US election: Donald Trump sorry for obscene remarks on women

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Old 10-08-2016, 03:43 AM
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Default US election: Donald Trump sorry for obscene remarks on women

US election: Donald Trump sorry for obscene remarks on women - BBC News

Very repentant?
Old 10-08-2016, 03:59 AM
Posts: n/a

Who cares about something he said eleven years ago in a private conversation? It was guy talk that happens all the time. I've heard worst from older guys than me, in my neighborhood here in the Villages. Shoot, I've heard similar from a couple old ladies here.
Old 10-08-2016, 04:19 AM
Posts: n/a

This is indeed a difficult scenario because the media push the need for moral equivalencies between these two nominee's when we should be focusing on substantive issues .

Its unfortunate that we don't get an opportunity for a do over. For those of us who voted differently in the primary it is even more disheartening. In the end voters are not well served or supported with either candidate.

Perhaps like your parents mine taught me to respect women. Indeed for some of us the feminist movement was confusing because we believed what was common courteous such as holding a door open for a lady became an insult to feminist. And so the radical movement moved aggressively ad nauseam.

What Trump did was never considered appropriate but in the age of feminist with their trigger warning of harassment and call for safe spaces what Trump did is viewed now as a major crime.

So now progressives moral equivalent is that what Hillary has done with her personal server, Clinton Foundation and Benghazi, et al is not nearly as bad as Trump flip remarks

In plain English based on the feminist/progressive creed Casanova like sexual intrigue is now labeled as sexual predators. Clearly not every man aspires to be Casanova but the ridiculous restrictions placed on harmless flirting have gone beyond the pale. Once again to be clear Trumps' behavior as described is unacceptable but does it really reach the personal server/Clinton Foundation/Benghazi levels? I think not

Personal Best Regards:
Old 10-08-2016, 04:25 AM
Posts: n/a

He never apologised in his life.

“I fully think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong,” Trump told Jimmy Fallon on his show Friday.

So this must be the one and only time he has been wrong. I've never met anyone like that before.
Old 10-08-2016, 04:46 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
He never apologised in his life.

“I fully think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong,” Trump told Jimmy Fallon on his show Friday.

So this must be the one and only time he has been wrong. I've never met anyone like that before.
No, he apologized because someone taped it and released it now. Why should he apologize for it? He said it in a private conversation, eleven years ago. It was not meant to be heard by anyone else but Bush. If Bush was offended, then yes, he should apologize to him for saying it. Otherwise, everyone else shouldn't be snooping into private conversations.

Everyone laughed at crazy Joe Biden when he said to Obama (THE PRESIDENT) "this is a big F**king deal." Everyone laughed when Jesse Jackson said he wanted to "cut Obama's B*lls off."

I don't care what Trump said in private. Anyone that tells me that they have never said anything in private that they would not like to be publicized, is a LIAR. It has happened to ALL of us.

On the other hand, how many of us get away with breaking felony laws and getting people killed that depended on us? How many of us have gotten away with stealing thousands from the gov, a felony? Hillary has.

Trump's private conversation means nothing.
Old 10-08-2016, 05:24 AM
Posts: n/a

“I fully think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong,” Trump told Jimmy Fallon on his show Friday.
Are we supposed to believe this is a true statement? Is this is the real Trump speaking?
Old 10-08-2016, 05:26 AM
Posts: n/a

We have here the perfect encapsulation of the current Republican presidential campaign:

1) Trump says something very strange.

2) The campaign says he didn’t really say it.

3) Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan.

Pence, cornered by Kaine, finally blurted out, “Look, he’s not a polished politician like you and Hillary Clinton.”
Old 10-08-2016, 06:15 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
This is indeed a difficult scenario because the media push the need for moral equivalencies between these two nominee's when we should be focusing on substantive issues .

Its unfortunate that we don't get an opportunity for a do over. For those of us who voted differently in the primary it is even more disheartening. In the end voters are not well served or supported with either candidate.

Perhaps like your parents mine taught me to respect women. Indeed for some of us the feminist movement was confusing because we believed what was common courteous such as holding a door open for a lady became an insult to feminist. And so the radical movement moved aggressively ad nauseam.

What Trump did was never considered appropriate but in the age of feminist with their trigger warning of harassment and call for safe spaces what Trump did is viewed now as a major crime.

