Typical Washington fix

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Old 06-15-2009, 08:36 AM
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Default Typical Washington fix

As part of the stimulus package unemployment benefits were raised $25 per week to ease the burden of the unemployed. Which in turn put some over the limit by $21 a month to receive $300 a month in food stamps to help feed their families. Again the best of intentions ends up screwing over people.

I’m sure they will get it right with health care though.

“For instance, Obama wants to cut federal payments to hospitals by about $200 billion and cut $313 billion from Medicare and Medicaid. He also is proposing a $635 billion "down payment" in tax increases and spending cuts in the health care system.”

Obama told us that unless we had stimulus NOW unemployment would hit 9%. Well, we got stimulus and now we are at 9.4% and rising.

What do the Democrats say? We're just not spending enough. If we only spent more, then for sure it would fix it.

The word incompetence comes to mind....

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