing the minority problems." The answer has ALWAYS been to just assimilate them into the totality of the population and NOT accept or make excuses for their substandard behavior. You libtards constantly make excuses for bad behavior, such as poverty or environment, or education. It has NOTHING to do with that. It has to do with motivation. And if that person is not motivated, they won't be productive. It's not my job to babysit a minority or to motivate them. Being in America should be motivation in itself. Proof is the millions of illegals we have here.

Romney Care is not the same as Obamacare...not even close. Model or not, it wasn't written by anyone in congress, regardless of what they claim. It was written by an outside radical and you are too stupid to know better but just stupid enough to listen to someone else instead of doing real research.

And fool yourself or listen to the propaganda all you wish, but the truth is that this has been the slowest recovery of any recession or depression in history. And that is totally on the Democrats that have been running things, starting at the top with this amateur. And regardless of your excuse for him, it has nothing to do with his race.

So, you go ahead and live in your fantasy Obama socialist Utopia and let the children of America forget how great this country was before socialism.
You have to be the biggest idiot that posts on this board. Bar none! I am from Mass. You are going to tell me that I have to do research on Romneycare. I lived through it.

Let us remember how great it is to lie so America could invade Iraq, and throw the entire middle east into turmoil. "W" or more than likely the Penguin, his vice president, must have lied, because Trump says it was so. Trump wouldn't lie.

What a great job "W", or more than likely the Wall Street, and banking industry cronies he listened to, did with economy. 2008 was the culmination of a job well done. The Great Recession was a snow job pulled on America by socialist economists to get their man elected. Slowest Recovery! When you dealing with the a recession so deep that it was named "The Great Recession", only a fool would expect the recovery to be the same as the other minor recession. It would be like excepting to recover from a flesh wound in the same amount of time as getting both your legs blown off.

Keep on tagging everyone that doesn't agree with swear word "socialist". That plays well in the Republican world where everyone that doesn't walk lock step with them is the enemy. Very American has freedom of speech, but everyone that doesn't agree with the far right should shut up, because they are morons. I have to be the strangest socialist on the face of the earth. I am a registered Republican that will be voting for John Kasich. You know John Kasich, who has to be a socialist, since he intends to work with them to get things done. He has to be the embodiment of a traitor.
Old 02-15-2016, 11:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You have to be the biggest idiot that posts on this board. Bar none! I am from Mass. You are going to tell me that I have to do research on Romneycare. I lived through it.

Let us remember how great it is to lie so America could invade Iraq, and throw the entire middle east into turmoil. "W" or more than likely the Penguin, his vice president, must have lied, because Trump says it was so. Trump wouldn't lie.

What a great job "W", or more than likely the Wall Street, and banking industry cronies he listened to, did with economy. 2008 was the culmination of a job well done. The Great Recession was a snow job pulled on America by socialist economists to get their man elected. Slowest Recovery! When you dealing with the a recession so deep that it was named "The Great Recession", only a fool would expect the recovery to be the same as the other minor recession. It would be like excepting to recover from a flesh wound in the same amount of time as getting both your legs blown off.

Keep on tagging everyone that doesn't agree with swear word "socialist". That plays well in the Republican world where everyone that doesn't walk lock step with them is the enemy. Very American has freedom of speech, but everyone that doesn't agree with the far right should shut up, because they are morons. I have to be the strangest socialist on the face of the earth. I am a registered Republican that will be voting for John Kasich. You know John Kasich, who has to be a socialist, since he intends to work with them to get things done. He has to be the embodiment of a traitor.
First off, if you are really from Mass, then you are pretty ignorant. Not meant as disrespectful personally, but just making a point of fact of your lack on knowledge. If you can't tell the difference between the two, then you are either ignoring the truth, or prefer to believe something someone else told you. The two systems are not the same. There are many differences and you really should do a comparison before further running amok with your foolish and falsely indignant blather.

I will not pick apart your complete diatribe because you will probably get tired of reading after a few sentences. After all, you didn't write them, so they must be irrelevant.

I find it very disingenuous that you are insulted when socialism is associated with the liberal left Democrats. After all, you have one candidate that is an admitted socialist (and proud of it) and the other that is trying hard to out-socialize him. So, to find the word that best describes today's Democrats to be a slur, is totally on you.

At any rate, have a great day and try to manage your anger a bit better, because stress is a killer.

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