So now progressives moral equivalent is that what Hillary has done with her personal server, Clinton Foundation and Benghazi, et al is not nearly as bad as Trump flip remarks

In plain English based on the feminist/progressive creed Casanova like sexual intrigue is now labeled as sexual predators. Clearly not every man aspires to be Casanova but the ridiculous restrictions placed on harmless flirting have gone beyond the pale. Once again to be clear Trumps' behavior as described is unacceptable but does it really reach the personal server/Clinton Foundation/Benghazi levels? I think not

Personal Best Regards:
I have no idea what planet you are on.

This was not "locker room talk".

He advocated violence against women.

There is a huge difference, and I sympathize with you andbany females in your family.

Issues pale with a man who condones, AND has practiced in his own words, violence against women.

Most folks get fired for this in any corporation and quickly.

Most who act like this are sent to therapy.

This is a sick man
Old 10-08-2016, 07:01 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have no idea what planet you are on.

This was not "locker room talk".

He advocated violence against women.

There is a huge difference, and I sympathize with you andbany females in your family.

Issues pale with a man who condones, AND has practiced in his own words, violence against women.

Most folks get fired for this in any corporation and quickly.

Most who act like this are sent to therapy.

This is a sick man
Wah wah wah...You're so pathetic, so needy, so soft skinned, such idiots. Just stay home and leave running the world to the men. We brought you this far. Since you've had more power, since the 60s, we've been going downhill, de-volving, turning to sh!t. Time to admit "equality" was a failure and go back to the old ways...the ways that worked.

We've become pussies...feminized pussies.
Old 10-08-2016, 07:03 AM
Posts: n/a

In today's permissive anything goes society who the cares what he said?

Nothing different that anyone would hear in any men's or ladies group, locker room, night club, SCHOOL (ANY GRADE) HALLWYS.

I am not stating it is OK in open public situations or in mixed it or not it is it or not.

Now how about getting back to the issues that are of real concern to Americans....not this cash register sensational BS rags found at the cash register!
Old 10-08-2016, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Who cares about something he said eleven years ago in a private conversation? It was guy talk that happens all the time. I've heard worst from older guys than me, in my neighborhood here in the Villages. Shoot, I've heard similar from a couple old ladies here.
Just because your a pervert doesn't mean everyone is. I bet you claim to be a Christian.
Old 10-08-2016, 07:27 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Wah wah wah...You're so pathetic, so needy, so soft skinned, such idiots. Just stay home and leave running the world to the men. We brought you this far. Since you've had more power, since the 60s, we've been going downhill, de-volving, turning to sh!t. Time to admit "equality" was a failure and go back to the old ways...the ways that worked.

We've become pussies...feminized pussies.
No, you're just an *******.
Old 10-08-2016, 07:44 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Wah wah wah...You're so pathetic, so needy, so soft skinned, such idiots. Just stay home and leave running the world to the men. We brought you this far. Since you've had more power, since the 60s, we've been going downhill, de-volving, turning to sh!t. Time to admit "equality" was a failure and go back to the old ways...the ways that worked.

We've become pussies...feminized pussies.
Totally agree. And any Republican that does not back this man, is not getting my vote or support.

Trump said something in private that was criminally recorded without his permission. It was private and NO ONE'S business.
Hillary exposed national secrets to the world which is a felony, making her a traitor to America. She got people killed. She is a thief. She stole from the White House, a felony.

So, Trump talked trash in private eleven years ago. Hillary is a pathological liar and felony criminal, STILL.

I'll vote for the private trash talking over the public enemy number one. You see, private trash talking never hurt anyone. Actions hurt people. Ask the victim's families of Benghazi.

Liberals are pathetic losers that have nothing better to justify their voting for a felon.
Old 10-08-2016, 08:34 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We have here the perfect encapsulation of the current Republican presidential campaign:

1) Trump says something very strange.

2) The campaign says he didn’t really say it.

3) Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan.

Pence, cornered by Kaine, finally blurted out, “Look, he’s not a polished politician like you and Hillary Clinton.”
Pence is in Trump's doghouse for not defending him in the VP debate.
Old 10-08-2016, 09:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Just because your a pervert doesn't mean everyone is. I bet you claim to be a Christian.
Just because you are gay doesn't mean everyone is. I bet you are an atheist, since you are a libtard.

I bet you get called stupid a lot.

women, repentant, remarks, obscene, donald

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